How to draft a management project 

The purpose of this assignment is to create a project charter with a work breakdown structure. Select one case study in Chapter 8 of the textbook from the following options: Case Study: Nurse Manager or Case Study: Informatics Nurse Specialist (INS). The case study you select in this topic will be used throughout the course to complete the assignments in Topics 3-7.

Review Figure 3.2 “Project Charter Content” from Chapter 3 in the textbook. Use this as a model to complete the “Project Charter Template” located in the topic Resources folder. You will complete the template as if you are the project manager. The project charter will serve as a statement of work for the case study you selected in Chapter 8 of the textbook.

Case model I will use -Nurse Manager

Ruth S., a newly graduated MSN, is the nurse manager who reports to Becky and as a new nurse manager is required to learn how to plan and schedule staff to adequately cover a dynamic and frequently changing work environment. She has also been asked to manage the budget for the unit, something she will need to learn, as she has not done that before. Ruth has had an introduction to the basic skills in her master’s program but not to the extent she will need to perform her role functions well.There are other competencies she will need to learn as a manager and, just as her predecessor, will take the same two PM courses at the university where she will develop skills such as developing communication plans, learning how to communicate with organizational leadership through report writing, and attending meetings where she will learn more about the group process (Chapter 4, Planning: Project Management—Phase 2). She will learn to develop change management plans and by doing so will learn how to utilize the change process to become more knowledgeable in team building and managing conflict, as well as provide resolutions and manage resources; she became more computer literate as well (Chapter 3, Design/Initiation: Project Management—Phase 1, and Chapter 4, Planning: Project Management—Phase 2).Ruth is not well versed in finance so Becky, who promoted her, initially will take on this task until Ruth becomes more conformable with the process (Chapter 4, Planning: Project Management—Phase 2). With oversight from Becky, Ruth will need to review and validate how to assign tasks, as well as delegate, deal with conflict, and assess and prioritize timelines (Chapter 4, Planning: Project Management—Phase 2). Becky also suggested that Ruth work with other peers who have expertise in data collection and analysis, understand how to collect data, analyze and prepare reports for the CNO and NE, define the metrics that leadership will require, and review outcomes (Ch