
  1. Explain the process of medication reconciliation 
  2. Identify best-practices for medication reconciliation
  3. Apply the concept of medication reconciliation to the client scenario
  4. Explain how to identify and reconcile medication discrepancies
  5. Identify who should be involved in the medication reconciliation process 

 Assignment instructions: .  

  1. Using the client scenario provided on the assignment document docx and your Davis Drug Guide for Nurse’s, conduct medication reconciliation. Be sure to include the following in your final submission:
    1. Explain the medication reconciliation process
    2. Analyze the client scenario for any omissions, additions, or duplications of medications and discuss the implications to the client.
    3. Analyze the client scenario for potential risks associated with the client’s current condition and currently prescribed home medications 
    4. Identify potential drug interaction and prioritize the drug interactions that are most concerning to you.
    5. Identify actions that the nurse should implement and provide a reason for each action. 

 Use the provided document form to complete the Medication Reconciliation Assignment: 

Look for Drugs in David’s Drug Guide for Nurses

website: fadavis.com 

link: https://fadavisreader.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781719642699/epubcfi/6/26[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DF11_f04]!/4/2/2/2/2/3:32[Pra%2Ccti]

Medication Reconciliation Assignment

NURS 3365: Pharmacology in Nursing Practice



Partner Name

Assignment instructions:

1. This assignment is a paired assignment meant to help you apply the concept of medication reconciliation. You will complete the assignment in class today with your assigned peer. Once you complete the assignment, you will both upload your completed assignment into Canvas for grading.

2. Review the information provided in Canvas concerning Medication Reconciliation: Module 3 Notes Page 7.

3. Using the client scenario provided below and your Davis Drug Guide for Nurse’s, conduct medication reconciliation. Type your answers directly into the table provided below.

4. Be sure to include the following in your final submission:

a. Explain the medication reconciliation process

b. Analyze the client scenario for any omissions, additions, or duplications of medications and discuss the implications to the client.

c. Analyze the client scenario for potential risks associated with the client’s current condition and currently prescribed home medications

d. Identify potential drug interaction and prioritize the drug interactions that are most concerning to you.

e. Identify actions that the nurse should implement and provide a reason for each action.

5. Before the end of class, students will submit their assignment to Canvas. After submission, there will be a group class discussion of medication reconciliation findings.

Client scenario:

1. Mr. H. is being admitted with a broken hip due to falling at home and will be having surgery the next morning. Past medical history includes hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. Allergies: Penicillin. The home medication list is provided to the nurse and includes the following medications:

a. Metoprolol 25 mg PO daily

b. Atenolol 50 mg PO daily

c. Garlic 1000 mg PO daily

d. Metformin 500 mg PO twice daily

e. Aspirin 81 mg PO daily

2. The admitting orders include the following medication orders:

a. Continue all home medications except metformin

b. Insulin subcutaneous based on sliding scale B

i. Blood sugar <150= 0 units

ii. Blood sugar 151-175= 2 units

iii. Blood sugar 176-200=3 units

iv. Blood sugar 201-225=4 units

v. Blood sugar 226-250=5 units

vi. Blood sugar 251-300= 6 unites

vii. Blood sugar > 300= notify healthcare provider

c. Enoxaparin 40 mg subcutaneous daily, first dose tomorrow following surgery

d. Piperacil