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Discussion: Biological Basis and Ethical/Legal Considerations of Psychotherapy

Many studies have found that psychotherapy is as effective as psychopharmacology in terms of influencing changes in behaviors, symptoms of anxiety, and changes in mental state. Changes influenced by psychopharmacology can be explained by the biological basis of treatments. But how does psychotherapy achieve these changes? Does psychotherapy share common neuronal pathways with psychopharmacology?

Psychotherapy is used with individuals as well as in groups or families. The idea of discussing confidential information with a patient in front of an audience is probably quite foreign to you. However, in group and family therapy, this is precisely what the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner does. In your role, learning how to provide this type of therapy within the limits of confidentiality is essential.

By Day 3


1. Post an explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis.

2. Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments.

3. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in group, individual, and family therapy.

4. Support your rationale with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly.

5. Attach the PDFs of your sources. 


Respond to your colleague by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position, along with a brief explanation of the resource. 

**minimum of three (3) scholarly references are required for each reply cited within the body of the reply & at the end**

Reply # 1

Donna Gatto 

RE: Week 1 Discussion- Gatto

Evaluate whether psychotherapy treatments have a biological basis


Psychotherapy has a biological basis. The operations of the brain are purely biological, and psychotherapy addresses the brain in the way it develops, matures, and operates. Psychotherapy deactivates maladaptive brain mappings and fosters new and constructive pathways (Chu et al, 2016).

The main types of psychotherapies include psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive therapy.

· Psychodynamic psychotherapy addresses the expectations regarding self and other individuals, as well as their connection to behavior, affect, and the neuropsychological factors behind these interpersonal representations. The brain regions involved during psychodynamic psychotherapy include subcortical regions and cerebral hemispheres (Plakun, 2015).

· Behavioral psychotherapy addresses the dysfunction in memory, learning and the associated motor behavior. The brain structures involved in behavioral psychotherapy include the hippocampus, amygdala, as well as basal ganglia (Plakun,2015).

· Cognitive psychotherapy addresses the patterns involved in information processing as well as thinking patterns in mental disorder. Cognitive psychotherapy tackles the defective cognitions that contribute to the development of the patient’s psychopathological state and examines and alter defective thinking patterns. Neocortex is the brain structures involved in cognitive psychotherapy, particularly the frontal cortex (Plakun, 2015)

Analyze influences of culture, religion, and socioeconomics on personal perspectives of psychotherapy treatments


· Culture has also been identified to form the models of psychotherapy and psychiatric care and tend to have an impact on individuals’ understanding of their suffering (Chu, Leino, Pflum, & Sue, 2016). Culture also tends to establish the credibility or acceptance of types of psychotherapy treatments in the perception of the clients, their families and contributes to the adherence to the psychotherapy treatments (Captari et al, 2018).

· Religious beliefs and values are used by individuals to process information and make judgements (Schwarz, 2018). A psychotherapist can boost the capability of their clients to understand unanticipated life events by confirming the beliefs and perspective learnin


Respond to your colleague by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position, along with a brief explanation of the resource. 

**minimum of three (3) scholarly references are required for each reply cited within the body of the reply & at the end**

Reply # 1

kandiss messer 

bias in psychotherapy/legality Attachment

Top of Form

According to Dr Bambling (2013), genes/behavior are heavily influenced by social environments. If a patient lives in a household where there is a stigma attached to psychotherapy, the client is less likely to be receptive or introduced into therapy. Min (2019) reports older African Americans are less likely to accept pharmacotherapy/psychotherapy due to the presumed embarrassing stigma. Legal and ethical differences associated with family therapy have more gray areas than individual therapy. When psychotherapy is with one individual, it is the responsibility of the therapist to maintain confidentiality unless the person is in danger of harming themselves or others. If therapy is with a group/family, however, the therapist must notify each person of their confidentiality between family member unless there is a written waiver for another arrangement (Nicholas & Davis, 2020). The therapist must know any bias they have towards any type of person or action. Otherwise, therapy will not be effective and can appear to be one sided. Wheeler (2020) states that the nurse must have acquired a knowledge about themselves in order to understand others.  If you the therapist is divorced because her husband cheated, she may not be the best therapist to treat a couple in marriage counseling because the husband cheated. In this case the therapist should give out a referral, never leaving the client without a path towards healing.


Min is scholarly because it is written to add to the knowledge base on psychotherapy barriers with older African Americans. Nichols and Davis are scholarly because it is written by because it is written by academics and professional that are offering knowledge from different sources and experiences to better students looking to practice psychotherapy. Wheeler provides tables/articles to educate, and she is an expert in her field.


Bambling, M. (2013). Neurobiology of behavior change Mental Health Academy.

Min, J. W. (2019). The Influence of Stigma and Views on Mental Health Treatment Effectiveness on Service Use by Age and Ethnicity: Evidence From the CDC BRFSS 2007, 2009, and 2012. SAGE Open.

Nichols, M., & Davis, S. D. (2020). The essentials of family therapy (7th ed.). Pearson.




Respond to your colleagues by offering additional insights or alternative perspectives on their analysis of the video, other rating scales that may be used with children, or other treatment options for children not yet mentioned. Be specific and provide a rationale with evidence.

**minimum of three (3) scholarly references are required for each reply cited within the body of the reply & at the end**

Reply #1

Lauranne Brown 

Discussion-Initial Post

Top of Form

Depression in children and adolescents is a significant problem that involves multiple dimensions and treatment options. In this evaluation of depression and anxiety in an adolescent male, several aspects of the practitioner’s intervention techniques will be explored in addition to various aspects of depression assessments and treatment.


Practitioner Analysis


The practitioner did an adequate job in asking specific questions to pinpoint the patient’s symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. This was evidenced by the practitioner asking about the client’s mood, feelings about school, substance abuse and eliciting the trigger for the client’s depression (YMH Boston, 2013). Particularly important was the clinician’s assessment for suicidal symptoms which was completed during the interview (YMH Boston, 2013). The practitioner could improve by developing a rapport with the client initially that includes getting to know the patient by asking about hobbies, interests, support systems, strengths and exploring any other concerns from the client’s perspective (Thapar et al., 2015). Moreover, additional questions regarding the patient’s sleep and eating patterns should be ascertained during the interview (Hilt & Nussbaum, 2016). Compelling concerns were raised towards the end of the video when the patient expressed, “I don’t even want to be alive” then admitted to thoughts of wanting to hurt himself (YMH Boston, 2013). The next question that should be asked would be if the client has developed a specific plan on how he would hurt himself, if he has had self-harm behaviors currently, and if he has ever had a suicide attempt or self-harm behaviors in the past (Hilt & Nussbaum, 2016). If the answer is yes, the methods used and how long ago would be important to determine (Hilt & Nussbaum, 2016). The reason for these questions is to determine the current and past level of suicide risk (Hilt & Nussbaum, 2016).


The Psychiatric Assessment


A thorough psychiatric assessment is important for a variety of reasons. According to Bernaras et al. (2019), many factors may contribute to a child’s feelings of depression or anxiety and includes b


Respond to your colleagues by offering additional insights or alternative perspectives on their analysis of the video, other rating scales that may be used with children, or other treatment options for children not yet mentioned. Be specific and provide a rationale with evidence.

**minimum of three (3) scholarly references are required for each reply cited within the body of the reply & at the end**

Reply #2

Abigail Penichet 

Week 1 Abby Initial Post 


Top of Form

When evaluating the video by YMH Boston 
Vignette 5 there are many things to consider with this patient’s care. When taking care of children and adolescents it is important to be able to differentiate the care plan differences between them and adults. The purpose of this discussion is to discuss this patient’s case but also how the care between children and adults differs.


The practitioner I felt like listened to the patient very well. She asked a question and then followed up the answers he gave. She also repeated back the answers he gave and allowed him to elaborate further on the answers he gave. Sadock, et al. (2015) explains that it is important to establish the child or adolescents’ hobbies, relationships with family and friends and any recent events that precepted changes that lead to the interview. The practitioner did a good job or asking questions about what had been happening in his life and if he was still finding joy in the things he must do. I do not think there was much she could have improved on during the short interview I saw. The questions about his mood she came back to in a different line of questioning that he ultimately opened up more with.


The most compelling concern would be that he expressed the feelings of not wanting to be alive. When pushed further on if he is having thoughts of hurting himself, he stated yes. It would be important to explore further if he has a plan or has made an active attempt of suicide recently or ever in the past. Moon, et al. (2020) explains that death by suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth and adolescents in the United States with a continued trend up. Being diligent about the comments the patient makes is important because we as the providers need to gauge the ser