I need someone to do week 9 discussion

Nursing during a pandemic

Matthew Nodal


In infectious illnesses, the unpredictability of pandemic outbreaks (agents, time, and location) is a given.

Nursing knowledge and skills gaps in screening, illness detection, quick response, community participation, inter- and intra-agency communication, governmental notification, and coordination do not have to be obstacles to appropriate and timely responses.

A key gap in our capacity to control new infections is the inability to create a coordinated system of health care professionals who appreciate the necessity of recognizing and disseminating information about the diagnosis of a disease.


Covid-19 started early 2020 in like March as the new pandemic of this century.

It originated I Wuhan, China and spread like wildfire in a matter of weeks and months. Before you knew it the world had been in a lock down.

It is a virus that attacks the respiratory system and can present itself asymptomatic or with some flu-like symptoms.


This pandemic showed how unprepared we were to handle this, and it showed on our nurses through out the country.

Due to not knowing about the virus extreme measures had to be taken to prevent the spread.

This led to nurses being burnt and overworked, precaution steps to enter their own home, and extra hours at work.

How covid-19 has affected nursing

The profession itself has exploded in this last year, due to the high demand of nurses and travel nursing paying well, also currently nurses not wanting to get vaccinated are being fired.

As a nursing student myself COVID-19 has diminished the nursing school experience. Virtual learning is not for everyone, and it also hindered the amount of actual clinical hours we got.

At the same time hospitals are resulting to hiring just about anyone no matter if recently graduated because there is such a need for nurses, which I guess is a positive.

How this will influence my role

I want to say that I am prepared to work in a hospital, but the fact is that I don’t think any of us new graduates are prepared to tackle the amount of work ahead of us.

Depending on the census of the hospital, the ratio of patients to nurses is bound to change. I have to be prepared to give efficient care to maybe 6 patients at a time.

COVID-19 has probably steered some people away from the profession, but I think that if I can handle this obstacke than it will just make me that much better of a nurse.

How I will ask for funding

I think that it is more evident than ever that nurs



WHAT is harassment & violence?

An act in which a person is





Violence against nurses in the workplace is a serious global issue that has gained prominence recently. Approximately 25% of RN have been physically attacked by a patient or family member, and more than 50% have been subjected to bullying or verbal abuse. Nurses, who are largely responsible for delivering lifesaving care to patients, are attacked at a substantially greater rate than other healthcare workers, and workplace violence is projected to cause 17.2% of nurses to leave their jobs each year (Al-Qadi, 2021).


Why is violence under reported?

Dissatisfied with how previous violence cases were handled

Accept that violence is part of the job

Discouraged from reporting

Insufficient time

Believe harm was provoked

Capability to protect oneself

Violence cases are often under reported. This is due to many reasons, starting with nurses being dissatisfied with how previous violence cases were handled, or if they know someone who reported violence and the perpetrator suffered no repercussions. Another reason is that they may feel that dealing with violence is a part of the job and they end up accepting it, which is unfair. Sometimes, they are sadly even discouraged from reporting the cases from other people which doesn’t help. Other times they feel they can handle the abuse if they were not physically hit and they feel they are able to defend themselves. It is sad, but these are some of the many reasons why violence is under reported (Al-Qadi, 2021).


Why does it happen?

Lack of proactive laws

Lack of resources

Lack of communication skills

Scarcity of personnel

Previous research has found that nurses attribute workplace violence to a lack of proactive laws, inadequate management of violent occurrences, a lack of resources, such as insufficient equipment, medical mistakes and a bad atmosphere. Workplace violence can also be caused by a lack of adequate communication skills, lack of expertise, lack of quality treatment and a scarcity of nursing personnel. Nursing workforce shortages are a serious problem which has affected many countries (Al-Qadi, 2021).


Prevalence of abuse

Verbal abuse

Swearing, screaming, cursing

Physical abuse

Being pushed or struck

The most prevalent kind of abuse aimed towards nurses in healthcare settings is verbal abuse. It is 3x as li

Social media and Healthcare Delivery

Social Media Influence On Healthcare Delivery

Social Media can Influence Healthcare Positively In the Following Ways

Clearly the influence of social media in circulating information, build communities, and elevating businesses is unquestionable, and it has also proven to be a useful tool in healthcare for things like sharing resources between research organizations, gathering feedback on consumers’ experiences with a new device, and recruiting participants for clinical trials (Mack, 2017)

Image by Doximity’s Op Med

Positive Aspect Of Social Media On HealthCare System

Sharing research with colleagues

Spreading the news about new devices or treatments that may be beneficial to the public

Drive patient’s engagement

Teaching the healthcare colleagues, patients or general public and/ provide access/link to information that they might not know about. Facebook and twitter are effective in achieving this.

Provide avenue for support groups for those with mental or other health conditions

*The use of social media to spread news about new treatment or devices is very essential, as the general public can benefit from this information and pass it unto their acquaintances For instances, afriend of mine who suffers from apnea learnt about UAS (upper airway stimulation) from her fakebook page, which she states is working for her so far.

*One of the best usefulness of social media is providing an avenue where people with mental or physical illness can meet like-peers who suffer from the same illness , and coping well, or even a support group for those in these conditions.

*Driving patient engagement is another useful way in which social media benefits the public and healthcare industries, to better provide quality service. Platforms like twitter or fakebook, for example is perfect at this. Pts can engage in a group discussion about certain treatments and/ drugs they take, and how it did or didn’t work for them, amongst other topics.


Negative Effects of Social media on Healthcare Delivery


Conspiracy theories or lack of genuine information

Bridge of HIPAA by some nurses or other healthcare givers.

Although hospitals can benefit from positive ratings on social media, they can also be badly hurt by the negative reviews

65% of Americans “Self Diagnosis” themselves with the aid of social media

Anxiety and depression

Image from slideplayer.com

*Conspiracy theories/disinformation is one of the biggest issues with getting healthcare information from the media, as these conspiracy theorists use social media to target their most vulnerable preys

*Misuse of social media by some health-care givers

Social media and Healthcare Delivery

Social Media Influence On Healthcare Delivery

Social Media can Influence Healthcare Positively In the Following Ways

Clearly the influence of social media in circulating information, build communities, and elevating businesses is unquestionable, and it has also proven to be a useful tool in healthcare for things like sharing resources between research organizations, gathering feedback on consumers’ experiences with a new device, and recruiting participants for clinical trials (Mack, 2017)

Image by Doximity’s Op Med

Positive Aspect Of Social Media On HealthCare System

Sharing research with colleagues

Spreading the news about new devices or treatments that may be beneficial to the public

Drive patient’s engagement

Teaching the healthcare colleagues, patients or general public and/ provide access/link to information that they might not know about. Facebook and twitter are effective in achieving this.

Provide avenue for support groups for those with mental or other health conditions

*The use of social media to spread news about new treatment or devices is very essential, as the general public can benefit from this information and pass it unto their acquaintances For instances, afriend of mine who suffers from apnea learnt about UAS (upper airway stimulation) from her fakebook page, which she states is working for her so far.

*One of the best usefulness of social media is providing an avenue where people with mental or physical illness can meet like-peers who suffer from the same illness , and coping well, or even a support group for those in these conditions.

*Driving patient engagement is another useful way in which social media benefits the public and healthcare industries, to better provide quality service. Platforms like twitter or fakebook, for example is perfect at this. Pts can engage in a group discussion about certain treatments and/ drugs they take, and how it did or didn’t work for them, amongst other topics.


Negative Effects of Social media on Healthcare Delivery


Conspiracy theories or lack of genuine information

Bridge of HIPAA by some nurses or other healthcare givers.

Although hospitals can benefit from positive ratings on social media, they can also be badly hurt by the negative reviews

65% of Americans “Self Diagnosis” themselves with the aid of social media

Anxiety and depression

Image from slideplayer.com

*Conspiracy theories/disinformation is one of the biggest issues with getting healthcare information from the media, as these conspiracy theorists use social media to target their most vulnerable preys

*Misuse of social media by some health-care givers