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Patient Care Plan

Rebecca Synder

Date: 27/01/2022

Patient Diagnosis: Pain and Nausea due to chemotherapy



Goals and


Rationale Outcome Evaluation and Re-

 One of 
the primary 
pieces of 
information that 
led to 
the extent of 
illness in Mrs. 
Snyder’s body 
includes the 
feeling in her 
head that she 
was ready to get 
rest. She claims 
that what 
remains is for 
her to get taken 
home and rest 
beside her 
Therefore, it 
explains that 
she had the 
feeling that she 
could no longer 
survive the 
condition she 
was feeling 
from inside. 
Thus, the 
therapists could 
understand and 
tell the level at 
which the 
disease had 
affected her at 
that moment.


there will be 
reduced anxiety 
from the patient 
within two days, 
which will help 
gain her trust 
achieving the 
medication for 
better outcomes 
throughout the 
examination as 
planned by the 
medication team. 

the patient will 
adapt to the 
situation and 
allow her to cope 
with the 
experiences it 
comes along 
with it instead of 
giving up, giving 
her chances of 
survival until the 
medical team 
finds a solution 
to the problem 
within four 
weeks, showing 
progress to the 
affected family.

The first 
nursing intervention 
towards handling the 
situation includes 
counseling the patient 
regarding her medical 

The rationale 
for the first goal and 
outcome is to keep 
the patient away from 
anxiety. It would 
result in trusting the 
medical process 
within the facility. 

 The second 
pertains to the 
inclusion of better 
machinery to aid in 
assessing the client’s 

Besides, the 
second goal would be 
aiming at one’s 
adaptation towards 
chemotherapy, aiding 
in administering 
appropriately. It plays 
a role in the proper 
control of the 

The last 
includes providing 
measures to help the 
patient feel relieved 
from the pain felt 
without allowing it to 
get worse.

counseling, in that case, 
she will get 
encouragement regarding 
accepting how life is and 
accepting the present 
situation. Thus, her 
emotions would get 
altered, making one 
believe that there is still 
hope regardless of the 
problem at hand, 
alongside showing that 
other people care about 
the situation (Fye et al., 
2022). There should be a 
developed and appropriate 
relationship in creating the 
excellent belief.

Assessments will 
help understand how the 
patient progresses 
according to the subjected 
medication and the 
possible drugs that might 
be suitable to bring back 
her normal conditio


Transition Care Plan

Family is an essential aspect of society at any given time. That is why many people would

prefer getting attended to by the people they share the same bloodline during need. For instance,

Snyder’s situation proves how the family is vital. She desires to have her family beside her during

her last days on earth, whereby she had already surrendered to the disease and was ready to die at

her home. Therefore, it is all about family because they are among the people who will understand

the feeling you have deep inside and act according to how you would prefer to get followed. At

some point, through the closest people you know from the shared bloodline, their Presence would

help boost your psychological stability during medication and sometimes improve recovery due to

the present contact (Christians, 2021). Usually, one believes that having their people around them

during need is the perfect solution towards providence of specific basic needs and wants as the

patient would suggest. That is why Snyder wanted to be taken home and die peacefully at the

conform of her settings alongside her family and the hospitality services she prefers from a specific

Jewish center.

Elements and information needed for quality transition for improved patient outcomes.

Usually, as depicted from the case study, the patient was in a condition that had forced her

to give up. Sadly, there was medical staff around, but the situation could not get solved as one

would expect. Therefore, several practices would be vital in making the entire examination

successful in increasing the quality that would involve better patient outcomes. The first includes

patient education, whereby the client needs to realize that the current medical condition is not the

final aspect. Anything might change at any time, bringing back the lost life. It encourages one to

live rather than die before the actual time comes. Usually, some persons succumb to illnesses due

to anxiety. However, patient education would provide advance directive information leading to


changing one’s psychological status, resulting in improved medical conditions. The second

pertains to patient engagement throughout the process. For instance, when any aspect occurs, such

as emergency practices, she should get the detailed information regarding the process, which

should get initiated professionally. The other approach involves incorporating one’ community,

people from the specific bloodline. They are the psychological boosters of the patient under care. It

helps them have hope regarding the situation, hence a promising medical examination throughout

the course. Lastly, s


Comprehensive Needs Assessment


Care within healthcare organizations is a point of concern to every associated party. It takes

the act to realize the importance of service provision to everyone. In achieving the goals, codes of

ethics must get followed and respected, enhancing respect to humanity within care, thus serving

the best to the clients. When nursing organizations consider all persons and help them

appropriately, the outcome will be an improved living incorporating all healthcare pillars. In

examining care, the central focus relies on identifying the current gaps, data gathering strategies,

additional examination techniques, factors affecting the patient outcome, professionalism,

evidence-based practices, and multidisciplinary approach benefits.

Current gaps in patient’s care

Each nation’s national government healthcare employees alongside every individual are the

focal points determining the extent of care received and the nature of gaps that might exist. If the

gaps persist within any institution, there is no proper coordination within the facility. That is

among the aspects that lower the care value levels. For instance, corruption utilizes the necessary

materials for institutional growth and service provision. That is among the significant ways that

persons in control divert from the organizational culture, making the related institution fail towards

achieving the set mission, vision, and the long term and short-term goals and objectives.

Thus, some medical cases might result from the process, creating identifiable gaps. The

gaps include patients lacking the ability to find care within their operational locations,

inappropriate following of the stated prescription of the medicine, and inappropriate coordination

between the patient and the primary care physician.


Therefore, when selecting the appropriate tools to gain the required information for

identifying the relative gaps, the most recommended face-to-face contact technique. It gives one

the ability to talk directly to the associated party, making it easy to gain information from the

selected party. It plays a central role in understanding and identifying the interviewing side’s

changing patterns, helping achieve the required truthful information (Behrens & Kret, 2019). When

making the tool into practice, several considerations need to be associated with the entire process,

referred to as patient information used within the assessing process. They involve; Patients’ health

statuses, comorbidities, diagnosis, prognosis, and beliefs, preferences, and goals relative to care.

The rest pertains to the capacity possessed


Patient-Centered Care Report

Oluwadamilare Ojuile-Edokpayi

Capella University

Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health

September 27, 2019

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Patient-centered Care Report

Population Health Initiatives (PHI) has become an essential aspect of the health care

world today. It ranges from all types of providers irrespective of size or specialty. Attributed to

this is the new trend of risk-based contracts and pay-for-performance arrangements aimed at

financial incentives for improved patient outcomes (Hatef et al., 2018). It is also through this that

patients are receiving preventive attention with proper tracking across the care continuum.

Health care organizations have taken the challenge and invested heavily to develop strategies and

technologies for proactive patient management. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a significant

resource for this approach (Hatef et al., 2018). On the same path, this assignment seeks to apply

EBP in solving a patient’s health issue and using the same approach, determine the success of the

same program for other patients in a similar situation.

Alice Balewa, the director of Safe Headspace, a non-profit making institution for TBI

patients, is working with Mr. Nowak. The patient presents with difficulties in balance in his last

cholesterol check. It is thought to be from his hypertensive problem or the trauma he experienced

some years ago after falling from a tree. He is a candidate for the Institution. It is through this

charitable venture for older adults that Mr. Nowak is referred to the facility to get support having

suffered through his middle and senior years. Headspace offers support for these older patients

who have many years past their traumatic events and seek strategies to see them through the

ordeal. In the same approach, there is a need to evaluate Mr. Nowak’s current treatment regime

and identify inconsistencies and gaps that would best aid in achieving a patient-centered plan of

care enough for incorpora


Assignment 2

Assessment 2 Instructions: Traumatic Brain Injury Care Report

Create a patient-centered care report applying the outcomes of the Population Health Improvement Initiative (PHII). Your report will be based on the scenario presented in the Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application media piece.

Master’s-level nurses need to be able to think critically about the evidence, outcomes data, and other relevant information they encounter throughout their daily practice. Often the evidence or information that a nurse encounters, researches, or studies is not presented in the exact context of that nurse’s practice. A key skill of the master’s-level nurse is to be able to transfer evidence from the context in which it was presented and apply it to a different context in order to maximize the benefit to patients in that new context.


For this assessment, you will base your report on the scenario presented in the 
Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application
 media piece. Some of the writing you completed and exported from the media piece can constitute your prewriting and inform the development of your final submission. Further, even though the media piece was framed within one type of care setting, you can extrapolate the situation into another care setting that is more relevant to you. You will still be able to apply community outcomes data to an individual patient or case.


For this assessment, you will apply the outcomes of the Population Health Improvement Initiative (PHII) to a patient-centered care report. The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your report addresses all of the bullets below, at minimum. You may also want to read the Patient-Centered Care Report Scoring Guide and 
Guiding Questions: Patient-Centered Care Report [DOCX]
 to better understand how each criterion will be assessed:

· Evaluate the outcomes of a population health improvement initiative.

· Propose strategies for improving the outcomes of the population health improvement plan, or ensuring that all outcomes are being addressed, based on the best available evidence.

· Develop an individualized personal care approach that incorporates lessons learned from a population health improvement initiative.

· Justify the value and relevance of evidence used as the basis for your personal care approach to your patient.

· Propose a framework that could be used to evaluate desired outcomes of your approach to personalizing care for your

Evidence–Based Health Evaluation and Application


Patient Assignment

Alicia Balewa



Public health improvement initiatives (PHII) provide invaluable data for patient–centered care, but their research is often conducted in a context different from the needs of any individual patient. Providers must make a conscious effort to apply their findings to specific patients’ care.

In this activity, you will learn about a PHII, and explore its application to a particular patient’s care plan.


You continue in your role as a nurse at the Uptown Wellness Clinic. You receive an email from the charge nurse, Janie Poole. Click the button to read it.

Good morning!

At last week’s conference I spoke with Alicia Balewa, Director of Safe Headspace. They’re a relatively new nonprofit working on improving outcomes for TBI patients, and I immediately thought of Mr. Nowak. At his last biannual cholesterol screening he mentioned having trouble with his balance. This may be related to his hypertension, but he believes it’s related to the time he was hospitalized many years ago after falling out of a tree, and expressed distress that this might be the beginning of a rapid decline.

Ms. Balewa will be on premises next week, and I’d like to set aside some time for you to talk.

— Janie

Alicia Balewa

Director of Safe Headspace


Interview Alicia Balewa to find out more about a public health improvement initiative that might apply to Mr. Nowak’s care.


I have a patient who might benefit from some of the interventions for TBI and PTSD you recently studied. What populations did your public health improvement initiative study?

My father came home from Vietnam with a kaleidoscope of mental health problems. That was the 1970s, when treatment options for things like PTSD, TBI, and even depression were very different. Since then there has been a lot of investment in treatment and recovery for combat veterans. That’s excellent news for veterans in treatment now, but they’re not looking at my dad, and how his TBI and PTSD have affected him through mid–life and now as a senior. That’s why I started Safe Headspace: to focus on older


Traumatic Brain Injury Care Report

Please read Holsey Comment by Heidi Niswander: This is a great paper for the evaluation of a PHII and improvement strategies. However, it does not address the PHII that tis presented in the multimedia piece in the instruction area of this assignment. Pleas review the assignment instructions and interact with the multimedia piece to obtain the information that is needed to complete this assignment.

Capella University

NURS-FPX6011Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health

Traumatic Brain Injury Care Report


There are multiple cases of health depreciation among people worldwide. They are the factors contributing to the economic downgrade of many nations. A key figure and concept to master in life involve understanding the virtue of life and how healthy living aids in improving every life sector. Through the lifestyle pillars such as health, the implementation of Population Health Improvement enables the world to initiate healthy lifestyles for the people. It is the essential thing accommodating all livelihoods. That is why, despite the involvement of total nationwide lockdowns in many world nations, health facilities operations may not have gotten hindered. Some of the essential services involved in the entire practice pertain to Medicaid concerning community-based services, utilizing the Presence of community health workers to initiate service delivery, alongside hospital community expansions. Therefore, it is an act supported by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to improve all medical departments to benefit the entire world population (Shahzad et al., 2019). The initiative relies on the four pillars, management of chronic situations, safety and quality, health policy, and public health.

Outcomes of a population health improvement initiative

By practicing the initiatives accordingly, multiple results come into being. Due to improving public health, the outcomes are usually positive since it is a world initiative fostered by all medical bodies, including the World Health Organization. It gains the international standards and interventions required to keep the entire planet safe from current and incoming infections. The primary outcomes involve advanced healthcare alongside medical research, promoting appropriate patient outcomes through treating specific categories, and lowering service delivery-related costs. Thus, its goals comprise boosting mental, social, and physical well-being (Moran, 2018). The first outcome, promoting research and care provision,