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Assessment 3 Instructions: Policy Proposal Presentation

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· Record a slide presentation with audio voiceover, supported by 8-12-slides, for one of the stakeholder groups identified in your Assessment 2 Policy Proposal, which addresses current performance shortfalls, the reasons why new policy and practice guidelines are needed to eliminate those shortfalls, and how the group’s work will benefit from the changes.


It is important that health care leaders be able to clearly articulate policy positions and recommendations and garner buy-in and support from stakeholder groups for policy and practice changes in their organizations. Unfortunately, effective communication is often lacking. Consequently, it is important for health care leaders, when leading change, to ensure that clear and open communication is ongoing and informative.

An important aspect of change leadership is the ability to address diverse groups of stakeholders and create buy-in and support for your ideas and proposals for change. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate and hone these skills.

Record a slide presentation, with audio voiceover, for one of the stakeholder groups you identified in your Assessment 2 Policy Proposal. Inform the group of current performance shortfalls, introduce the proposed policy, explain why the policy is needed, and present policy-driven practice guidelines to resolve the performance issue. You must also obtain buy-in from the group by explaining the positive effects of the policy and practice guidelines on their work.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft presentation to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


The presentation requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for presentation format and length and for supporting evidence.

· Summarize your proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.

1. Identify applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law that prescribes relevant performance benchmarks that your policy proposal addresses.

1. Keep your audience in mind when creating this summary.

. Interpret, for stakeholders, the relevant benchmark metrics that illustrate the need for the proposed policy and practice guidelines.

2. Make sure this is a brief review of the evaluation you completed in your Assessment 1 Dashboard Benchmark Evaluation.







JANUARY 1, 2020

Hello, and welcome to today’s presentation on the policy proposal for managing
medication errors. This presentation has been designed to give you, the stakeholders,
all the relevant information about the need for an institutional policy that will reduce
medication errors at Mercy Medical Center. We will also discuss the scope of the
proposal, strategies to resolve medication errors, and stakeholder involvement in the
implementation of these strategies.



■ Policy on Managing Medication Errors

■ Need for a Policy

■ Scope of the Policy

■ Strategies to Resolve Medication Errors

■ Role of the Hospital Staff

■ Positive Impact on Working Conditions

■ Issues in the Application of Strategies

■ Alternative Perspectives on Mitigating
Medication Errors

■ Stakeholder Participation

We will begin by understanding the features of the policy on managing medication
errors. We will examine the need for a policy and determine its scope. The policy will
revolve around two strategies to resolve medication errors. We will identify the role
of members of the hospital staff who will implement the strategies. We will examine
the potential positive impact of the strategies on the working conditions of the staff.
We will also delve into possible barriers that could arise during the application of the
strategies. Next, we will discuss alternative perspectives for resolving medication
errors. Finally, we will look at the stakeholder involvement in implementing these


Policy on

■ Analyzing medication error trends and
addressing shortfalls regularly

■ Establishing automated dispensing
cabinets to manage medication

■ Training hospital staff and pharmacists on
medication error prevention

■ Educating patients on potential areas of
medication error

The policy guidelines presented here comply with state and federal laws. Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services mandates the implementation of evidence-based
initiatives to improve the quality of health care by analyzing the condition of patient
safety and managing medication errors (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
2017). Mercy Medical Center intends to regularly conduct a thorough analysis of
medication error trends as a quality measure and to identify gaps in existing medical
processes. To comply with the Code of Maryland Regulations, the hospital will
conduct training sessions to educate and train health care professionals such as
doctors, nurses, and hospital support staff to manage and minimize medi

7/12/22, 10:30 AM Building Buy-In and Communicating with Stakeholders Transcript 1/7

Riverbend City ® Activity

Building Buy–In and
Communicating with

SAMC Clinical Unit
Non-Clinical Stakeholders

Your policy proposal was well received by the senior leadership
at St Anthony Medical Center, and now they would like you to
prepare a presentation for one of the stakeholder groups
affected by your proposed ideas. The purpose of this
presentation will be to inform the group about the future of
organizational policy and practices, the current performance
shortfalls, and a rationale for why the new policy and practices
are needed.

As you move through this simulation, think about the responsibilities and
needs for the various roles. Some of these needs may conflict with other
stakeholder groups’ needs. How can these conflicts be reconciled? What
does leadership need to understand about the different stakeholder

SAMC Clinical Unit

Clinical Stakeholders

7/12/22, 10:30 AM Building Buy-In and Communicating with Stakeholders Transcript 2/7

Some stakeholder needs may conflict with those of other groups. Be sure
to consider how or if these conflicts can be reconciled.

Harold Liss
I’ve got to tell you, the last thing physicians want to hear about is more
metrics or targets or benchmarks. We’re getting buried under metrics and
they always seem to be about squeezing more out of us. Burnout is a real
problem and that actually has serious implications for quality and patient
safety. Physician compensation structures are just focused on requiring or
entreating physicians to do more, more, more. That kind of thinking
contributes to a lot of the problems we’re seeing in terms of wasteful
practices. Most doctors are going to do the right thing most of the time,
but the environment is becoming one where decisions are driven by profit
over quality care and the culprit is often the fee-for-service system.

Janie Poole
Clinical Nurse
You won’t find a nurse in this organization who doesn’t support quality
improvement efforts, but I’ll be honest, most of the nurses I know feel like
these initiatives just mean more work for nurses. If you are proposing
changes to a clinical procedure or workflow, you will need to be very clear
about how it actually imrproves on the current process. Are you solving a
real problem or something that just looks like a problem?

Another thing to consider is staffing. We talk about staffing ratios all the
time and the fact of the matter is that if you want to see improvements in
quality, do something about staffing. That’s the most important area you

Professional Presentation


Name (Presenter)

Capella University

School of Nursing and Health Sciences


© 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary

This presentation is designed as a model to help you develop professional-quality PowerPoint presentations, and will take you through the parts of a typical presentation. On your title slide, in addition to the title, please be sure to include the date, your name, Capella University, and the course name. The title should reflect your topic and not the assignment name.


Microsoft PowerPoint

Disseminates information

Can add visuals such as illustrations or graphs

Can add film clips, sound, and animation


© 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary

Presentation development is an important skill for your Capella program and will enhance your communication and presentation skills in your daily practice settings. Professional presentations enable you to share information and visual representations with your audience, whether in a course, a meeting, or as part of an educational opportunity.

There are some rules for presenters that will help you create powerful and professional presentations. At Capella, it is also important that you develop the skill of adding audio to your presentation. The guidelines presented here are designed to help you set up a slide deck. You can also add links to film clips, animations, and graphics to the presentation.

Remember that references should be included for your sources and should follow APA guidelines. Your reference list will appear at the end of the presentation. On the slide itself, provide a citation with authors and year of publication, as you would in an APA paper. It may be in smaller type. Make certain your references are scholarly, fewer than 5 years old, and peer reviewed. You do not have to provide the citation on the slide and in the speaker’s notes; one or the other is usually sufficient.


Getting Started

Create a topic outline based on grading rubric

Do not use complete sentences for headings

Choose a slide design

Consider contrast of text and background

Create a slide or two as needed

Address each criterion in the rubric


© 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary

When creating a presentation for an assignment, be sure to read through and understand the instructions for your presentation as well as the grading criteria.

Try to limit your title to a single line, and remember to use a short descriptive phrase rather than a sentence.

The gradin