Overview: Dr. Marcia Stanhope (2020) explained that evidence-based public health practice refers to those decisions made by using the best available evidence, data and information systems and program frameworks; engaging community stakeholders in the decision-making process; evaluating the results; and then disseminating that information to those who can use the information.

Practicum Discussion: This week, your assignment will be to incorporate all of the information you have gathered from the community—including the population itself, health data, interviews/conversations with interested community members, and your community assessment, including your Windshield Survey—as well as what you have gathered from scholarly literature to propose measurable interventions. Measurable interventions mean that the results can be measured through some data that could be collected (Stanhope, 2020). This requires thinking in terms of actions and then measuring results. An evaluation of interventions is important to see whether or not they are effective in solving a health care problem. Remember, you will need to use the data you gathered to determine whether or not a problem exists in your community and to then determine whether your interventions might be effective.

Post your response to the following:

· Identify one evidence-based behavior change that would promote health in your selected population.

· Suggest one specific culturally sensitive, evidence-based, measurable intervention to address the health problem for your selected population.

· Think in terms of measuring outcomes. What outcomes would you expect to see once the intervention(s) are in place? Be specific.

Support your response with references from professional nursing literature.

Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, help each other refine and clarify the health problem remembering that this project focuses on primary prevention strategies at the community and system level of care.

Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.

For all posts, be sure to use 
evidenceLinks to an external site. from the readings and include 

in-text citationsLinks to an external site.
. Avoid quotes; 
paraphraseLinks to an external site. to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A 


Romina Alejandra Dana


 Promoting healthy habits

Adhering to a healthy lifestyle, that will include healthy habits such as eating non-process foods, and taking vitamins and supplements, to only mention some would better be attained by instilling self- awareness, and preventive measures in which the patients can feel “in charge” by adopting an autonomous way of thinking about their own health. The healthcare team should educate, instruct, and direct health methodologies individualized and specified to the patients and culturally sensitive. Consistency in delivering healthcare, running periodic laboratories on the patients to see compliance with the treatments suggested is part of using measurable data.


Culturally sensitive interventions

 interventions need to be specific and individualized in the patient own language, understanding capacity and religion. This is for example if I have a patient who is of Jewish ancestry, we are required to have some minimal knowledge on kosher practices, because when we make suggestions on a possible diet, we can only include kosher choices, which includes not only foods but also certain medications brands and vitamins and supplements without porcine or bovine additives or unkosher gelatins.

 In the case of the population, I’ve chosen for my project I always like to have an interpreter because I do not speak Creole, and to always make sure that when the healthcare providers include the consumption of some specific foods, we can talk on the context of a family reunion because this culture are very family united.

                                                                                                               Measurable Interventions

Follow up with the patient and their individualized interventions it’s of utmost importance in order to achieve the desired goals. According to Stanhope the 2020 EBP represent a cultural change in practice period which provides an environment to improve both nursing practice, and client outcomes. Nursing is known for offering services of care based on environmental and client assessments, critical remarks, expansion of questions or hypothesis to be discovered, collecting data from the situation through community or structural assessments, or from the client through history, physical assessment, and review of past health records. My preceptor always remarks that when a person comes to the clinic, we should gather past labs and assessment records and compare with the one we have in hand to see if the goals have been met.

Today during my practicum experience it became apparent to me how a patient who is an 85-year-old female with diabetes, to whom my preceptor had the need to change certain medications to lower do

Carrie E Baines

     To add to my selected population group, I wanted to look more into lifestyle modifications in those with obesity. My group focus is on Hispanic school-aged children in Tennessee. The health effects obesity has on the body is unreal. In doing education, I hope to aid in reducing the statistics of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and unexpected death related to obesity.  

     Within Tennessee, the Department of Environment and Conservation partnered with Public Health to establish a Healthy Park, Health Person program (
Tennessee State Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Profile 2016 National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, n.d.). This was set up to reduce those obesity rates by making parks and recreation areas open and up to date for individuals of all ages. This also helps promote parks and recreation within the community. This information will allow parents or children to see the parks and feel a need to explore in turn burning off extra caloric intake. Promoting outdoor activities will be a focus within my age group. We have several outdoor areas for exercise.  

     Research has shown that lifestyle changes come with difficulties. This requires ongoing action especially from healthcare providers (Toft et al., 2021). This is why it is important to be open and assist those needing help. The first step for me is educating those on how to begin those lifestyle changes. I will start with exercise and then nutrition within the school systems. The population needs to know that it can be difficult, and relapses may occur. Research must be provided that once lifestyle changes occur, individuals have improved mental and physical health (Toft et al., 2021).  

     Type 2 diabetes is prominent in the Hispanic culture with a diagnosis rate of 17% (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Youth have a higher instance of developing diabetes in this culture and have a higher risk of causing kidney failure (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). I would assist by providing education in the dominant language and encouraging walks within the community.  


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). 
Hispanic/Latino Americans and Type 2 Diabetes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.      

https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/hispanic-diabetes.htmlLinks to an external site.

Tennessee State Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Profile 2016 National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of      Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. (n.d.).