Identify some of the social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform.

The discussion must address the topic.

Rationale must be provided

400 words in your initial post by Monday

Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published

You must post two answers to your peers  peers of 200 words by Wednesday 23:59 pm


Immigration Policy Reform: Ethical, Economic and Social Issues


            Reforming immigration policies is a very contentious issue that has ramifications not only for the economy but also for the society and on ethics. Taking action to solve this problem is absolutely necessary if we want to preserve the peace and prosperity of nations.

            Social Perspective:

            Reforming immigration policies can assist in addressing the issues of integration and cultural diversity, from a social viewpoint. It is more crucial than ever to create policies that support peaceful coexistence and respect between various groups as the number of immigrants from various cultures and backgrounds rises (Kalra, 2019). Reforms can encourage cultural exchange and social cohesion while reducing prejudice and discrimination.

            Ethical Perspective:

            From an ethical standpoint, immigration policy reform is crucial for the protection of the migrants’ human rights. Many immigrants face discrimination and are exploited, and they are frequently forced to work in deplorable conditions for pitiful wages (Butz & Kehrberg, 2019). Reforms can assist in resolving these issues by providing migrants with a legal framework that protects their rights and ensures they are treated fairly and with respect.

            Economic Perspective:

            From an economic standpoint, immigration policy reform is essential for sustaining national growth and competitiveness. Immigrants can boost economic growth, generate new jobs, and contribute to the development of new industries by bringing fresh talents and ideas (Gsir, 
al., 2018). In addition, immigration can help solve the issues of an aging population, as immigrants can provide the elderly with much-needed labor and support.

            On the other hand, reforming immigration policy also poses certain economic concerns, such as higher competition for employment opportunities, a greater need for social services, and increasing strain on housing facilities and the infrastructure. Reforms need to strike a balance between these challenges and the benefits that immigration may bring to the economy. Additionally, the immigration system has to be made more equitable and efficient.


Reasons for Addressing Immigration Policy Reforms

Immigration policy reform is a multifaceted topic affecting people’s lives in many ways. To say that immigration has had a significant role in shaping American history and culture would be an understatement. Nonetheless, immigration policy has been a contentious topic recently, with advocates and opponents holding firm positions. The following post will discuss social, ethical, and economic