please see attachment fir directions 


Good job! By now, you are forming a picture in your mind of the challenge you will embrace in your humanitarian aid trip. In the module Resources, you reviewed Kleinman and Benson’s approach to conducting a mini ethnography with every patient in the paper “Culture, Behavior, and Health.” Based on that resource, you will outline the population’s culture (ethnography) affected by and surrounding your selected health challenge.

You still haven’t directly interacted with any patients at the center of your chosen scenario. However, this approach can help you anticipate the culture the population will reflect. Through investigation of the scholarly literature, you will be able to answer the questions: What should you know about this population’s culture before you begin the trip? What should you prepare to encounter? What cultural adaptations will you need to blend the norms and expectations of the population of your culture of origin and the culture of the population of the chosen scenario?


Building on the prior project preparation assignments, conduct a “mini” ethnographic analysis of the specific population for your humanitarian aid trip. For this assignment, complete the provided worksheet with your responses substantiated by scholarly literature.

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Ethnicity: Assess the ways in which ethnicity influences identity for the population. In other words, how does ethnicity factor into cultural conceptions of identity?

Stakes: Analyze the stakes that are related to the patients and their loved ones. In other words, what is “at stake” for the patient and their loved ones?

Meaning of Illness: Describe how patients conceptualize illness in this population.

Social Stressors: Identify the social stresses patients may experience due to illness.

Impacts: Evaluate the potential impacts of the clinical setting on your relationship with the patient.

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IHP 501 Module Four Project Preparation Worksheet 

Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. The purpose of this worksheet is to structure your submission to cover each of the relevant topics where the substance of your response is the focus instead of academic formatting. Feel free to outline or use bullets in your responses, as needed.


[Insert text.]


[Insert text.]

Meaning of Illness

[Insert text.]

Social Stressors

[Insert text.]


[Insert text.]


[Cite sources according to APA style.] 


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IHP 501 Module Three Project Preparation Worksheet

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Esther Johnstone

November 27,2022

Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. If needed, you can expand the outline to itemize your responses underneath the indicated topics.

Health Challenge Analysis

Clinical Presentation: [It is believed that the virus comes from consuming non-primate meats (e.g. chimpanzees and monkeys). It is transmitted through bodily fluid contacts such as saliva, urine and breast milk. Symptoms include vomiting, fever, aches, loss of appetite, fatigue and sore throat.]


Populations at Risk: [The most affected groups are women and girls. Also, most cases reported were from rural areas.]

Morbidity and Mortality: [Case fatality rates vary between 25% and 90% (Rugarabamu et al., 2020). On average, half of those who contract the disease probably die.]

Prevalent Trends: [. Most cases emerge from Africa, and the most affected groups are those that eat bush meat. Analysis of the virus from 1976 to 2019 shows a linear rate of change with time (Rugarabamu et al., 2020).]


i. Socioeconomic Groups: [First, poverty and unemployment, which forces people to hunt for bush meat, contribute to the disease.]

Race/Ethnicity: [So far, most of the affected countries are from Africa, but it is not yet clear whether certain races are more exposed than others.]

Gender: [Gender is another factor with women at a higher risk because most care for patients with the virus (
New Ebola outbreak hits women and girls hardest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018).]

Other: [Regarding age, children are most vulnerable to the virus. Also, people within rural areas are at risk of the disease, and it can be further argued that high illiteracy levels can contribute to Ebola risks.]

Other Determinants of Health

Environmental: [The Ebola virus is transmitted via the air (water, soil). Therefore, exposure to contaminated air can trigger the virus.]

Biological: [The biological means through which the Ebola virus spread is when human beings directly interact with wildlife.]

Policy Evaluation: [One of the policies undertaken by the Sierra Leone government is declaring that hiding Ebola patients is illegal. This law was created to prevent a scenario where the residents hid Ebola patients, and that contributed to further Ebola Virus spread. This policy is effective because it will e

Module one Project Preparation Worksheet

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Esther Johnstone

November 8,2022


The Ebola outbreak in West Africa from 2013 to 2015 was the worst ever seen; it mostly hit the three neighboring nations of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. In terms of cases reported, Sierra Leone was the nation most severely impacted. The current study examines the outbreak in Sierra Leone. The epidemic was deemed a “public health emergency of worldwide concern” by the WHO in August 2014. Ebola spread quickly as a result of early warning systems, and the nation’s health system was unable to handle the enormous number of Cases (Richards, et al. 2020). In total, 14,124 Ebola cases including 3,955 fatalities had been reported to the WHO by March 2016; this was surpassing any other nation.


Even more expensive than it is for adults, the WHO corresponds with the description of the potential Ebola virus in youngsters. For admission, children under the age of five simply need to exhibit one qualifying symptom. In late November 2014, 13/39 (or 33%) of the children admitted to the main hospital for children came back positive for the Ebola virus disease. As ebola virus infection incidence declined, this proportion rose (Fitzgerald, et al. 2016). This means that children could potentially be exposed to the nosocomial ebola virus sickness, and the effect on mortality for frequent diseases like malaria or sepsis is still unknown.

Geographic Region:

Size: the nation’s 71,740 km2 total area is made up of 120 km2 of water and 71,620 km2 of land.

Location: Guinea borders Sierra Leone to the north and east, Liberia to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

Climate: The area has a tropical climate, with hot, muggy weather at the shore and more temperate weather inland. The mean annual temperature is 26.7°C, and there are 2,746 mm of rain on average per year.

Socioeconomic Profile:

Capital City: Freetown

Major Districts or Territories: there are Four provinces as well as a western area, which includes the capital Freetown, which makes up Sierra Leone. That is; Western Area, Eastern Province, Northern Province, North Western Province, and Southern Province. There are sixteen administrative districts in Sierra Leone.

Income Standard: Low-income economies with the least develo