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NICU is a familiar clinical practice area that, like any other clinical practice area, needs improvements because of the change /increase in demand for the services offered in the NICU. There are many staff members involved in the NICU area of practice. They include administrators, a range of doctors, nurses, and support staff like cleaners and social workers. A change in this practice area will affect all these staff members differently, but the main aim is to improve the quality of services offered to ensure the best patient outcome. All interested groups will support the publication of game-changing research findings since they are meant to improve the service delivery system.

Hospital administrators will be excited with the findings since it provides a roadmap to improve service delivery in the hospital. Publication of the findings that more doctors and nurses should be employed to solve the shortage crisis in the NICU area will be positively received by NICU staff. Patients in the NICU area require specialized attention, and many patients are being admitted to the NICU area as time goes by. The available specialized doctors are few and are experiencing burnout. Nurses will also be happy about the publication of the research findings favoring the employment of more nurses to reduce the number of NICU patients one nurse takes care of (Bresesti et al., 2020). Therefore, doctors will support the research findings and advocate for more doctors to be employed to reduce doctors’ and nurses’ burnout.

For a long time, parents have advocated for inclusion in NICU treatments. This publication will be an advantage to them as many people will get to understand their needs and support them. Increased parent participation in the NICU, including their presence and infant holding, will improve attachment, thus improving the infant’s ability to cope with NICU stressors (Benzies et al., 2017). Therefore, parents and families will support the published findings that favor their inclusion in the treatment and improve the treatment outcome. Also, social workers will be at the forefront in supporting the published findings since their inclusion in the NICU area is of value. Their emotional support for the parents makes the whole process less stressful, and the parents can easily cope with the situation and be hopeful that the struggle will end in no time. Therefore, administrators, doctors, nurses, families, and social workers will be interested in the findings and will support them since they will improve service delivery in the NICU.


Benzies, K. M., Shah, V., Aziz, K., Isaranuwatchai, W., Palacio-Derflingher, L., Scotland, J., … & Lodha, A. (2017). Family Integrated Care (FICare) in Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Units: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Tr