Create an innovation plan proposal using the attached “Evidence-Based Innovation Plan Template.”

A.  Introduce your innovation proposal by doing the following:

1.  Explain the role of an innovative nurse leader.

2.  Summarize the community of practice (CoP) established during your CPE, including the following points:

a.  organizational characteristics, services provided, and size of the service area

b.  demographic characteristics of the population served

c.  team member roles—formal and informal 

d.  shared team values

3.  Focusing on the organization identified in your CPE, discuss the internal and external factors that prompted this proposal.

4.  Assess how your proposed innovation aligns to other professional, regulatory, and/or governmental strategic initiatives.

5.  Construct a purpose statement for your proposed innovation.

6.  Create a goal of the proposed innovation in SMART+C format (i.e., Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed, and Challenging).

B.  Complete a review of relevant sources by doing the following:

1.  Identify five scholarly peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years that are relevant to your innovation proposal.

2.  Complete the Relevant Sources Summary Table in the attached “Evidence-Based Innovation Plan Template.””

3.  Identify the evidence strength and the hierarchy of each source, as outlined in the attached “WGU Levels of Evidence” document.

NOTE: Use the WGU Evidence Leveling Navigation Tool in the Supporting Documents to identify the evidence strength and hierarchy for each source.

4.  Synthesize your findings by identifying patterns, trends, and gaps in the literature as they relate to the proposed innovation.

5.  Develop recommendations for the proposed innovation based on the literature.

C.  Discuss the data-collection methods and technology used to identify and support the proposed innovation by doing the following:

1.  Explain the process you used to generate ideas for an innovation from the CoP.

2.  Provide examples of big and small data within your current healthcare setting.

3.  Discuss how big data could be used to support the proposed innovation.

4.  Describe technology enhancements required for the proposed innovation.

NOTE: A technology enhancement could be the development of a new technology or enhanced application of an existing technology.

D.  Discuss how to support interprofessional collaboration in the midst of disruptive innovation by doing the following:

1.  Analyze how disruption from the proposed innovation could impact individuals, processes, and organizations.

2.  Develop strategies to mitigate the challenges of disruption for individuals, processes, and organizations.

3.  Discuss how the proposed innovation can leverage benefits of disruptive innovation for cost-effective, quality healthcare outcomes.

E.  Discuss your pre-implementation plan by doing the following:

1.  Discuss diffusion of innovation as it relates to the implementation of your plan.

    NOTE: Refer to the COS for Roger’s Theory.

2.  Identify the roles and responsibilities of team members needed to implement your proposal using the Innovation Action Plan table in the attached “Evidence-Based Innovation Plan Template” including information that is practical, accurate, and relevant to the proposed innovation. ” 

3.  Discuss the financial implications of implementing the proposed innovation.

4.  Develop an interprofessional communication plan accounting for the logistics (i.e., the who, what, when, and where) of facilitating the innovation and its usability.

5.  Discuss how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed innovation.

F.  Conclude your innovation proposal by doing the following:

1.  Reiterate the purpose and rationale for your proposed innovation.

2.  Reflect on your experience identifying an innovation for your setting.

3.  Discuss the strengths and challenges of the process used for developing this innovation plan.

4.  Discuss how you will apply what you have learned for future initiatives.

WGU Levels of Evidence

7 Level Model for Rating Evidence

Strength of Evidence 

Evidence Hierarchy

Types of Studies

Level I


Systematic Review

Integrative Review

National Practice Guideline

· Meta-analyses

· Systematic Reviews

· Integrative Reviews

· National Practice Guidelines

This level includes research designs of Meta-Analyses, Systematic Reviews, Integrative Reviews, National Practice Guidelines (Evidence-based practice guidelines housed in national repositories that were developed from systematic reviews).

Level II

Randomized Controlled Trial


· Randomized Controlled Trials

· Experimental studies

This level represents evidence from studies using a true experimental design.

Level III


· Quasi-experimental studies (experiments without randomization)

This level represents evidence obtained from experimental studies without randomization.

Level IV


· Retrospective

· Case control

· Cross-sectional

· Cohort-comparison

· Prospective

· Descriptive

· Correlational single studies

This level represents evidence from well-designed non-experimental studies such as retrospective, case-control, cross-sectional, cohort comparison, prospective, descriptive, and correlational single studies.

Level V


· Meta-syntheses

This level represents evidence from systematic reviews of studies using qualitative methods.

Level VI

Single Qualitative Study

· Qualitative studies

This level represents single studies using a qualitative research method.

Level VII


Is it Research?

YES NO, choose Level VII,
Expert Opinion

Is it a Single Study or
some type of review?

Single Study

Is it

YES, it is Quantitative

Is it some type of
Experimental Study?

Experimental vs.

YES, it is Experimental

Does it have the 3
Hallmarks? Random Sample,
Control Group & Intervention

Group present?

YES, choose Level II,
RCT, True Experimental

NO, choose Level III,

Choose Level VI,


Is it Level I or a Level V?


D031 Resource_Updated April2022

NO, choose Level IV,

NO, it is

WGU Evidence Leveling
Navigation Tool

D031- Advancing Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing Practice Task Tips

Task Aspect Rubric Criteria – Competent Comments & Tips

Explanation of

The explanation of the
innovative nurse leader role
contains accurate
characteristics of the nurse
innovator and behaviors of
innovation leadership. The
explanation is well-supported
by a scholarly reference and
includes examples relevant to
the role.

This section must include at least one reference citation from a peer-reviewed Evidence-
Based book or article.
PA task must include at least one reference citation from a peer-reviewed Evidence-
Based book or article.
Role of Nurse Innovator Resources:

▪ Cianelli, R., Clipper, B., Freeman, R., Goldstein, J., & Wyatt, T. H. (2016). The
innovation road map: A guide for nurse leaders. 
▪ Cusson, R. M., Meehan, C., Bourgault, A., & Kelley, T. (2020). Educating the next
generation of nurses to be innovators and change agents. Journal of Professional
Nursing, 36(2), 13-19.
▪ Weberg, D., Davidson, S., Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2019). Leadership
for evidence-based innovation in nursing and health professions. Jones & Bartlett
Publishers. P. 13.
▪ (Weberg et al., 2019, Chapter 2, Innovative Leadership Behaviors)!/4/2/4@0:0.00

COS Unit 3

STARTING TIPS: Remember to remove template original text as you complete each section.
Paste the task instruction points into each section of the template where they best fit. Then
remove as you write about each rubric point.


The summary includes an
accurate description of
organizational characteristics of
the CoP, including type, setting,
and structure. The summary
accurately describes the
services provided and size of
the service area and offers in-

When describing the Community of Practice [CoP] cite references including the website of
the organization. If you use data from different areas of the organization’s website review
the rules for citing websites with the same name and date “APA Twins.” Organizational
structure includes the leaders of the facility possibly from an organizational chart. You’ll
want to include a description of the organizational structure – who reports to whom – the
“pecking order” so to speak. See if you can get a copy of an organizational chart for your
facility – that will give you a lot of good information – then write it up as a narrative – don’t
just insert the chart into your paper.



Tracking Supplies in the Emergency Room


College of Health Professions, Western Governors University

D031: Advancing Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing Practice




Tracking and Accounting for Supplies in the Emergency Room

(A)Innovation Proposal

Working in the Emergency Room has its challenges; one of those challenges is not having

enough supplies. This could be from multiple patients with the same complaint, overuse of

product, or supply chain shortages in receiving the product. Due to the 2020 pandemic, there

have been disruptions in supply chain distribution. Healthcare is being directly affected; as

stated by Reed (2021), “Shortage of health care supplies can quickly jump from a nuisance to a

life-or-death proposition. They indicate serious vulnerabilities in the U.S. health care supply

chain.” The supply chain issue has forced healthcare workers to be innovators, thinking smarter,

not harder, becoming creative engineers when the supply is unavailable, and minimizing what is

needed for the desired outcome. Healthcare facilities have been working through short supplies

for over a year due to supply chain disruption and inappropriate or overuse of materials for

specific procedures. In the chaos of the ER, in a critical situation, we are finding too many

supplies are getting opened and not used. For example, a critical patient could need a central line

for certain medications; two central-line kits get opened on accident, one gets used, and one gets

thrown away. This waste is decreasing what is already low and unavailable.

An innovative way to track supplies and decrease unusable supplies is an electronic

tracking system. All items are scanned under the patient’s name before being taken out of the

supply room. Inventory tracking systems would be a costly upfront expenditure. Still, it would

be cost-effective with long-term use by reducing unused materials inventory protection,

improving inventory count accuracy, and accurately charging a patient for materials used

(Healthie, 2021). There will also be a designated procedure supply quick reference flipchart for

staff to gather only the necessary supplies needed. Hoping to decrease the number of supplies


opened and not used for a procedure.

Role of Innovative Nurse Leader

The seventh provision in the American Nurses Association code of ethics states, “The

nurse, in all roles and settings, advances the profession through research an