The following assignments are all one. The topic is Human Resources in health services administration. A template is attached for proper order.

HSA-5923 Health Service Administration Capstone: 5

Capstone Description of the Project.

The Capstone paper should reflect the overall goals and objectives (stated in Field Learning Agreement or the Capstone Project Approval Form) and provide details of the project completed. This assignment integrates the knowledge, skills and abilities learned in the program through a capstone project. It is intended to strengthen and synthesize skills related to management, leadership, business law, ethics, epidemiology, financial management, marketing, health care policies, human resource management, information system management and research.


This section should detail what you did. The reader should be able to essentially replicate your project based on what is included in this section. You should include the following:

a. Type of study or research design employed (Recommended resource:

b. Parameters of your study population (sample size, relevant participant information and demographics, etc.)

c. Materials and methods (types of qualitative or quantitative data collected, data collection procedures / protocol, statistical or other methods used to analyze data/outcomes)

d. Analysis and results

Tables and figures – these must be referred to and described in the text.


a. Type of study or research design employed (Recommended resource:

b. Parameters of your study population (sample size, relevant participant information and demographics, etc.)

c. Materials and methods (types of qualitative or quantitative data collected, data collection procedures / protocol, statistical or other methods used to analyze data/outcomes)

d. Analysis and results.



HSA-5923 Health Service Administration master’s degree Capstone

Final Submission

We just had 7 week of classes and it’s time for you to submit the complete document of your Capstone: Final Submission to obtain your final grade of the Capstone.

Assignment Guidelines:

To insert your own running head, double click on the words RUNNING HEAD above, then highlight the words and retype with your own running head. (The running head is usually a short form of the title.)

To exit the header box, double click in a white space in the body of the paper.

For other questions, call the Writing Center at 612-728-5154 or e-mail

[email protected]

~ To delete this instruction box, click on its frame and press the Delete key ~

[Title Page]

Your Name

Saint Mary’s University Of Minnesota

Schools of Graduate & Professional Programs

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in

Allied Health

[Instructor’s Name]

Submission Date [example, December 19, 2019]

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction




Chapter Two: Literature Review

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

Chapter Three: Conclusion





Title of Paper

NOTE: On this page the Tab key has been reset to create dots after each heading. To add an entry, type your heading, press Tab, and type the page number.

Do not use the Tab key to indent on this page. Instead, if you need to indent, use the Ruler Bar or the Space Bar.

Once you leave the Table of Contents page, the Tab key will return to a ½’ indent for paragraphing.

~ To delete this instruction box, click on its frame and press the Delete key~

Chapter One: Introduction


HSA-5923 Health Service Administration Master Degree Capstone: Assignment 2

Capstone: Introduction and Description of the Problem

An important part of your capstone project is a clear description of the problem that the CP is to address, and a clear description of a solution. Describe the Problem that the CP is to address and describe the solution. The problem and its solution should be developed in a way that the one informs the other. The two should be related in that the different components of the problem’s description, such as demographics, people involved, political context, should inform the proposed solution. The description of the problem and its solution are a crucial part of the project. If it is substantially underdeveloped, the project will be returned for more work.


The introduction sets the stage for what is to come and should provide the background and rationale for the proposed project – what is this about and why is it important? It should succinctly contextualize the problem in one to three short paragraphs, and include a brief statement of the problem. Recommended length is 1-2 page.

Briefly, what is your project?

The aspect/problem/issue in science and/or math education that is the focus of the project, and what is the need for reform or change or research.

How can your project make a difference?

The community (public, families, teachers and/ or students) impacted by the project, and if applicable, the need for research/change/reform among this population.

Again, how might your project make a difference?

The evidence that reform/change or research into the proposed area of science and math education is needed. This part of the introduction should provide a brief (1-2 page) review of the pertinent literature.


This section the student should elaborate on the statement of the problem presented in the introduction. Thoroughly describe the nature of the problem; including your rationale for believing the problem exists. Describe how the project will address the problem, and clearly state the goals and scope of the project. These goals must align with the literature review and the methodology. In the Description of the problem section student must designate and define the specific problem your project will address. Clearly state your goals for the project (what you hope to accomplish), describe the product or services you will provide (e.g., the creation or improvement of an educational tool), and discuss how the project is likely to benefit your profession, institution, or organization. Recommended length is ~1 page

Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with

HSA-5923 Health Service Administration Capstone: Assignment 4

Capstone Project Paper: Tittle page, Abstract, Table of content.

The Capstone paper should reflect the overall goals and objectives (stated in Field Learning Agreement or the Capstone Project Approval Form) and provide details of the project completed. This assignment integrates the knowledge, skills and abilities learned in the program through a capstone project. It is intended to strengthen and synthesize skills related to management, leadership, business law, ethics, epidemiology, financial management, marketing, health care policies, human resource management, information system management and research.


For this assignment the students must submit their Tittle page of the Capstone, Abstract and the Table of content to be approve. For each specific requirement you must follow up the instruction bellow. Refer to APA style 7th edition guidelines for how to use in-text citations of the articles you review.

Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA style 7th edition format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.


Title Page (1 page): A title page for the paper should include the title of the paper, the author, the date. See sample on last page of this document.


Abstract (1 page)

Prepare a 250 – 300 word summary of the paper in a narrative abstract. The abstract should be on a separate page of the final document.

The abstract is a concise summary (150-250 words) of the main sections of the paper. It should be written last!


The TOC should include major headings and subheadings, as needed for your capstone. Tip: Microsoft Word has a Table of Contents feature.

HSA-5923 Health Service Administration Capstone: 6

Capstone Conclusions, Lessons Learned, References and Appendices.

The Capstone paper should reflect the overall goals and objectives (stated in Field Learning Agreement or the Capstone Project Approval Form) and provide details of the project completed. This assignment integrates the knowledge, skills and abilities learned in the program through a capstone project. It is intended to strengthen and synthesize skills related to management, leadership, business law, ethics, epidemiology, financial management, marketing, health care policies, human resource management, information system management and research.


Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA style 7th Edition format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.


This section serves as the discussion and conclusion section of the paper. It should briefly recap the purpose of the project, as well as summarize and contextualize the major findings/outcomes. This is the “so what?” part of the paper – the place where you explain why the outcome matters. What is the impact of the project, what are its limitations, what have you learned, and what are the next steps?


A minimum of 15 cited references is required. All cited sources, not just those from the Literature Review, should be included in the references section and formatted according to APA Guidelines. Only those sources that were cited in the paper should be included, i.e., if you read a paper, but did not cite it, you should not reference it.


The appendices contain supplementary material, i.e., information that is not essential, but that the reader might find useful for developing a deeper understanding. Appendices can also include high-volume data tables, descriptions, lists, survey questions, etc.



Author Note

Health Service Administration Master Degree Capstone: PICO (T) QUESTION IMPLEMENTATION. .


PICOT is an acronym for the fundamentals of the clinical question: patient population (P), intervention or issue of interest (I), comparison intervention or topic of interest (C), outcome(s) of interest (O), and time it takes for the intervention to achieve the outcome(s) (T). When students question me why the PICOT question is so significant, we will elucidate that it is a constant, exact technique to classify the constituents of a clinical problem. Using the PICOT format to building the scientific question helps to clarify these constituents, which will conduct the exploration for the evidence. A well-construct and organized PICOT question upsurge the probability that the unsurpassed evidence to apprise practice will be established quickly and competently.


PICOT questions are an abbreviation of a constant formula used to prepare a clinical query that is a prerequisite to submit a final research paper for Master graduate school. Being evidence-based practice, Health fields the career demands the skills of taking immediate decisions in case of a medical emergency, catastrophic events, and administrative inquired deductions. In a practical job, the ability to develop researchable tasks through PICOT question format is also significant for evidence-based practice.

Purpose of the project

The faculty-guided scholarly experience provides evidence of student’s critical thinking and ability to translate research into practice through problem identification, proposal development, implementation, and evaluation.

Outcomes of the Project

a. Description of innovation or clinical inquiry

b. Application of best evidence from literature

c. Collection of data using methods or tools that are standard and acceptable

d. Definition of outcomes to be measured pertinent to implementation

d. Implementation outcomes and/or analysis of results

Project Possibilities

Translate research into practice

Quality improvement (care processes, patient outcomes)

Implement and evaluate evidence based-practice guidelines

Analyze policy: Develop, implement, evaluate, or revise the policy

Design and use databases to retrieve information for decision making, planning, evaluation

Conduct financial analyses to compare care models and potential

HSA-5923 Health Service Administration Master Degree Capstone: Assignment 3

Capstone: Literature Review and References.

The objectives of literature review in a research project include the following.

· To gain background knowledge of the research topic.

· Find out problems in the area of interest to the researcher that have already been investigated in the past.

· Know what other have found out about the subject and haw they have done so.

· To find out various concepts relating to it and the potential relationship between them.

· To identify potential areas and hypothesis for research.

· To get some support for design of research methodology and techniques of analysis.

· To identify potential sources of information for conducting the detailed research.


The literature review should be a greatly expanded version of the one written for the proposal. It should both summarize and synthesize the relevant literature ( It should include a minimum of 15 references that are fairly current. The majority of the literature reviewed should have been published within the last 5 years, and come from peer-reviewed journals. It is perfectly acceptable, and indeed advisable, to cite seminal, foundational studies in your area of focus that may be >5 years old. Edited texts or textbooks may also be appropriate source material. Web sites should be used with caution. Refer to APA style 7th edition guidelines for how to use in-text citations of the articles you review.

Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA style 7th edition format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.

Originality: SafeAssign submission and APA style 7th edition Format are required.


1. Include a minimum of 15 references.

2. The majority of the literature reviewed should have been published within the last 5 years


A minimum of 15 cited references is required. All cited sources, not just those from the Literature Review, should be included in the references section and formatted according to APA style 7th edition Guidelines. Only those sources that were cited in the paper should be included, i.e., if you read a paper, but did not cite it, you should not reference it.


To be completed by students and submitted during the HSA5923 Health Services Administration Master Degree Capstone class assignment 1.

Student information

1. What is the practice issue (foreground?)

2. What is the practice area?

Administration: Yes ___ No___

Clinical: Yes ___ No___

Educational administration: Yes ___ No _____

Informatics: Yes ___ No ___

Policy: Yes ___ No ___

Organization philosophy or mission and vision statement of the institution:

3. How was the practice issue identified? (check all that apply)

Quality and safety/risk management: Yes ___ No ____

Significant financial concerns: Yes ____ No _____

Procedural or process issue: Yes ____ No ____

Unsatisfactory patient outcomes: Yes ____ No ______

Different between hospital and community practice: Yes _____ No _____

Other (define in space below): Yes ____ No _____

Wide variation in practice: Yes _____ No _____

Clinical practice issue: Yes ____ No _____

4. How will the project align (Support) with institution mission?

5. How will the project help improve the organization performance? Does your project align with the site business models?

6. What is the scope of the problem?

Family: Yes ___ No ___

Individual: Yes ___ No ___



To insert your own running head, double click on the words RUNNING HEAD above, then highlight the words and retype with your own running head. (The running head is usually a short form of the title.)

To exit the header box, double click in a white space in the body of the paper.

For other questions, call the Writing Center at 612-728-5154 or e-mail

[email protected]

~ To delete this instruction box, click on its frame and press the Delete key ~

[Title Page]

Your Name

Saint Mary’s University Of Minnesota

Schools of Graduate & Professional Programs

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in

Allied Health

[Instructor’s Name]

Submission Date [example, August 21, 2011]

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction




Chapter Two: Literature Review

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

Chapter Three: Conclusion





Title of Paper

NOTE: On this page the Tab key has been reset to create dots after each heading. To add an entry, type your heading, press Tab, and type the page number.

Do not use the Tab key to indent on this page. Instead, if you need to indent, use the Ruler Bar or the Space Bar.

Once you leave the Table of Contents page, the Tab key will return to a ½’ indent for paragraphing.

~ To delete this instruction box, click on its frame and press the Delete key~

Chapter One: Introduction


What is your topic? What is your research question? What are you trying to find out about your topic? What problem needs to be solved? What challenge needs to be met?


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