1. You are the system vice president of a 12-hospital system in the Northwest United States. Because your 12 hospitals are separated by many miles, most of your system-wide meetings are virtual. These meetings are very important to the success of your organization. How will you make certain that these virtual meetings are effective and that they accomplish their purpose? Discuss some SBAR and TeamSTEPPS for health care recommendations and solutions.Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary. 

2. What distinguishes the role of the governing body from the role of management in health care?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

3.Discuss the challenges of forming groups, such as a board of directors, in health care. Address the phases that the board will likely go through as they learn to work effectively together.

Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

Management of Healthcare Organizations: An IntroductionPeter Olden, PhDRead the Unit III Study Guide and Chapter 5 – Organizations and Chapter 6 – Groups and Teams. 

HCA 3301, Health Care Management 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit III

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

2. Analyze the structure of governing boards for health care organizations.
2.1 Describe the role of the governing body at the top of a health care organization.
2.2 Explain the five stages of group development in health care organizations.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

Unit Lesson
Chapter 5
Unit III Assessment


Unit Lesson
Chapter 6
Article: “Teamwork in Health Care: Maximizing Collective Intelligence Via

Inclusive Collaboration and Open Communication”
Video: TeamSTEPPS: SBAR in Inpatient Medical Teams
Unit III Assessment

Required Unit Resources

Chapter 5: Organizing: Organizations

Chapter 6: Organizing: Groups and Teams

In order to access the following resources, click the links below.

AHRQ Patient Safety. (2015, April 29). TeamSTEPPS: SBAR in inpatient medical teams [Video]. YouTube.


Transcript for TeamSTEPPS: SBAR in Inpatient Medical Teams video

Mayo, A. T., & Woolley, A. W. (2016, September). Teamwork in health care: Maximizing collective intelligence

via inclusive collaboration and open communication. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics,
18(9), 933–940. https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/teamwork-health-care-maximizing-

Unit Lesson

TeamSTEPPS® for Health Care

Anyone entering health care leadership at this point in the evolution of our art and science needs to
understand TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) for health
care. This process should be part of the orientation and training for any new board of directors member, any
new member of the facility’s management team, and all hospital employees. It takes engagement from all
levels of the organization to make TeamSTEPPS work.

There was a time when health care organizations were primarily managed from the top down with decisions
made by the governing board and chief executive officer (CEO), but increasingly it has become apparent that
the most successful medical facilities utilize a TeamSTEPPS approach. The governing board has great


Organizations, Groups,
and Teams

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