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Ethnographic Analysis

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Carolina Baldwine

February 23, 2023

Ethnographic Analysis

Ethnicity: Analyze the impact of ethnicity on population identification. What impact does ethnicity have on cultural notions of identity?

Ethnicity is a complex and multifaceted concept that can influence how individuals view themselves and their identities. It is commonly described as a shared cultural heritage and identity based on shared ancestry, language, religion, and traditions. Ethnicity can significantly shape an individual’s identity and impact their beliefs, behaviors, and experiences.

For many individuals, ethnicity is a fundamental aspect of their identity and can be a source of pride and belonging. Ethnic identity can influence how individuals view themselves and their place in society and relate to others from similar or different ethnic backgrounds (Stets& Fares, 2019). When members of various ethnic groups have opposing goals or worldviews, ethnicity can become a divisive factor.

Cultural conceptions of identity can vary widely across different ethnic groups and may be influenced by various factors, including history, geography, language, religion, and political systems. For example, some cultures may put a lot of value on individual success and achievement, while others may put a lot of value on how close people are to their families and communities. In some cultures, a person’s ethnic identity may be closely tied to their religious beliefs, while in others, ethnicity may be primarily based on shared ancestry and cultural traditions.

Ethnic identity can also be influenced by broader social and cultural factors, such as discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping. For example, individuals from ethnic minorities may experience discrimination based on ethnicity, which can impact how they view themselves and their place in society. On the other hand, individuals from majority ethnic groups may take their ethnic identity for granted and not consider its influence on their worldview and experiences.

Assess the risks associated with the health concern for the patients and their loved ones.

The stakes of a health issue for patients and their loved ones can be incredibly high and may vary depending on the specific health condition and its severity (Wynn, 2020). Health difficulties can generally impact a patient’s physical, mental, and social health and other aspects of their life. Some potential stakes of a health issue for patients and their loved ones may include Physical health: Health issues can have significant impacts on a patient’s physical health, including pain, discomfort, limited mobility

Other health issues that may be encountered in Liberia’s Ebola research

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Carolina Baldwine

March 3, 2023

Other health issues that may be encountered in Liberia’s Ebola research

Challenge #1: Malaria

Malaria could pose a serious health issue during the humanitarian trip to Liberia. It is a serious problem in tropical areas (Ridge et al., 2021). Uncomplicated malaria can progress to severe malaria, which can occasionally be fatal if not identified and treated quickly. Some people are more susceptible to developing severe malaria. Pregnant women, children under five, and those with HIV/AIDS are at risk. Travelers to areas where malaria is prevalent are at risk. Malaria-prone individuals develop some immunity. Partial immunity makes malaria less harmful (Ridge et al., 2021). All age groups are at risk in regions with low transmission and immunity, but children make up the majority of malaria fatalities in Liberia.

Malaria symptoms start manifesting ten to fifteen days after a mosquito bite. Malaria symptoms include chills, fever, and headaches. People with partial immunity may catch the illness in regions where malaria is common without exhibiting any symptoms (asymptomatic infections) (Ridge et al., 2021). Malaria can cause multi-organ failure in adults in addition to severe anemia, respiratory distress, or cerebral malaria in children. Testing for parasites can reveal the presence of malaria. Malaria testing is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of febrile illnesses.

In Liberia, malaria is a constant threat. Malaria infections and fatalities increase during the rainy season (May–October). Most medical facilities are shut down because of Ebola fear, and only 10% of patients attend outpatient appointments. Doctors struggle to diagnose and treat these diseases because the initial symptoms of Ebola and malaria are similar (fever, headache, weakness, and joint pains) (Ridge et al., 2021). Fever patients’ avoidance of hospitals due to Ebola fear has complicated the management of both infections. The main cause of fever in the nation is malaria, but with targeted efforts, the incidence of fever cases may decline.

Challenge #2: Acute respiratory infections (ARIs)

Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) are also obstructing research on Ebola in Liberia. The upper respiratory tract, known as the nares, includes the middle ear, paranasal sinuses, and nasal passageways (Li et al., 2018). In Liberia, acute respiratory infections can be life-threatening or have repercussions that last for a long time. Another is respiratory failure, which results from the lungs’ in


Student’s Name



My name is Precious Teasley. I’m a recent college graduate with a BS in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Coppin State University in Baltimore, MD. I look forward in the future to working with patients with Sickle cell Disease. I’m currently pursuing a Master’s in Healthcare Administration. I’m a sickle cell worrier and my biggest reason to pursue a health career is to make a difference in the lives of others. And ensuring that other kids will not have to endure some of the hardships and errors I had to endure while trying to cope with my illness. I see a lot of room for improvement within the management sector of healthcare. I hope to gain more insight into Human Resources and their effects on society because it’ll play a big part in my chosen career field. I enjoy shopping and adding to my Jordan collection, and spending time with my nephews in my free time. I also enjoy traveling and exploring different cultures. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you as we continue our academic journey. I had set my goals in pursuing this course to advance my future ambitions in Human Resources and healthcare management. Therefore, getting an MHA in this field would be helpful for me in taking my career to a level of realization.

Scenario: The selected option is option 2 and it involves traveling to West Africa and addressing the health challenge of Ebola. The specific country to be visited is Liberia because it is one of the most affected countries. Ebola is a challenge that needs urgent attention because it is highly contagious and also kills quickly.

Population: The target population is the northern county of that borders Guinea. The residents are at the highest risk of contracting Ebola.

Geographic Region:

Size: 111,369km2 (World Bank, 2020)

Location: West Africa, borders the Atlantic Ocean

Climate: The southern part is equatorial; it experiences rainfall throughout the year. The northern part is tropical.

Socioeconomic Profile:

Capital City: Monrovia

Major Districts or Territories: Major counties include Lofa, Nimba, Grand Gedeh, and Sinoe.

Income Standard: Low income (World Bank, 2020)

Common Occupations: Agriculture

GDP Estimate: $ 3.487 billion (2021)

Source of Funding for the Education System: T


Amazing job! Now that you have completed the analysis of other health challenges for your chosen loca!on, you need to

propose an interven!on that will improve the health of the popula!on chosen for your humanitarian trip. Effec!ve

interven!ons in global health should be culturally appropriate and may o#en be complementary and integra!ve.

Recall from the project scenario that the SNHU Humanitarian Aid Founda!on has offered your team a grant of $100,000 for

this trip. Ul!mately, you will present your findings and recommenda!ons in a research paper designed to persuade your

sponsor to award you the funding for your proposed trip. In this assignment, you will inves!gate scholarly literature to offer

an interven!on. Your interven!on should align with the cultural expecta!ons of the popula!on. Consider the following

ques!ons: What are the complementary and integra!ve health approaches that may support the interven!on? What can be

an alterna!ve interven!on approach for your given loca!on?


Building on the prior project prepara!on assignments, propose an interven!on to improve the health of the target popula!on.

Then, cra# a short paper describing the interven!on. For the following elements, search the scholarly literature to support

your responses.

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your inves!ga!on. The evidence should not be older than five

years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here sec!on of the course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

1. Conven!onal (modern, Western medicine-based) Interven!on: Propose a conven!onal interven!on for the chosen


A. Vision: Ar!culate the vision for the conven!onal interven!on. Supply evidence from credible sources to

illustrate your claims.

Descrip!on: Describe the conven!onal interven!on you are proposing.

Purpose: Assess the objec!ve to be gained as a result of the interven!on.

Ra!onale: Explain the reason that this interven!on is the best choice for the challenge.

B. Implementa!on: Discuss how the conven!onal interven!on would be implemented for your chosen


Personnel Required: Describe the roles and responsibili!es required to effec!vely and efficiently

implement this interven!on. Which members of the interdisciplinary team are needed to perform this

interven!on to match current best prac!ces effec!vely?

Supplies and Other Technical Requirements: What tangible supplies, informa!on technology, and

technical equipment will be necessary to safely and effec!vely implement this interven!on based on

current best prac!ces?

Cost: Outline the general es!mated costs for the implementa!on of this inter