Make all necessary revisions and corrections to previous assignments completed in Topics 1- 7. Combine all elements into one cohesive evidence-based proposal.

Women Veterans Mental Healthcare During Pregnancy

LaTosha Thomas

Grand Canyon University


Professor Minjarez




Women Veterans Mental Healthcare During Pregnancy

Healthcare is one of the vital sectors in society, but not everyone appreciates its prevalence. In that light, a recent study depicts that at least 47% of healthcare consumers posit that healthcare and life sciences focus more on the field than the patients’ needs (Gabriel et al., 2017). In other words, healthcare institutions focus more on the industry needs and less on customer needs, thus deemed not being customer centric. Significant commercial giants such as Amazon, Apple, and Google have successfully implemented their consumer-centric business models, whereby healthcare institutions should learn from them (Gabriel et al., 2017). Therefore, it would be necessary to change from the traditional industry needs-centric towards customer-oriented organizations. Health care institutions should change their perception about their consumers that need to be wooed with flawless experiences. Considering the repercussions that could emanate from negative customer experience, especially on sales, healthcare practitioners should focus on excellent medical treatment and render a positive customer experience. 

Therefore, to address customer experience, it would be recommended for healthcare institutions to reinvent their business strategy to a more customer-centric business strategy. Most successful organizations are customer-experience businesses, which helps amplify customer loyalty and consumer satisfaction alongside the revenue due to increased business transactions. Therefore, healthcare institutions should suppress negative healthcare customer experiences from lousy customer service by administrative staff, time wastage, focus more on paperwork than patients, and substitute with constructive practices. 

Therefore, changing the paradigm in the healthcare customer experience would significantly help resolve the issue. Improving customer experience would eventually amplify consumer engagement and strengthen the relationships that would constructively enhance the overall experience (Harkins, 2017). It results from consumer-friendly practices that encourage direct interaction between healthcare practitioners and the consumers and significantly address consumer needs. The aim is to understand the consumers’ needs and provide personalized healthcare services that improve their relationships and the overall customer experience in the industry. Besides, when healthcare providers focus on the consumers’ needs, consumers feel acknowledged; thus, they tend to be loyal and more satisfied with the institution. Increased consumer loyal

Women Veterans Mental Healthcare During Pregnancy

LaTosha Thomas

Grand Canyon University Comment by Tristan Rico: Per APA, include name of college
Include course title.


Professor Minjarez




Women Veterans Mental Healthcare During Pregnancy Comment by Tristan Rico: Bold this lettering

Healthcare is one of the vital sectors in society, but not everyone appreciates its prevalence. In that light, a recent study depicts that at least 47% of healthcare consumers posit that healthcare and life sciences focus more on the field than the patients’ needs (Gabriel et al., 2017). In other words, healthcare institutions focus more on the industry needs and less on customer needs, thus deemed not being customer centric. Significant commercial giants such as Amazon, Apple, and Google have successfully implemented their consumer-centric business models, whereby healthcare institutions should learn from them (Gabriel et al., 2017). Therefore, it would be necessary to change from the traditional industry needs-centric towards customer-oriented organizations. Health care institutions should change their perception about their consumers that need to be wooed with flawless experiences. Considering the repercussions that could emanate from negative customer experience, especially on sales, healthcare practitioners should focus on excellent medical treatment and render a positive customer experience.  Comment by Tristan Rico: Great introduction!

Therefore, to address customer experience, it would be recommended for healthcare institutions to reinvent their business strategy to a more customer-centric business strategy. Most successful organizations are customer-experience businesses, which helps amplify customer loyalty and consumer satisfaction alongside the revenue due to increased business transactions. Therefore, healthcare institutions should suppress negative healthcare customer experiences from lousy customer service by administrative staff, time wastage, focus more on paperwork than patients, and substitute with constructive practices.  Comment by Tristan Rico: How do you propose an organization can reinvent the business strategy towards this customer-centric mindset? Include for your proposal.

Therefore, changing the paradigm in the healthcare customer experience would significantly help resolve the issue. Improving customer experience would eventually amplify consumer engagement and strengthen the relationships that would constructively enhance the overall experience (Harkins, 2017). It results from consumer-friendly practices that encourage direct interaction between healthcare practitioners and the consumers and significantly address consumer needs. The aim is to understand the con


Culture in Health Care: Draft

Tristan Rico

College of Nursing and Health Care Professions, Grand Canyon University

HLT-494: Professional Capstone Project

Professor Minjarez



October 24, 2021

Culture in Health Care: Draft

Every health organization within the United States has their own goals that are introduced within their mission and vision statements. These health companies will go to great lengths in order to reach their goals. They will perform thorough research, use updated technology, create innovative treatments, and contract with the most prestigious companies. All this effort is to ensure that high quality patient services are provided. However, there is one component of healthcare that does not exceed expectations. This lacking component is the inclusion of culture in healthcare. This paper will introduce the healthcare issue, describe the proposed solution, elaborate on the implementation plan, and discuss the evaluation and dissemination steps.

Healthcare Barrier

Culture is a very important factor in the overall health of a patient. The United States places a large emphasis on physical healing when healthcare services are provided. It is obvious that physical healing is the priority because this factor is the most affected, however, there are other components that can positively impact the patient while these physical services are provided. By increasing patient’s positive attitude, their worldview becomes positive in the time of difficulty.

The U.S. population is becoming much more diverse as time progresses. The country is seeing many more people from different nations migrating to improve their overall lifestyle within the U.S. This can be seen by the population’s statistics. The Hispanic population is not growing as quickly as it once was, however, it still accounts for 52% of the U.S. population growth (Krogstad, 2020). In addition, the Asian American racial group has become more prominent in recent years. All these diverse population groups will now seek healthcare services within the U.S. The healthcare system cannot simply provide services in the manner it is used to. Patients have a different viewpoint on healthcare. The idea of culture and spirituality cannot be left unassessed. In fact, a study found that diverse patient populations would prefer if their cultural viewpoints were included in a care plan (Blewett et all., 2019). The patients have voiced their opinions, it is now time for the healthcare team, including administration, to do their part to increase these results.

Proposed Solution

Although this healthcare barrier does require clinical changes, the foundation for this change is one that begins within administration. Every healthc


LaTosha Thomas

Professor Minjarez



Week 1:

In this week we will identify the stakeholders for our change plan and key resources. The stakeholders that we will need are patients, physicians, employers, employees, and the government all these stakeholders will need to work together to get everything gong for this plan to succeed. In case pregnant women we need to contact with the concerned heads of the departments and administrative staff. We will write down the available resources and discuss the plan with concerned authorities. We will need a psychologist; volunteer nurses and other regular staff present in the institute. As this plan is about mental health care so we won’t need much mechanical resources instead our focus will be on human resources.

Week 2:

We will begin figuring out different communication strategies that will give different ones of the stakeholders the opportunity to improve the quality of the work and better ideas to make things better for the plans that are to be executed in the organization. For this to succeed, it should be weekly meetings to make sure everyone is doing their part in order for the plan to be at its best.


Week 3:

After the improvement has been reviewed and endeavoured the chance has shown up to begin preparing staff on how the cycle will limit and how to function the progression. To put to the side funds, we will utilize Asserted Nursing Associates and volunteers to truly zero in on the high-risk patients. With this there should be sweeping arranging so chips in recognize how to fittingly administer patients when they need somebody’s assistance. The thought is that each volunteer will screen patients simultaneously, where a screen will be set up in the patient’s rooms that award the volunteer to see the patient and a beneficiary where the staff will have the choice to chat with the patient and the patient will truly have to verbally voice their necessities. It is basic that the game plan is uncommonly unequivocal and follows each of the potential obstacles that might happen moreover, how to beat them or supervise them when they emerge.

Week 4:

Exactly when the parties occur, assets are gotten, and trainings have been done the chance has shown up to begin doing the change into the work environment, to see the negative or useful result the change is having on patients and staff. Evaluating and investigating the cycle for a huge part of a month awards relationship to see where there are ordinary hinderances in the approach and the best procedure to work through those checks to work on those issues and proceed with pushing the strategy forward. In these most recent few days, affiliation will study patients and staff to see. What the