see attached 

Develop a 4-6 page holistic intervention plan design to improve the quality of outcomes for your target population and setting.


Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Your application of the PICOT approach to developing your problem statement and the research that you conducted and synthesized in your literature review are the foundation and framework that you will need to successfully build your intervention plan. This plan will lay out specific components of the intervention you are planning to address the need you have identified for the target population and setting. You will justify your approach to the intervention plan by integrating appropriate theoretical foundations. You will also analyze and address the needs of stakeholders, requirements of regulatory bodies, and ethical and legal considerations. It is important to have a sound intervention plan design in place before trying to work on the details of implementation and evaluation.


· Read 
Guiding Questions: Intervention Plan Design [DOC]
. This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete this assessment.

· As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

. What theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies could help support or justify your approach to the intervention plan?

. What evidence from the literature or best practice supports the intervention plan components you identified?

. What, if any, potential is there for technology to help in the development or implementation of the intervention plan components?

. What is the impact of stakeholders, health care policy, or regulations?

. Are there any ethical or legal considerations related to the development or implementation of the intervention plan components that need to be kept in mind? If so, what are they?


Note: The assessments in this course are sequenced i

Develop a 4-6 page holistic intervention plan design to improve the quality of outcomes for your target population and setting.

You will also be required to submit your completed practicum hours using CORE ELMS. You must submit a minimum of 20 hours with each assessment deliverable to receive a grade for the entire assessment.


Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Your application of the PICOT approach to developing your problem statement and the research that you conducted and synthesized in your literature review are the foundation and framework that you will need to successfully build your intervention plan. This plan will lay out specific components of the intervention you are planning to address the need you have identified for the target population and setting. You will justify your approach to the intervention plan by integrating appropriate theoretical foundations. You will also analyze and address the needs of stakeholders, requirements of regulatory bodies, and ethical and legal considerations. It is important to have a sound intervention plan design in place before trying to work on the details of implementation and evaluation.


· Read 
Guiding Questions: Intervention Plan Design [DOC]
. This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete this assessment.

· As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

. What theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies could help support or justify your approach to the intervention plan?

. What evidence from the literature or best practice supports the intervention plan components you identified?

. What, if any, potential is there for technology to help in the development or implementation of the intervention plan components?

. What is the impact of stakeholders, health care policy, or regulations?

. Are there any ethical or legal considerations related to the development or implementation of the intervention plan components that need to be kept in mind? If so, what are they?



The population that I will working with will be 18 and older patients (inpatient facility) and the typically length of stay 7-10 days. Issues with placement or resistance to treatment can stay longer and a court hearing will be needed for these patients. Supporting family caregivers, assessing the needs of the family caregiver is important in this setting. Teaching essential skills to family caregivers ( nonverbal signals to look for or at , health care literacy, understanding the disorder, treatment plan, teachable moments that are useful to the caregiver)  Communicating with family caregivers (sharing information, discussion of common goal, family meetings, communication strategies, caregiver education). 

The physical, emotional and financial stress on the caregiver being some patients can’t work and be self-sufficient .Caregiver strengths and limitations so nursing interventions can be put in place to support the limitations. Caregivers cognitive and health status (they have to be healthy themselves to care for others) 

Modifying care plans with collaboration of caregivers (care plans have to be completed with caregiver input and capabilities in place). Working with nurses and social workers to find proper resources for caregiver support. The top five diagnosis on the unit at Jersey City Medical center is Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, and Borderline Personality Disorder & Psychosis NOS

My plan is to attend virtual family support sessions with social worker 3days a week in the evening, (will see the type of issues the family is having and want to discuss). I will engage in pre-court family prep sessions with nursing leadership (where patients are in court and being committed involuntary against their will) 32 bed facility only involuntary goes to court the unit has 21 beds for involuntary patients and 15 beds for voluntary patients. 

Judge can order long term commitment in a longer facility, discharge home, continues the stay in the inpatient unit at Medical Center. 

I will interview the family support person regarding common themes, etc. Family support person that navigates the family through this process. In my healthcare history I’ve since how stressful caregivers have been to the point where they’ve actually people the patients in live in facilities because of the behaviors. They weren’t capable of taking care of the needs of them. They would be okay but would attack the family, destroy the home, and just were very hard to handle in the home setting. The inpatient unit offer Individual support support groups, network with other families for support 

Thank you for submitting your assignment for review and feedback. You were asked to develop a 4â��6 page holistic intervention plan design to improve the quality of outcomes for your target population and setting.


I can tell that you worked hard on this assessment. You drafted an intervention plan design which was supported by relevant and credible data and provides a plan for change.

Please take a look at each criterion section below for more substantial feedback to each section. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions, and I am happy to provide additional feedback.

Great work! I look forward to your next assessment.

Please highlight any changes you choose to make so that I can capture you hard work on this assessment.

Dr. D



Lead organizational change to improve the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.


Demonstrate completion of hours toward the practicum experience.

Your result: Distinguished


Demonstrates completion of hours toward the practicum experience and provides a clear and concise description of the focus of the clinical hours and alignment to the capstone project.


Demonstrates completion of hours toward the practicum experience.


Demonstrates completion of hours toward the practicum experience, but provides no details about activities completed during those hours.


Does not demonstrate completion of hours toward the practicum experience.

Faculty Comments:

Demonstrates completion of hours toward the practicum experience, and provides a clear and concise description of the focus of the clinical hours and alignment to the capstone project.


Evaluate the best available evidence for use in clinical and organizational decision making.


Evaluate theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies relevant to an intervention plan.

Your result: Basic


Evaluates, identifying both strengths and weaknesses of, theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies relevant to an intervention plan.


Evaluates theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies relevant to an intervention plan.


Attempts to evaluate theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies, but fa