Assignment: Journal Entry

Critical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting has the benefit of helping you to identify opportunities for improvement in your clinical skills, while also recognizing your strengths and successes. 

Use this Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicum

To Prepare

· Refer to the “Advanced Nursing Practice Competencies and Guidelines” found in the Week 1 Learning Resources, and consider the quality measures or indicators advanced nursing practice nurses must possess in your specialty of interest.

· Refer to your “Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form” you submitted in Week 1, and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

· Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek, and consider the patient activities you have experienced in your practicum experience. Reflect on your observations and experiences.

In 450–500 words, address the following:

Learning From Experiences

· Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.

· Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?

· What did you learn from this experience?

· What resources did you have available?

· What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?

· What new skills are you learning?

· What would you do differently?

· How are you managing patient flow and volume? 

Communicating and Feedback

· Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.

· Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?

· Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor. 


Week (#5): Case Presentation: Bipolar Disorder

Babatunde T Alli

College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University

NRNP 6635: Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning

Faculty Name

Jan 21,2022


Name: Monica Dennis

Gender: Female

Age: 35-years-old

Height is 175, Weight is 69kg, BMI IS 22.5. Vital Signs: BP-129/73, T-98.1, R-20, P-86. Denies pain upon assessment

Background: Monica Dennis was born in New York City but later moved to ST. Louis, MO with her mother upon the death of her father who allegedly commit suicide by hanging.

HX: Monica is a 35-year-old AA with history of mental illness and multiple psychiatric hospitalization. She was referred to Touchette Regional hospital for voluntary admission by her psychiatrist. Client stated that “ I am ready to go and see my dad , I want to call it the end” She is also exhibiting symptoms such as audio and visual hallucinations, severe depression, feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, agitation, anger outburst, isolating, and insomnia. Disorder that causes significant distress and interferes with normal daily routine. Exhibit mood swings and irrational behavior that is detrimental to her physical and mental wellbeing. Also, she has suicidal ideation with plan to take multiple pills out of her prescriptions.


CC (chief complaint): Client stated that “ I am ready to go and see my dad , I want to call it the end”.

HPI: Monica is a 35-year-old AA with history of mental illness and multiple psychiatric hospitalization. She was referred to Touchette Regional hospital for voluntary admission by her psychiatrist for suicidal ideation with plan. Patient did not currently have any gun and did not have access to gun. Patient denied ever wanting to destroy property or wanting to hurt other people. Client stated that “I am ready to go and see my dad, I want to call it the end” She is also exhibiting symptoms such as audio and visual hallucinations, severe depression, feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, agitation, anger outburst, isolating, and insomnia. Disorder that causes significant distress and interferes with normal daily routine. Exhibit mood swings and irrational behavior that is detrimental to her physical and mental wellbeing. Also, she has suicidal ideation with plan to take multiple pills out of her prescriptions.

Past Psychiatric History: Patient was diagnosed and admitted for Major Depression with Suicide ideation at St. Mary hospital behavioral health, patient also report being admit


Week (#5): Case Presentation: Bipolar Disorder

Babatunde T Alli

College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University

NRNP 6635: Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning

Faculty Name

Jan 21,2022


Name: Monica Dennis

Gender: Female

Age: 35-years-old

Height is 175, Weight is 69kg, BMI IS 22.5. Vital Signs: BP-129/73, T-98.1, R-20, P-86. Denies pain upon assessment

Background: Monica Dennis was born in New York City but later moved to ST. Louis, MO with her mother upon the death of her father who allegedly commit suicide by hanging.

HX: Monica is a 35-year-old AA with history of mental illness and multiple psychiatric hospitalization. She was referred to Touchette Regional hospital for voluntary admission by her psychiatrist. Client stated that “ I am ready to go and see my dad , I want to call it the end” She is also exhibiting symptoms such as audio and visual hallucinations, severe depression, feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, agitation, anger outburst, isolating, and insomnia. Disorder that causes significant distress and interferes with normal daily routine. Exhibit mood swings and irrational behavior that is detrimental to her physical and mental wellbeing. Also, she has suicidal ideation with plan to take multiple pills out of her prescriptions.


CC (chief complaint): Client stated that “ I am ready to go and see my dad , I want to call it the end”.

HPI: Monica is a 35-year-old AA with history of mental illness and multiple psychiatric hospitalization. She was referred to Touchette Regional hospital for voluntary admission by her psychiatrist for suicidal ideation with plan. Patient did not currently have any gun and did not have access to gun. Patient denied ever wanting to destroy property or wanting to hurt other people. Client stated that “I am ready to go and see my dad, I want to call it the end” She is also exhibiting symptoms such as audio and visual hallucinations, severe depression, feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, agitation, anger outburst, isolating, and insomnia. Disorder that causes significant distress and interferes with normal daily routine. Exhibit mood swings and irrational behavior that is detrimental to her physical and mental wellbeing. Also, she has suicidal ideation with plan to take multiple pills out of her prescriptions.

Past Psychiatric History: Patient was diagnosed and admitted for Major Depression with Suicide ideation at St. Mary hospital behavioral health, patient also report being admit


Week (#5): Case Presentation: Bipolar Disorder

Babatunde T Alli

College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University

NRNP 6635: Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning

Faculty Name

Jan 21,2022


Name: Monica Dennis

Gender: Female

Age: 35-years-old

Height is 175, Weight is 69kg, BMI IS 22.5. Vital Signs: BP-129/73, T-98.1, R-20, P-86. Denies pain upon assessment

Background: Monica Dennis was born in New York City but later moved to ST. Louis, MO with her mother upon the death of her father who allegedly commit suicide by hanging.

HX: Monica is a 35-year-old AA with history of mental illness and multiple psychiatric hospitalization. She was referred to Touchette Regional hospital for voluntary admission by her psychiatrist. Client stated that “ I am ready to go and see my dad , I want to call it the end” She is also exhibiting symptoms such as audio and visual hallucinations, severe depression, feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, agitation, anger outburst, isolating, and insomnia. Disorder that causes significant distress and interferes with normal daily routine. Exhibit mood swings and irrational behavior that is detrimental to her physical and mental wellbeing. Also, she has suicidal ideation with plan to take multiple pills out of her prescriptions.


CC (chief complaint): Client stated that “ I am ready to go and see my dad , I want to call it the end”.

HPI: Monica is a 35-year-old AA with history of mental illness and multiple psychiatric hospitalization. She was referred to Touchette Regional hospital for voluntary admission by her psychiatrist for suicidal ideation with plan. Patient did not currently have any gun and did not have access to gun. Patient denied ever wanting to destroy property or wanting to hurt other people. Client stated that “I am ready to go and see my dad, I want to call it the end” She is also exhibiting symptoms such as audio and visual hallucinations, severe depression, feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, agitation, anger outburst, isolating, and insomnia. Disorder that causes significant distress and interferes with normal daily routine. Exhibit mood swings and irrational behavior that is detrimental to her physical and mental wellbeing. Also, she has suicidal ideation with plan to take multiple pills out of her prescriptions.

Past Psychiatric History: Patient was diagnosed and admitted for Major Depression with Suicide ideation at St. Mary hospital behavioral health, patient also report being admit