APA format

1) Minimum  6 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per item. More or less paragraphs are not allowed

           Part 1: minimum  3 pages 

           Part 2: minimum 3 pages


   Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

         All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

         Bulleted responses are not accepted

         Don’t write in the first person 

         Don’t copy and paste the questions.

         Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 5 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc


Part 1: Breast cancer in menopausal patients

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per item. More or less paragraphs are not allowed

Health Problem:   Breast cancer in menopausal patients

SMART goal: Menopausal patients will improve awareness about the risk for developing breast cancer during the three months after diagnosis through pedagogical (focus) groups

Population: Menopausal patients

Purpose: Educate menopausal patients about prevention strategies to develop breast cancer during menopause



Propose a health promotion program following MAP-IT in the project (Check “MAP-IT stands”-Breast cancer File)

1. Introduce the problem with a concise overview of its health impact. (1 paragraph)

2. Justify and describe the need for the strategy (1paragraph).

3. Describe each aspect of the strategy. 

a. Mobilize (1 paragraph)

i. What would be your objective and mission? 

ii. How would you include stakeholders? 

iii. What would be their roles? 

b. Assess (2 paragraphs)

i. How are you planning to assess the problem? 

ii. What are your short-term and long-term goals? 

c. Plan the steps to organize and implement the strategy. (2 paragraph).

d. Track.  (1 paragraph).

i. Describe the evaluation process to measure

ii. Describe the track of your progress; include:

A. Statistic evaluation  

B. collaboration with statistician as required.

4. Conclude the idea justifying the development of this particular promotional strategy. (1 paragraph).

Part 2: Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women Adolescents

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per item. More or less paragraphs are not allowed

Health Problem:      Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women Adolescents

SMART Goal: Sexually active adolescent women, after one month from the first consultation, will show a better knowledge about the importance of annual screening for STDs by accessing online information and answering a final survey.

Population: Women Adolescents

Purpose: Promote STD screening in adolescent women through brochures and digital education




Propose a health promotion program following MAP-IT in the project (Check “MAP-IT stands”- STDs File)

1. Introduce the problem with a concise overview of its health impact. (1 paragraph)

2. Justify and describe the need for the strategy (1paragraph).

3. Describe each aspect of the strategy. 

a. Mobilize (1 paragraph)

i. What would be your objective and mission? 

ii. How would you include stakeholders? 

iii. What would be their roles? 

b. Assess (2 paragraphs)

i. How are you planning to assess the problem? 

ii. What are your short-term and long-term goals? 

c. Plan the steps to organize and implement the strategy. (2 paragraph).

d. Track.  (1 paragraph).

i. Describe the evaluation process to measure

ii. Describe the track of your progress; include:

A. Statistic evaluation  

B. collaboration with statistician as required.

4. Conclude the idea justifying the development of this particular promotional strategy. (1 paragraph).


Breast cancer in menopausal patients

The risk of developing cancer increases as one age. The age at which one starts menopause affects their cancer risk. Starting menopause after the age of 55 increases the risk of developing breast cancer due to exposure to a higher level of estrogen (Wang et al, 2020). The risk of breast cancer is increased by late menopause. Menopause in women that have breast cancer affects the quality of life negatively. Breast cancer causes skin and hair changes. It makes hair fall out all over the body. Breast cancer causes joint pains and bone thinning. The breasts might change in size and color. They might be swollen due to the tumors.

Breast cancer in menopausal patients

Global relevance

There were more than 130,00 and 490,000 deaths in the premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer groups worldwide in 2018. Breast cancer in menopausal patients is relevant because the number of individuals that have been succumbing to the disease has increased. The disease has been reported in various parts of the world. The survival rates of breast cancer in menopausal patients vary from one country to another. For those in high-income countries, the survival rates are high while for those in low-income countries, the survival rates are low. The incidence of cancer in developing nations has increased steadily (Shin et al,2019).

There is a disparity in the availability of detection programs in various countries. Breast cancer in menopausal patients is likely to be treated for patients that come from developing nations. Countries that have been undergoing economic and social transitions have had more cases of postmenopausal breast cancer. Many breast cancer deaths could be avoided worldwide by improving the health outcomes for menopausal patients.

National relevance

Breast cancer in menopausal patients is relevant in the US because it affects a lot of people. The most commonly diagnosed cancer Among American women is breast cancer. 12 percent of women that are born in the US develop breast cancer. The risk of getting diagnosed with cancer increases with age. Those in menopause are more likely to get diagnosed. There have been many deaths due to breast cancer in the US. For women aged 50 years and above, death rates from cancer have been decreasing (Sun et al, 2018).

The decrease in death rates has been due to early detection and treatment advances. Breast cancer is more common in blacks than whites in the US. There is national relevance of breast cancer because there have been many people suffering from the disease, and continued research has been done to identify more effective treatments. The US has spent a lot of money on the treatment of menopausal patients with breast cancer (Sun et al, 2018).

The risk factors for breast cancer are significantly increased by a western


Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women Adolescents

Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are ravaging the lives of many young people, especially women in universities and other institutions of higher learning. At the global level, the prevalence of STDs among women has been on the rise with the number of people exposed to alcohol and drug abuse. More than one million STIs are contracted every day on a global scale. STDs in adolescent women have a significant impact on reproductive health because they claim lives and lead to poor health outcomes (Bütschi, Cattacin, & Panchaud, 2018). The STDs are substantial in the fight for healthier wellbeing because as more people are infected, their quality of life is lowered.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women Adolescents

Global Relevance

STDs among women are significant in the world because they have threatening complications. When adolescent women are affected with STIs, the aftermaths of the diseases may lead to cancer, abortions, neurologic damage, and death. Some cancers involve people so that they will be unable to conceive and get pregnant in the long run. The quality of life among adolescent women depends on their sexual status. When they are affected by STDs, they will be prone to contact other opportunistic diseases, and the global outcome for health and wellbeing will be impacted (Cowan & Mindel, 2020).

National Relevance

The national relevance of STDs is the lowering of tax levels and the negative outcome in people’s lives. When more people are affected by STDs, they will not be productive in their places of work, and consequently, they will no longer produce taxes to the government. In the long run, the GDP per capita of the country will be affected, and the level of dependents will increase. A nation where people are concerned with STDs will experience a population decline because some of the complications associated with the STDs is the inability of a person to give birth (Moore, Rosenthal & Mitchell, 2020).

When a person is affected with an STD, it will lead to lower quality of life because of its stigma. Discrimination among people is likely to affect adolescents, and they will not interact well in society. Consequently, they will spend most of their time alone and commit suicide in the discourse. Deaths rate are likely to increase in a country, and awareness should be conducted both to the infected and the other people affected in the society (Moore et al., 2020). The government must be prepared to install institutions to take care of people affected by STDs at the national level.

Local Relevance

The prevalence of STDs can only be reduced if its transmission rate is in