Family Theory Interview Project

Family Theory Interview Project (30%) – The student will conduct an interview of a family who has or is experiencing a transitional, chronic, acute, or critical illness/disorder. Note: The family interview will be conducted electronically through Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, or other technology applications, or telephone. There will be no face to face meetings with the family members due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The purpose of the interview will be to explore:

a) a description of the family experience with the illness/disorder, or a transitional health experience

b) the challenges in managing the illness/disorder, and

c) nursing approaches that are/were helpful to the family.

Based on an identified family nursing theory described in your text, course readings and research literature, develop a 12-page paper following APA format that focuses on:

a) preparing a family interview guide,

b) interviewing a family to explore concepts in the family nursing theory,

c) recording family interview data and summarizing findings from the data,

d) creating family level approaches based on interview data and proposing nursing actions to the family based on SMART goals

f) evaluating the effectiveness of the nursing actions,

g) sending the therapeutic letter to the family as appropriate

h) reflecting on the student-family follow through experience.


Cite at least six current (between 2010 to present – exceptions can always be made in dated for seminal articles of critical importance to the topic) nursing research studies to support your proposed family level approaches. Literature in addition to your textbooks and course materials is preferred. Please create fake names for the formal paper. Please refer to grading rubric located in the ‘Materials’ tab to dropdown Content for further clarification.

First Visit: Family Intake & Assessment

The student will conduct an interview of a family who has or is experiencing a transitional, chronic, acute, or critical illness/disorder. The purpose of the interview will be to:

a) Practice the One Question Question

b) Obtain the illness story

b)           Explore the family experience with the illness/disorder

c)           Examine the challenges in managing the illness/disorder

d)           Identify family constructs that are relevant to this family

c)       Research appropriate family level nursing actions


Second Visit: Family Nursing Actions

The student arranges a second visit that emphasizes the nursing recommendations and nursing actions. Feel free to consult with me if you need guidance. The purpose of the visit will be to:

a)           Discuss assessment findings with the family

b)           Confi

Family Nursing Project Rubric

Possible Points

Earned Points

Family Story:

Includes a description of the family experience with the illness/disorder or a transitional health experience


Family Intake and Assessment:

Includes family interview and assessment exploring the one question question, the illness story, family experience, and challenges based on the concepts in the chosen family nursing theory and family constructs applicable to the family

Genogram, ecomap, circular conversation, and attachment diagram included in appendix and described within the body of the paper


Family Nursing Interventions and Actions:

Creation of family level approaches based on interview data and proposing nursing actions to the family based on SMART goals

Family level commendations offered

Application and implementation of nursing actions as negotiated with the family

Minimum of 6 current research articles based on family health or family nursing care incorporated to support the proposed family level approaches


Family Response and Follow Up:

Evaluation of nursing interventions including the effectiveness of the nursing actions and overall experience

How the therapeutic relationship was terminated is discussed. May include a family therapeutic letter included in the paper appendix


Reflection on student-family follow through experience


Adheres to APA citation style, error free spelling and grammar. Family confidentiality maintained. Introduction and conclusion included.








Family Theory Interview

Minnesota State University – Mankato

NURS 362 – 01 Family and Societal Nursing for RNs

Matthew Nelson, RN

Dr. Norma Krumwiede, EdD, MN, RN

December 11, 2019


My interview was with the Ross family (all names have been changed for this assignment). The Ross family consists of husband Bill and wife Nita. Bill is in his late 60’s and Nita is in her late 50’s. Bill has no chronic medical conditions, but in March 2019 he was diagnosed with Stage III prostate cancer. My assessment preparation was guided by the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM). I was drawn to this model because of its three-fold focus on structural, developmental, and functional areas of assessment that can direct the nurse to concrete interventions (Denham, Eggenberger, Young, & Krumwiede, 2016, p. 168). Family nursing theory combined with my assessment for recommending family nursing actions.

Family Assessment

We met in the Ross home and Bill was the primary interviewee. I asked a number of questions (see Appendix A). He explained that he had developed urosepsis in April 2018 and spent five days in the hospital receiving antibiotics. Bill developed diarrhea and initially assumed it was from the antibiotics. When the diarrhea didn’t go away for months, he had to look for another source. He had an unremarkable colonoscopy, but still wanted answers. Bill saw a gastroenterologist, underwent another colonoscopy, and ultimately had an endoscopic procedure that revealed a pancreatic tumor. He was referred to a surgeon, but the tumor was thought to be too large to remove surgically. At that point he met with an oncologist.

The Rosses were initially quite anxious because the surgeon had given him a poor prognosis – 18 months to live. But when Bill met with the oncologist, he was much more optimistic, and their spirits were lifted. Nita was somewhat anxious, having lost her father to cancer at the age of 49. Bill said that he always felt confident that he would beat it (aside from brief anxiety with the surgeon’s prognosis); he thought that he had a good chance since the cancer hadn’t metastasized. He began a series of 12 intravenous chemotherapy treatments and 28 treatments of combined radiation and oral chemotherapy. Nita and Bill talked, and they decided, “We’re not going to dwell on this”. They thought if they focused too much on the issue, they would become discouraged. Bill had heard a phrase he took to heart, “Cancer is a word, not a [death] sentence”. They would put cancer in its place by living l



Family Follow Through Experience

Erica Thate

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Family Follow Through Experience

Nursing is a continuously evolving practice; and family-centered care is a nursing concept that is becoming more prevalent in practice. There are many benefits that can come with family-centered nursing care. Family-centered nursing care can empower families through shared decision making and planning, and it can help “maintain a sense of normality and continuity” for the patient and the family (Stuart & Melling, 2014, p. 20). With these positive aspect of family-centered care in mind, it is important to involve the family into the patient’s plan of care.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the family follow through experience, experienced by the author. This paper will describe the family’s illness story, assess the family through the use of Denham’s Family Health Model (DFHM), identify family constructs pertaining to this family and identify a theory that is applicable to the family. Using the information gathered from the initial visit, the paper will then describe family level nursing interventions that were recommended for the family. After implementing family level nursing interventions into the family’s daily life, the paper will conclude with how the family responded to these interventions.

Family Illness Story

1997, the year when Jane Smith’s (names have been changed to maintain confidentiality) health was impacted. In 1997, Jane experienced a heart attack. Her health continued to be impacted as the years went on. In 2000, Jane lost her step-daughter, Sarah, to Escherichia Coli, otherwise known as E-coli. After losing her step-daughter, Jane was diagnosed with depression. Two years after the passing her Sarah, Jane was hit again with the loss of her husband Mike. After the passing of her now deceased husband, Jane’s health remained fairly stable until 2010. 2010, is the year when Jane was diagnosed with diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Jane a former, one pack a day, smoker prior to the diagnosis of COPD, has completely stopped using tobacco products all together. Jane now uses an oxygen tank to help with her breathing, due to her COPD. Jane’s main concern at the time of the visit is monitoring her blood glucose levels. When asked why she has troubles remembering to check her blood glucose levels, she stated, “I just forget about doing it” (J. Smith, personal communication, April 29th, 2015).

Family Assessment using Denham’s Family Health Model

During the initial visit with the Smith family, J

Family Follow Through

Brianna Bickel

Minnesota State University, Mankato

May 5, 2015



Family Follow Through

What is family? A dictionary definition of the word concludes that family is “a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not” (“Family,” 2015). Although this is a traditional and widely accepted description of the word, family is much more than just parents and their children, especially in the terms of healthcare. Nurses and other healthcare workers know that family is anyone who the patient or client considers family, no matter if they are blood relatives or not. Family loves and cares for one another, makes decisions together, and disagrees with and challenges each other. Family is an ever changing unit of loved ones who are extremely important to one’s overall health and well-being.

Because family plays such a large role in shaping a person’s ideals, beliefs, values, and morals, it is critical that all family members are assessed and taken into consideration when dealing with the illness of a loved one. This paper aims to describe the experience the author had while exploring the importance of family health when working with a chronically ill client within the local community. During the course of several meetings and telephone conversations data was collected and reviewed about the Lawson family (*in order to protect the family’s identity pseudonyms will be used throughout the essay). The following paper will describe these visits including the first one which focused on the Lawson’s illness story, the author’s observations during the initial intake process through the structure of the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) and Denham’s Family Health Model (DFHM), and the family constructs. The second meeting was designed to offer the family recommendations and apply nursing interventions. The last call to the family and last portion of this paper will address how the family is responding to the provided nursing interventions and the author’s reflection on the family follow through experience as a whole.

Family Illness Story

The Lawson family consists of father Peter (55), mother Taylor (52), and their three adult children Jennifer (31), Michael (28), and Rachel (25). Taylor’s mother Laura (76) is also a vital piece of the Lawson family story. Taylor was the only family member present for the meetings and phone conversations so this paper will be centered on her illness experience. Taylor was born and raised in Madelia, Minnesota where she still lives with her husband Peter and works as an LPN at the local hospital.

Annotated Bibliography

Families’ experience with Diabetes

            Diabetes is a condition associated with high glucose levels in the bloodstream due to poor production or utilization of insulin in the body or both. In the healthcare setting, diabetes is among the chronic conditions that result in high mortality if not well managed. Healthcare practitioners have the responsibility to help patients and families increase their knowledge of diabetes to manage the condition and avoid complications effectively. Like any other chronic condition, families with diabetes may have changes in managing the disease or looking after those with the illness. Existing literature has provided different ideas concerning the management of diabetes in families. This annotated bibliography analyzes five articles with relevant information about the experience of diabetic families, control of diabetes, and caring for family members with diabetes.

Tong, H. J., Qiu, F., & Fan, L. (2021). Parents’ experience caring for children with type 1 diabetes in mainland China: A qualitative study.World Journal of Clinical Cases9(11), 2478.

The authors of this article are experts in this field as they are associated with different departments both in school and professional nursing and healthcare. The authors wanted to understand the actual feelings of parents who are caregivers to children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The study used descriptive qualitative research methods (semi-structured interviews) to evaluate parents’ feelings. Eighteen parents in total were included in the study. The study results generate four themes, including the need for information, need for skill guidance, need for emotional support, and lack of social support. There are also 12 subthemes identified, and more explanation is given in the article.

The intended audience of this study is healthcare professionals and communities that ought to take it upon themselves to help parents care for their children with diabetes. Healthcare professionals can offer patient education, while communities can provide social security and funds. This will help lower the stress burden that parents with diabetic children face. The article is relevant to the topic as it seeks to understand how individuals responsible for caring for diabetic children feel and what help they need. 

Iversen, A. S., Graue, M., Haugstvedt, A., & Råheim, M. (2018). Being mothers and fathers of a child with type 1 diabetes aged 1 to 7 years: a phenomenological study of parents’ experiences. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being13(1), 1487758.

The authors are professional scholars from diffe

NURS 362 Summer 2022


Family Topic

Assigned Content/Readings

Thought/Discussion Topic

Written Assignments/


Module 1

Week 1

May 16


Background Understandings of Family and Societal Care

George Maverick audio

Watch the three video clips in order:

Video 1: Brief with Family Focus

Video 2: Simulation with Family Focus

Video 3: Simulation without Familiy Focus

Kaakinen*, Coehlo, Steele, & Robinson (2018) Ch. 1

Denham*, Eggenberger, Young, & Krumwiede (2015) Ch. 1 & 12

Bell (2011)

*Reading list will just use first author name

Individual, Family and Societal Care

Foundations for Thinking Family

Look for posted orientation video on D2L explaining basics of course syllabus, calendar, and assignments. Please ask if further questions after listening and reading documents thoroughly. Thanks!

Free Write #1 regarding healthy families due

May 22nd

Group Discussion in D2L – Week 1

For each week, your initial posting is due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday and 2 responses to your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. Remember to include citations and references to support your comments.

1. Introduction Thread – Help your classmates to get to know you as a person, nurse, and family member. Share aspects of yourself in a posting–For example, Tell us about your family of origin. Tell us about your current family (remember that if you do not have biologic members present in your life, friends as family may apply to you. Pictures of you and your family? What is the work of family? What are your future family goals? What piques your interest in this course and family focused nursing care?

2. Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or a family you know. Describe the struggles the family experienced with the illness. Consider the biological, social, psychological, or spiritual factors that influenced the management and coping of the family. Based on your experience pose a nursing approach that may have been helpful to the family. Use your readings to support your analysis and response.

3. What is your definition of family and family health?

4. Describe your family health experience utilizing the 3 family health domains (contextual, functional, and structural).

5. Describe your family’s health routines. Identify some barriers or challenges for families not developing or maintaining health routines

6. To introduce family nursi
Journal of Family Nursing
The online version of this article can be found at:

DOI: 10.1177/1074840709350606

2009 15: 461Journal of Family Nursing
Fabie Duhamel, France Dupuis and Lorraine Wright

Reflections for Clinical Practice, Education, and Research in Family
Families’ and Nurses’ Responses to the ”One Question Question”:

Published by:

can be found at:Journal of Family NursingAdditional services and information for Alerts:

What is This?

– Oct 26, 2009Version of Record >>

at MINNESOTA STATE UNIV MANKATO on August 6, 2013jfn.sagepub.comDownloaded from

Journal of Family Nursing
15(4) 461 –485

© The Author(s) 2009
Reprints and permission: http://www.

DOI: 10.1177/1074840709350606

Families’ and Nurses’
Responses to the “One
Question Question”:
Reflections for Clinical