
During a global health volunteer trip, you identified the need for a disease surveillance program targeting a preventable disease within a global population. You would like to create awareness about this need and propose a solution.

Select a preventable disease affecting a population and write a persuasive for the blog proposing a disease surveillance program. 

  • Introduce the topic and include a thesis statement (1 paragraph)
  • Describe the preventable disease and population affected by the disease (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Propose methods for a disease surveillance program within the population (up to 1 page)
  • Suggest global health organizations that would be suited to launch the program (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Explain how the program would be communicated to healthcare providers and communities (1-2 paragraphs)

This should be in APA format. Information should be supported by evidence from professional sources, published within the past five years.

Rubric Details

Maximum Score

4 points

Grade for Deliverable 1

100% of total grade

A – 4 – Mastery


B – 3 – Proficiency


C – 2 – Competence


F – 1 – No Pass


I – 0 – Not Submitted


Criterion 1

0% of total grade

A – 4 – Mastery

The first paragraph clearly introduces the topic and includes a thesis statement that summarizes the main point of the essay and its importance.


B – 3 – Proficiency

The first paragraph clearly introduces the topic and includes a thesis statement that summarizes the main point of the essay but not its importance.


C – 2 – Competence

The first paragraph introduces the topic and includes a thesis statement but lacks clarity in a minor area.


F – 1 – No Pass

The first paragraph does not introduce the topic or include an identifiable thesis statement.


I – 0 – Not Submitted

Not Submitted


Criterion 2

0% of total grade

A – 4 – Mastery

Clearly stated and thorough description of the preventable disease and population affected by the disease.


B – 3 – Proficiency

Clearly stated description of the preventable disease and population affected by the disease.


C – 2 – Competence

Basic description of the preventable disease and population affected by the disease, but the disease or population lacks clarity.


F – 1 – No Pass

Unclear description of the preventable disease and population affected by the disease.


I – 0 – Not Submitted

Not Submitted


Criterion 3

0% of total grade

A – 4 – Mastery

Methods for a disease surveillance program are clearly stated and supported by evidence from at least two professional sources published within the past five years.


B – 3 – Proficiency

Methods for a disease surveillance program are clearly stated and supported by evidence from one professional source published within the past five years.


C – 2 – Competence

Methods for a disease surveillance program are identified, but sources are not professional or published within the past five years.


F – 1 – No Pass

Methods for a disease surveillance program are not identified, or no sources are used for support.


I – 0 – Not Submitted