Phase V will consist of an Abstract :

Abstract: An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of your topic. The abstract should be 350 word or less and should be accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable, and concise. The following elements of an abstract should be included:

a. The research problem or issue you are presenting

b. Phase 1, 2, 3, & 4 ( ARE ATTACHED TO THIS POST)

c. Your conclusions

d. Implications for nursing education and the nursing profession

4.  Reference page:

a. All of the sources used in your abstract and in your phase 1,2,3, and 4 must be included.

b. The list should follow APA format. Authors should be alphabetized by last name of author, double spaced, and have a hanging indent.

c. The sources must be relevant to the topic, peer-reviewed and/or evidence-based, and current (within 5 years). 


Running Head: Phase Three

Evaluation of a Research Study

Phase III

Yusleiby Castillo

Florida National University

Professor Nora Hernandez Pupo

Date June 28, 2022

Evaluation of a Research Study: “Translating evidence to practice in the health professions: a

randomized trial of Twitter vs Facebook”

Has the author formulated an appropriate research question based on the problem/issue?

The main purpose of the research study was to develop a comparison of the change within the research-informed knowledge of health professionals and the intended practice following the exposure to adequate research information delivered through either Twitter or Facebook. Thus, the author of the articles tends to appropriately formulate the research question in regards to the identified research problem. In general, there tends to be a major gap between the research-generated healthcare knowledge as well as the clinician practice (Tunnecliff et al., 2016). The formulated research question allows the targeted audience to be in a position to attain a detailed understanding of the ability of social media to connect diverse researchers as well as a clinician from various regions, disciplines and areas of practice across the globe and its ability to be a positive medium for exchanging knowledge as well as education.

Furthermore, understanding the impact social media, Twitter and Facebook, respectively, have on the enhancement of clinician knowledge and ability to promote behaviour change allows health facilities and professionals to appropriately utilized the information attained from the social media to enhance their skills and knowledge in their divers fields within the medical practice (Tunnecliff et al., 2016).

Is the research question clearly defined in terms of its scope and relevance?

The advancement of information technology tends to have a significant impact on how various activities are being conducted in the modern world. Thus, it may be asserted that the developed research question tends to clearly define the aim as well as the relevance of the research. Further, it tends to review the effectiveness of various social media platforms to be able to develop a robust conclusion on the impact social media have on clinician knowledge enhancement (Tunnecliff et al., 2016).

In addition, it also tends to guide the researcher to focus closely on the use of social media platforms in education and the various impacts it may have in promoting learning experiences and enhancing knowledge as well as skills. Moreover, the formulated research question also tends to be relevant as it focuses on the two main social media platforms ( Twitter and Facebook) by

Running head: PHASE 4: RESULTS


Phase 4: Results

Yusleiby Castillo

Florida National University

Class: Nursing Research and Evidence Based

Professor’s Name: Nora Hernandez-Pupo

July 13, 2022

Phase 4: Results

The study conducted by interviewing 80 nursing staff and patients was successful 90% (72) of the participants were available for the interview, which was a good number to provide the necessary data for the research. 37 patients and 35 nursing participated in the study and responded to the 10 interview questions that were subjected to them. The response to the interview indicated that 80% of the nurses accepted that there is a value in developing relations with the patients and their families when offering care, especially in transitional nursing. However, 100% of the patients agreed that relationship management is the best intervention needed for successful transitional nursing where they felt that an improved recovery rate is experienced in the scenario where the nurses are much more friendly and accommodative in handling their nursing case (Toles et al., 2021). The nurses were given time to express themselves beyond the limits of the interview questions. That is where they argued that they needed good nursing leadership to assist them in achieving effective transitional nursing.

The 20% of the nursing staff that were not in agreement about the value of relationship management concerning transition nursing argued that leadership in the clinical setting or organization matters most in determining their performance. The interview questions were about the value of relationship management and the leadership that would change the nursing role in the clinical setting. Transactional and transformational leadership emerged as the best leadership styles that would be of value for nurses to perform their duties because having their leadership will assist in shaping the profession to gain recognition and respect that result in value in the facility (Toles et al., 2021). Nurses have been shown as a profession that handles much of the work in the healthcare facility and deserves respect from the physicians and other healthcare providers. The nurses have argued that transactional and transformational leadership are dear to their hearts because it focuses on improving their professionalism and career development.

In addition, the nursing staff stated that the leadership styles relate much and influence the relationship in the healthcare facility where teamwork and collaboration are promoted, making it possible for different prof



Value of Relationship Management in Transitional Nursing: Phase Two

Yusleiby Castillo

Florida National University

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based

Professor, Nora Hernandez-Pupo

Date: June 7, 2022

Value of Relationship Management in Transitional Nursing

Literature review

The topic of transitional nursing has been undergoing research over the past decade. However, the topic of relationship management in transitional nursing has not received enough attention from researchers; yet, it must be thoroughly covered. There is a need for more research into the topic since relationship management in transitional nursing is critical in assisting patients during their road to recovery and regaining a certain level of independence. According to Centeno and Kahveci (2017), there are various transitional care models that transitional nurse practitioners can utilize when providing care for patients. These include the adult physician model, switch models, and comfort and resource, models. The authors also note that relationship management during transitional periods is critical to achieving a seamless transition because patients are typically at their most vulnerable during these times.

In transitional nursing, relationship management is essential. According to Ortiz (2018), individuals who experience good relationships with their caregivers in their transition care have improved results. Leading healthcare institutions are actively working to establish strategic measures to enhance this process. In light of this development, the significance of healthcare providers cultivating meaningful relationships with their clients cannot be overstated. It is certainly not enough to merely work on increasing patient satisfaction, which is the primary approach that many healthcare organizations have taken up to this point to deal with this issue. Lee (2017) suggests that concentrating solely on the level of contentment experienced by patients can actually be counterproductive in efforts to provide high-quality care at a low cost. For instance, in order to maintain high levels of patient satisfaction, some medical professionals have been known to unnecessarily administering narcotic pain medications and antibiotics to their patients.

In order for transitional nurses to be successful in an environment driven by value-based reimbursement, they will need to adopt an orientation that is genuine towards patients and families to achieve excellent relationship management with their clients. Better health outco

Running head: The Future of Nursing in Leadership 1

The Future of Nursing in Leadership

The Future of Nursing in Leadership

Phase 1 Planning

Student’s name: Yusleiby Castillo

Professor’s name: Nora Hernandez-Pupo

Date: May 26, 2022

Transitional Nursing

At all stages of their engagement, nurse-patient communication is critical. It is crucial in the initial stages of nurse-patient interaction because it establishes the context for why a patient has come to seek medical or health support. A nurse gets to hear from a patient about what led them to the medical center and what is wrong with them at the introduction stage. This is also the time when nurses may reassure their patients that they will provide all possible aid. Ethical considerations are crucial in the medical field.

During patient-nurse interactions, nurses have the opportunity to enlighten patients on their ethical obligations when it comes to the provision of medical services. Nurses and other health personnel also request agreement from patients at this point in order to perform specific operations or tests, as these procedures would not be possible without it (Jensen, 2015).

It is critical that nurses communicate with patients in a variety of ways. Nurses work with patients of all ages, genders, and cultures, as well as patients suffering from various illnesses. It is critical for a nurse to understand how to interact successfully with these patients in order to provide the best and most suitable nursing care. Nurses may choose to develop personal ties with their patients in order to better interact with them in certain situations, such as chronic diseases or while dealing with elderly patients. Kindness and compassion characterize personal interactions (Neese, 2015). The sort of communication that a nurse uses is determined by the patient’s age and condition. The type of communication utilized with young patients differs from that used with adult patients. Patient-nurse communication is critical because it affects how a patient is treated.

The future of nursing in leadership

Nurses in the healthcare field are frequently undervalued as leaders. In comparison to their counterparts, such as doctors, health officials, and businesspeople, they do not have an equal say. Mentorship and participation in policym