Create a PowerPoint based on HEALTH BEHAVIORAL THEORIES. 

Submission Instructions:

  • Use citations to support assignment from academic sources. 
  • See the attached document.

My background: I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I work at mental health clinic (outpatient services) where I provide direct patient care, diagnose, and prescribe pharmacological treatments for patients with mental health disorders.

Health Behavioral Theories

Theories can assist in the design of behavior change interventions in several ways, promoting understanding of health behavior, directing research, and facilitating the transferability of an intervention to a health problem, geographic area, or setting. health care to another. Behavior change, especially those related to health and safety, can be difficult. Before we proceed with developing a project to create a system focused on food safety, we should note numerous published theories specifically on behavior change (Eccles, M., Grimshaw, Walker, Johnston, & Pitts, 2005).

· Theory of behavior: The theory of behavior is largely based on BF Skinner’s work on operant conditioning. According to this theory, changes in behavior are a response to stimuli in the environment. The theory is based on the “pairing” of the reaction or desired behavior with a reinforcement. Repeated pairing the desired behavior with positive or negative reinforcement can increase and decrease behavior (Hardeman, Johnston, Johnston, Bonetti, Wareham, & Kinmonth, 2002).

· Social cognitive theory: According to cognitive theories, humans are more complex than a series of responses to external stimuli. The social cognitive theory emphasizes that environmental and personal factors influence behavior, and a person’s behavior can be influenced by his beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. The central concepts in social cognitive theory are those related to skills and self-efficacy. If a person receives an incentive associated with a specific behavior, she believes that she can perform it (Self-efficacy). Successful behavior performance increases the likelihood that this behavior will be repeated in the future (Stone, 1998).

· Health Belief Model: This model is one of the most used by health professionals dealing with health-related behaviors. It is based on four key concepts. The first is that the individual’s perception of the susceptibility or risk of contracting a disease or having an injury. For example, when considering family medical history, a person believes that the probability of developing cancer has increased. The probability that they will listen to or pay more attention to health advice related to this topic increases. The second is a person’s perception of how severe injuries or illnesses can be; Injuries or illnesses that don’t seem so severe are unlikely to get anyone’s attention. The third concept is a person’s perception of the benefits of practicing preventive actions; If a person doubts the effectiveness of a recommendation or advice to remedy a situation, they are unlikely to follow it. And, finally, the fourth concept is related to the perception of a barrier that prevents taking action. Barriers can vary and include financial, cultural, or training aspects (such as mastery of a foreign language); For example, if a person perceives that eating healthy implies a hi