Module 02 Content

Your initial outline for your course project paper is due this module. Prepare a 1-2-page document that outlines how you will organize your course project paper. Your outline will be the skeleton from which you will write your project. Your outline should contain an idea for your introduction (the full introduction will be created in Module 03) and at least 3 headings for sections  that explain and analyze how technology has been used to improve healthcare delivery and information management for your selected topic (from Module 1), as well as implications, challenges, risks, and opportunities. You may use any standard outline format. Be sure to use correct grammar and spelling.  


Module 01 Project – Topic Introduction

Healthcare Information Technology in Nursing Homes Administration

Marion Allen

Rasmussen College

Health Information System

Ann Brockman

August 14th,2022

Healthcare Information Technology in Nursing Homes Administration

I have selected NHA because nursing home administrations are increasingly taking advantage of healthcare information technology to improve patients’ and residents’ safety, quality of life, and staff productivity. 

The influence of healthcare information technology on NHA can be elaborated with three concepts. Firstly, general systems such as physician entries and electronic health records are present. Secondly, minimum data sets like residents’ functional abilities status and health assessment details are included. Thirdly, other health information systems exist, i.e., patient billing, members’ payroll, and human resources. Two advanced approaches, i.e., point of care and electronic drug administration records, overlie these concepts (Ko et al., 2018).

By having the potential, HIT can improve the NHA in many ways. HIT integrates a nursing home’s radiology, pharmacy, and laboratory systems well. US hospitals prefer sending patients to skilled nursing homes to prevent readmissions and reduce health burdens. Implementing HIT in nursing homes favors partnering with hospitals. A safe patient transfer from hospital to nursing home requires immediate exchange of patient records, medicines and treatments details, and inter-professional communication among physicians, pharmacists, and nurses. Thus, incorporating HIT reduces the chances of medical errors and adverse events (Alexander et al., 2017). 

Nursing homes are classified based on short and long-term stays of residents. Short-term residents get free after the medical treatment. Custodial care is provided to long-term residents. It does not include providing care and enhanced medical care. It facilitates daily activities such as bathing, clothing, and eating (Zhang et al., 2016). Provision of healthcare and custodial care is of particular concern because the patients suffer from multiple co-morbidities. Here HIT plays a role. Monitoring the appearance of new symptoms can be possible through computerized HITs. It will update the physicians to provide treatment (Powell et al., 2020). The policymakers should make strategies to enhance the use of HITs in all domains of Nursing homes. 


Alexander, G. L., Madsen, R. W., Miller, E. L., Schaumberg, M. K., Holm, A. E., Alexander, R. L., Wise, K. K., Dougherty, M. L., & Gugerty, B. (2017). A national report of nursing home information technology: year 1 results. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA24(1), 67–73.