Initial Post 

Healthcare systems have varying policies regarding the use of smartphones and mobile computing devices in the clinical setting. Do you believe that smartphones have a place in the clinical setting? What guidelines, if any, should be put in place? Are the guidelines in place enforced in your clinical setting (work or school clinicals)? Please provide support for your response.

Respond to Peers 

Please post a response to the below peer who has a different viewpoint than the one you will post. Does their post change your point of view at all?  


I do believe that smartphones and mobile computing devices have a place in the clinical setting but only with strict guidelines and rules of use. Smartphones, however, are strictly prohibited for school clinicals for me as a student. This rule is enforced by our instructors, and I understand the necessity of it. I think it is necessary to prohibit smartphones for students as some may not be cognizant of the rules and regulations necessary for HIPPA compliance. On the other hand, the convenience of looking up a medication or lab values would be much more convenient if phone use was allowed. 

In fact, 79% of advanced practice nurses utilize smartphones to answer questions regarding drug therapy (Greer et al., 2019). Using smartphones in healthcare definitely comes with risk but could the benefit outweigh the risk? The study that I reviewed claims that using smartphones at the bedside can improve efficiency, patient outcomes, and satisfaction of both nurses and doctors (Greer et al., 2019). Additionally, patients can benefit from being taught how to use specific applications on their phones that help with various ailments. For example, there are applications available through smartphones that help people with sleeping disorders track their quality of sleep (Giddens, 2021). I personally believe if the devices are strictly used for research and education then problems can be prevented. It is when social media comes into play that violations begin to occur. 


Giddens, J. (2021). Concepts for Nursing Practice (3rd. ed). Elsevier Inc.

Greer, D., Hermanns, M., Abel, W., & Njoki, T. (2019). Exploring Nursing Students’ Smartphone Use in the Clinicla Setting. CNE Series.  

Rubric Detail


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Name: DB: Mobile Computing


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Responsiveness to discussion prompts

Points Range:36 (36.00%) – 40 (40.00%)

All components of discussion prompt addressed. Well-developed viewpoint showing strong logical thinking, reasoning, and analysis with evidence and examples.

Points Range:31 (31.00%) – 35 (35.00%)

Most components of discussion prompt addressed logical thinking, reasoning, and/or analysis for most part; viewpoint is supported with evidence and/or examples.

Points Range:20 (20.00%) – 30 (30.00%)

Minimal components of discussion prompt addressed Ideas expressed are general in nature and/or occasionally may not be relevant.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 19 (19.00%)

Minimal or no components of discussion prompt addressed. Ideas expressed lack depth, are off-topic and/or confusing to follow. Viewpoint, if given, is not supported with evidence or examples.

Application of assigned readings, etc.

Points Range:16 (16.00%) – 20 (20.00%)

Very clear that readings (or other materials) were understood by incorporation into postings.Incorporates sources other than those provided.

Points Range:11 (11.00%) – 15 (15.00%)

Somewhat clear that readings (or other materials) were understood by incorporation into postings.Incorporates only those sources provided.

Points Range:10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)

Somewhat unclear that readings (or other materials) were understood by incorporation into postings. No references provided.

Points Range:0 (0.