Course Competencies

  1. Explain principles of care for clients with oncological disorders.
  2. Identify components of safe and effective nursing care for clients experiencing fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
  3. Describe strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing care for clients with acid-base imbalances.
  4. Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with upper gastrointestinal disorders.
  5. Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with lower gastrointestinal disorders.
  6. Evaluate responses to nursing interventions for clients with endocrine disorders.

Describe the foundations of mental health nursing.

This course competency was achieved through the facilitated discussion amongst classmates about the current mental health system. By understanding the history of mental health, the nurse can better understand the role that nursing plays in mental health. New knowledge gained includes the mental health system’s changes over the past few decades. Understanding this knowledge will impact this student nurse’s future nursing practice because by understanding where things have started, one can understand what needs to change in the future. This student nurse can advocate for systemic and policy changes that are essential to making positive changes in the mental health nursing field.

Explain current legal issues and social concerns in mental healthcare.

By studying the ethical principles and client’s rights, this course competency was achieved. Ethical principles are vital while implementing care within the mental health world. The ethical principles include; autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, veracity, and fidelity. The ethical principles should be implemented and taken seriously to avoid social issues. A professional nurse must understand a client’s legal rights in a mental health setting to prevent legal problems. One new knowledge gained is the right to informed consent and the right to refuse treatment. This new knowledge will benefit this student nurse because informed consent will be used every day in nursing practice. Understanding the patient’s rights is a crucial piece to being a competent, professional nurse.

Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with certain cognitive, addictive, and psychotic conditions.

This competency was achieved by thoroughly researching conditions like delirium, dementia, substance abuse, and overdose. This student nurse learned the importance of nursing interventions such as evaluating how culture and history can affect how patients view their substance abuse or addictive disorder. One new knowledge gained is the concept of delirium. This student nurse had previously heard people throw around the world “delirious,” but by achieving this course, competency learned the actual meaning of delirium. This new knowledge will be helpful in nursing practice as this student nurse will be able to recognize the causes and symptoms of delirium. Not recognizing delirium in a patient can lead to significant consequences, so it is very beneficial that this student nurse has this knowledge.

Evaluate nursing care strategies for clients with certain mental health/mood/personality and eating disorders.

This course competency was achieved through the study of nursing interventions such as suicide assessments, creating a safe environment, implementing one-on-one supervision, maintaining boundaries, and allowing client input in the plan of care. M