Due Monday 3pm

Scenario: Elder Abuse
• Mr. CO is a 75, year old male. He was admitted to your unit with Pulmonary Fibrosis. As you are walking towards his room to administer medications you hear his son say to him in a nasty tone of voice: “Stop being so stubborn. I need you to give me access to your bank accounts. You’re going to die alone unless you start cooperating”. As you enter he room, the son leaves quickly and you notice the patient has tears in his eyes. You ask “Is everything okay?” Mr. CO shakes his head yes, but remains nonverbal and does not make eye contact. You administer his medications and leave the room.

•What types of elder abuse did you notice in the scenario? (give examples and explain)
•What signs, (in the scenario) if any suggest that the nurse should ask some follow up questions?
•As a nurse in this scenario what is your next action?
•How can older adults protect themselves from ever becoming victims of abuse or mistreatment?

· Your response should be 70+ words

· Read the scenario and the post below, then respond to the post

· Response should ask for clarification or describe a situation that illustrates the points being made. Simply agree or disagree and state why you agree or disagree

  In this scenario, it is evident that Mr. CO’s son is displaying psychological and emotional abuse, financial exploitation, and abandonment because he verbally attacks his father by calling him “stubborn” and demanding access to his bank accounts. He also tells his father that if he does not give him access to the bank accounts, he will abandon him and let him die alone. Signs and symptoms associated with psychological and emotional abuse are agitation, withdrawal, and emotional distress. In this situation, Mr. CO had tearful eyes, remained nonverbal, and did not maintain any eye contact, which are all signs that the nurse should ask follow-up questions. The nurse should also be suspicious of elder abuse when the son walks out of the room as soon as she enters. 

            It is important that nurses know their state and hospital laws about reporting elder abuse because nurses are mandated reporters for older adults. Mr. CO is clearly upset, therefore before asking more follow-up questions is it important that the nurse provides emotional support and provide patient safety. After these interventions, the nurse can ask the patient about the situation, how often it happens, if the patient feels safe and what the nurse can do to help. The nurse must have thorough, unbiased, and objective documentation about the case. 

            Older adults can protect themselves from becoming victims of abuse and maltreatment by having advanced directives, which are legal documents that explain how the patient wants their medical care when they are no