Due on Monday 3pm


Scenario: Abuse
• Mr. CO is a 75, year old male. He was admitted to your unit with Pulmonary Fibrosis. As you are walking towards his room to administer medications you hear his son say to him in a nasty tone of voice: “Stop being so stubborn. I need you to give me access to your bank accounts. You’re going to die alone unless you start cooperating”. As you enter he room, the son leaves quickly and you notice the patient has tears in his eyes. You ask “Is everything okay?” Mr. CO shakes his head yes, but remains nonverbal and does not make eye contact. You administer his medications and leave the room.

•What types of elder abuse did you notice in the scenario? (give examples and explain)
•What signs, (in the scenario) if any suggest that the nurse should ask some follow up questions?
•As a nurse in this scenario what is your next action?
•How can older adults protect themselves from ever becoming victims of abuse or mistreatment?

· Your response should be 70+ words

· Read the scenario and the post below, then respond to the post

· Response should ask for clarification or describe a situation that illustrates the points being made. Simply agree or disagree and state why you agree or disagree

In this scenario Mr. CO is experiencing financial and emotional abuse through domestic mistreatment by his son. Mr. CO is experiencing financial abuse as his son is demanding access to his father’s bank account. Financial abuse can be described when one take’s advantage of an elderly for their money and/or benefit. Mr. CO is experiencing emotional abuse due to the comments made by his son. His son stated, “Stop being so stubborn,” and, “You’re going to die alone unless you start cooperating,” causing Mr. CO to tear up. Comments like these can be emotionally harming, the tone and choice of words used could make the victim feel embarrassed, threatened, or guilty. Emotional abuse is when one uses another person’s emotions to manipulate them. 

When the nurse asked Mr. CO if he was okay and he had no eye contact or didn’t speak, but said yes, the nurse should know something is bothering the patient. After hearing the way the patient’s son spoke to him, I would offer to sit in the room and ask, “How is your day?,” or, “Has there been something on your mind that you’d like to talk about?”. If my patient doesn’t want to speak I’d just sit with him to keep him company, if that’s alright with them. If my patient wants to talk, especially about the abuse, I would ask follow-up questions such as, “Is there anything else your son does or says that upsets you?,” or, “How long has this type of behavior from your son begun to occur?”. Based on my patient’s responses I would gear my questions relating to his answers. I would continue to follow-up and ask if there was