My topic is Cardiovascular Disorders
a. Hypertension
i. Medication Management (ACE Inhibitors, ARBs), Orthostatic
Hypotension, diet etc.

Medcial Surgical Book as a reference, i will send it separately

Patient Information

Adm; 03/02/2022

Patient: DS

Diagnosis: left kidney hydronephrosis

PMH: Hypertension, smoking

Code status: Full code

Allergies: NKA

Tempt: 36.6


Spo2: 100


Subjective data: Patient reports elevated BP, nausea, headache and noisy abdominal area.


Weight: 190 Hieght:5’7

Meds: Hydralazine (IV) at hospital. At home he take hypertension meds

Alert and oriented x4

T.M. (2-1-21)

School of Nursing QEP Writing Prompts
NUR 1211L (Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical)

Health promotion is the act of empowering clients to take control over and achieve their optimal
level of health. Utilizing the topics listed below and evidence-based practice, you will write a
scholarly paper on health promotion including the following:

• Introduction to the topic (select one of the topics below)
• Description of the disease process (topic) selected
• Implement 4 health promotion measures involved in the prevention and care of

client with the disease process (topic) selected from the textbook, nursing journal
articles, and evidence-based practice, including complementary therapies.

• Analyze how health promotion can improve the client’s overall health and avoid
complications (include modifiable and non-modifiable factors such as age,
gender, ethnicity, and lifestyle). Be sure to compare/contrast what happens to
patients if they implement health promotion strategies and what could happen if
these activities are not implemented.

• Reflection on what you learned from the assignment and how it will impact your
practice in the future

NUR 1211L QEP Topic List:

1. Endocrine Disorders (Diabetes Mellitus)
a. Diet, Foot Care, Management of Hypoglycemia, Prevention of Complications

2. Neurological Disorders (Seizures, Cerebrovascular Accident)

a. Preventive Maintenance (i.e. seizure precautions at home, CVA prevention (i.e.
smoking cessation, control of lipids, control of hypertension))

3. Gastrointestinal Disorders (Peptic Ulcer Disease, Gastritis, Gastroesophageal Reflux
Disease, Colorectal Cancer)

a. Diet, and Prevention

4. Respiratory Disorders (Asthma, COPD)
a. Strategies to reduce acute Asthma and COPD Exacerbations, Immunizations

(Influenza and Pneumococcal), Medication administration (proper use of
inhalers), Education of medications

5. Immunological Disorders
a. Infection Control

i. Prevention, Antimicrobial therapy and resistance, Hospital and community
acquired infections (MRSA, CAP)

T.M. (2-1-21)

b. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
i. Prevention, Antiviral Regimen, Community Health Education, Referral

Resources (support groups)
c. Skin Cancer

i. Primary & Secondary prevention, Tanning beds, Screening,
Environmental exposure

d. Lung Cancer
i. Smoking Cessation, Cancer screening (warning signs), Smoking cessation,

Environmental exposure, Annual Maintenance (Diagnostic studies)

6. Women’s Health (Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
a. Community health education, Prevention, and Annual Exams (Pap Smear,

Mammograms, Self-breast exams)


NUR 1025L/1002L Fundamentals of Nursing/Transition to Nursing QEP Assignment

Patient Description

Patient Care




Introduce your QEP topic.

Include age, ethnic background (if relevant to the topic), gender, acuity level within hospital

(step down, floor, ICU), or if in a nursing home (assisted living facility, rehabilitation, or

skilled nursing), relevant medical history, diagnosis, reasons for admission, length of stay, etc.

Please be mindful of HIPPA.

Read and insert literature relevant to the topic:

• What kind of care is the patient receiving?

• How is the nursing staff currently addressing the patient’s health concerns?

• Why are the current nursing interventions important for the patient’s overall health?

• How do these interventions contribute to improving the patient’s health?

Read and insert literature which is relevant to the topic:

• How does the care the patient is currently receiving compare/contrast to evidence-
based practice?

• If the care provided differs from suggested practice, why did the nurse or student
nurse choose to deviate?

• If there is limited information available on patient care, what kind of care MIGHT the
patient receive for their current ailment(s) according to evidence-based practice?

Summarize most important points from paper. Draw any final conclusions about topic.

In this section, you may now begin to write in first person (I, me, my). Address these

questions in this section in a narrative fashion:

• What did you learn from the assignment?

• How does this new information compare to your prior knowledge?

• How do you feel about it?

• How did it change you?

• What new skills can you now apply?

• How it will impact your practice in the future?

• Did you experience any “a-ha” moment(s)?

• What new connections did you make from your class, textbook, research, and



Jane Doe

Benjamin Leon School of Nursing, Miami Dade College

NUR1025L: Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical Lab

Professor Name

April 15, 2020



Mobility involves physical movement of the body, and its existence dictates the level of

independence and freedom a person holds. Mobility is a spectrum, with full mobility lying on

one end, immobility on the other, and varying degrees of mobility lying somewhere in between.

Mobility “requires sufficient muscle strength and energy, along with adequate skeletal stability,

joint function, and neuromuscular synchronization” (Crawford & Harris, 2016. p. 40). Disturbances in

mobility are caused by postural and muscular abnormalities, central nervous system damage, and

trauma to the musculoskeletal and nervous system (Potter et al., 2017). Acute or chronic pain are

also deterrents. Additionally, long periods of immobility can negatively affect the body systems

and may cause impaired tissue perfusion, deconditioning of the muscles, orthostatic hypotension,

thrombus formation, pneumonia, pressure ulcers, contractures, constipation, and psychosocial

complications amongst other health issues (Crawford & Harris, 2016). To this end, improving

and preserving the degree of mobility that a person possesses is essential to their well-being. This

fact especially rings true in the nursing home setting where the preservation of mobility can have

a huge impact on a patient’s quality of life and autonomy. Therefore, to prevent decline,

evidence-based practice and interventions must be used to resolve the causative factors of the

patient’s mobility impairment.

Patient Description

F.G. is an 82-year-old woman residing in the long-term care of a nursing home. She has

been a resident there for 10 months. Her current medical diagnoses include Parkinson’s disease,

scoliosis, anxiety, major depressive disorder, arthritis, ischemic stroke, and dementia. These

disease processes cause her to experience dysphagia, bradykinesia, muscle weakness, fatigue,


pain, mental decline, and tremors. She exhibits great difficulty ambulating and is mostly

wheelchair bound.

Patient Care

F.G. requires full assistance with basic Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and needs help

with grooming, bathing, and toileting. She also needs help with ambulation and moving from her

bed to her wheelchair. Moreover, the nursing staff encourages her to participate in her self-care

as much as possible. She can brush her teeth on her own and feeds herself without help. F.G.

only requires the help of one nurse at

Writing Tutoring Review
DISCLAIMER: I typically only highlight or comment on an error the first time I see it.

Please check your paper for additional instances of that error.

Top Priority Revisions

Additional Resources
Grammar Checker
Improve your writing using a grammar checker. I recommend Grammarly. You can use their online tool or
download it onto your computer to use in office. You will need an account to access the full capabilities.
Grammarly offers a free version at the following link:

Grammarly for Microsoft Word and Outlook (free)

cover page, reference page APA formatting

explicitly identify modifiable vs non-modifiable risk factors

missing comparison/contrast of what would happen if the patient does or doesn’t follow the recommendations, how would
their health improve or be negatively impacted

Summary of Comments on Yolande Tumot.pdf
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Health Promotion

Yolande Tumot

Miami Dade College


Dawn Cooperman



Page: 2
Number: 1 Author: gcharle1 Subject: Highlight Date: 3/16/2022 8:08:07 AM
Cover Page APA 7th Edition

Title of the Paper (in bold)
(skip line)
School of Nursing, Miami Dade College
NUR XXXX: Title of the Course
Professor’s Name (Dr. John Doe)
Assignment Due Date (Month day, YEAR)

* no running head
* page # upper right hand corner
* no special formatting
* placed about halfway down the page
Additional Resources

Student Title Page Guide (pdf download)


Health Promotion


Hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular conditions in the United

States and worldwide. So severe is this disease that it may result in premature death, stroke,

chronic kidney failure, coronary artery disease, and myocardial infarction if untreated.

Statistics indicate that 25% of adults in western nations are hypertensive (Oparil et al., 2018).

However, most of them are unaware of having this problem. Hypertension refers to elevated

blood pressure levels. Current criteria for diagnosing hypertension include having systolic

blood pressure readings of more than 130mmHg and diastolic blood pressures of higher than

80mmHg at more than two reproducible measurements. Additionally, systolic blood

pressures of