The rubric for the Portfolio may be found here:  Final Portfolio Rubric Final Portfolio Rubric – Alternative FormatsFor your final project for this course you will create a professional portfolio. A professional or career portfolio is created to help you stand out from the crowd. The goal is to personalize your resume, education, philosophy and artifacts to leave a positive impression on the those who view your work. Portfolios can be posted publicly or privately depending on your goals. For this course, the portfolio can be 1) privately posted in the Portfolio area in the classroom on the Blackboard platform or 2) completed on Wix for a more usable public portfolio.Requirements: The following pages are required for the Portfolio. Some of the content had been submitted in the course but should be revised based on feedback provided by your instructor and enhanced with graphics or photos for the Final Portfolio. Pages marked with a star * have been previously composed in the blogs or weekly writing assignments. In total, 10 items should be contained in the portfolio. The list below shows eight pages plus two “artifacts.” Artifacts are letters, memos, emails completed in your weekly writing assignments. You should choose two artifacts that reflect the areas such as positive messaging, promoting diversity, you attitude, and positive emphasis.

Grading Criteria

In addition to the requirements outlined in the rubric, each item in the Portfolio amounts to 10% of the total grade (10 total items required for 100% total). Omission of an item results in a loss of 10% of the total grade. For instance, if you turn in a Portfolio that has 9 out of 10 of the required items, the highest grade you can obtain is 90%, notwithstanding any other issues noted in the rubric.To build and submit your portfolio

  • Select the Portfolios section from the lefthand main menu
  • Once in the Portfolio area, select Create Portfolio
  • There you will be asked to provide a title (your name or a phrase containing your name)
  • Do not select a template for a Blackboard Portfolio (Wix Portfolios can use templates. See further down for more information on Wix)
  • Once you enter a name, you will be given the opportunity for a brief tour. Please take the tour to learn how to navigate and create your Portfolio
  • You then will begin building your portfolio. Choose a style and preferences. Review the editing tools in the textbox (graphics, photos, and videos are required elements)
  • You can view a sample Portfolio by navigating to Shared with Me
  • Creating Portfolios in BlackboardYouTube URL:
  • For Wix Portfolios, simply post the link to your Wix page in the submission area.
Required Portfolio Items
  • Introduction*
  • Resume*
  • Goals, Achievements & Community Service
  • Professional Philosophy*
  • Ethical Philosophy*
  • Research*
  • Communication: Positive & Negative Messaging
  • Leadership: Working in a diverse world: Non-sexist, non-racist, non-ageist and bias free*
  • Artifacts (min. of 2) (align with the positive messaging, diversity, you attitude)*

* – indicates items have been completed prior to Week 4

Overview of the Portfolio Items

The first page of your Final Portfolio is an introduction to the readers. It should provide an overview of your professional goals and the path you have set to lead you to success.  It can also include as much (or as little) personal information as you care to share. An introduction should share some of your personality. Photos are required, specifically a head shot or selfie (professional). You may also include work-related photos or other photos or graphics that capture your likes, interests and personality. Introductions often include a relevant or inspiring quote. Revise your introduction from Week Three’s Discussion.


This should be posted directly into the page and formatted for visual impact. Consider attaching a downloadable resume, too. Revise your resume from Week Three.

Goals, Achievements & Community Service: 

This list can include any recognition, award, grades, participation in groups, or memorable event or milestone. You may also include future goals.

Professional Philosophy:

A professional philosophy was drafted in the Week One Blog. This should be a revised version of that statement with consideration of feedback received from your instructor and your peers in the Week Three Discussion.

Ethical Philosophy:

Ethical philosophy was drafted in Week Two Blog. This should be revised based on instructor feedback and included on its own page.


This should include the professional research writing assignment completed in Week Two. An introductory statement should be included introducing the three sources and why they are relevant to your career.


Positive & Negative Messaging  A page should be created sharing your understanding of professional communication and how to use positive messaging in a business setting. Additionally, a statement about how to respond to problems or bad news and how you would handle delivering a negative message.  This page should be 1-2 paragraphs long, (Recommended Length: 250 words)


A leadership statement was drafted in Week Three Blog. This should be revised based on instructor feedback and included on its own page.

Artifacts (minimum of 2): 

Artifacts are evidence of learning, frequently accompanied by explanatory text. For this portfolio one memo and one formal letter from your writing assignments should be included to demonstrate application of format.  A brief statement should preface each artifact, describing what it is and what it demonstrates. Example: “The following memo addresses the need for heightened awareness to bias in language. Through careful language and specific examples, I was able to convey the importance of non-bias language in the workplace.” Then, make the revised artifact available for viewers of your portfolio.You can import artifacts in two ways:

  1. For Blackboard, you can store your artifacts into your “My Artifacts” page and access them when needed. You can access artifacts from the class directly into your portfolio.
  2. For Wix, you may create the artifact as a downloadable file if you so choose or post them directly.


Hello Class, my name is Erica Keaton I’m from Saint Petersburg Florida, I have two children my sons a senior, my daughters a freshman in high school. My home school is in Clearwater where I’ve been attending Keiser University since 2019. I am working on getting my BSN in nursing & was a former student of Keiser last year in August for their cohort nine nursing class. Which I Didn’t complete the first semester because it was a bit challenging and overwhelming getting to know unfamiliar medical terminology. So now here I am at a second shot, and I plan to complete the program. Business communication is a new class for me. I’m not too fond of writing, but I love math, hopefully I pass this with flying colors will see how it goes.


Commitment to corporate responsibility and integrity is brought about by ethics in a company. High ethical standards govern how business is conducted, standards that are employed to suppliers and business partners.


Similarly, business practices and standards reflect our commitment in making positive impact. High standards applied from us and partners create trust with our customers, governments, investors and partners.

Compliance and ethics are built on three pillars that are prevention, detection and remediation.


In my career provided with the high skills am able to deliver quality and compassionate work that exceeds expectations and enhances outcomes. Organization where am employed am able to achieve the goals set. The ethics help one in decision making and been able to admit mistakes.

Strive to provide excellence. Creativity and innovation help to deliver greatest quality. Empowering every person and organization to achieve more. Trust code reflects our culture and values. Employees use these standards to know what is required of them. They are able to get help when needed.

Good decisions made build trust and empower customers and partners to achieve more. This attracts more customers to a company hence bringing success to a company.

General statement of ethics

Acting with honesty and integrity in day to day operatios when interacting with collegues and clients

Prevention and detection

Prevention: A culture of ethics and integrity is promoted so as to avoid issues that may arise. A culture of compliance is created. Standards of Business Conduct are applied. Third party vetting is done so as to minimize potential risks.

Detection; potential legal compliance issues are detected. This is achieved by auditing that is done. Analytic programs do monitoring. Concerns reported by employees are investigated. Every employee is responsible for upholding standards of a company.


Remediation; the root cause of problems is assessed and controls and processes to minimize the risk of occurrence are applied. Employees who violate the policies and standards are disciplined. Partners and supplies who do not meet ethical standards are prohibited.

Ethics that one should possess are industrious, be hardworking. Being accountable for everything that happens. Honest so that customers can always trust them. Being professional in the career that will help in innovative and creativity. Flexibility that easily adapts to any change that may arise. Cooperation among the employees that brings unity that will to success of the company.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Personal Philosophy Statement

By Erica Keaton

I believe that every person has only one skill, which is the skill to acquire as many skills as he wants. Throughout my life, I have always worked towards acquiring excellence in every task I put my hands on. I have always focused on improving my work ethic and have been adaptable to new changes introduced within the organization. Not only that, my flexible nature and friendly personality make it easy for me to engage and make friends, providing a comfort zone to everyone working with me. I am always open to criticism and respect everyone’s values and opinions. Moreover, in my previous workplaces, I have discovered many of my skills and abilities and have even polished them for performance improvement. Some of these skills that differentiate me are leadership skills, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and so on. Decision Making Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

I take pride in my core values, and I never compromise on them. My integrity, loyalty, sense of responsibility, and sincerity to work are something that I believe define me. In my opinion, a man is incomplete without core values, regardless of his success in soft skills and competencies. It would be of no use if a person is always punctual and completes his tasks perfectly and on time, but never makes others comfortable around him. If he does not add value to the organization and is not loved and respected by his co-workers, possessing such great skills would rather be a waste.

In my perspective, I bring more to the workplace than just my skills. I bring in transparency, flexibility, and my motivation to strive to put all my heart into my commitment. However, I think a person can never be perfect. There always is room for growth. There might be many areas where I would need to learn and grow, and I would not hesitate in acknowledging my mistakes, as they would always make me learn and grow into a better version of myself.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

I have learned that it is important to acquire a habit to evaluate ourselves, as it would contribute towards long-term progress and success. Moreover, I also incorporate such self-evaluation methods to achieve self-satisfaction and increase my self-esteem, which is important for a healthy mindset. I wish to stay present-minded, mindful and focused so that unnecessary di


The important of positive messaging, to me, is to not offend the audience or make them feel outskated. According to Kaczmarek and Locker, “positive emphasis is a way of looking at things” (p. 102), in other words, you do not want to be offensive when making your delivery. You want to always be mindful and be careful with your words. When it comes to conveying positive messages about myself in communications, I like to include the audience and make my message I want to get across more “real”. I like to not use words that are negative, and use better phrases; for example, in unit two, “haven’t finished” instead use “will be finished. To assist with the continuing of be communicating positively, the tactic I use is readback. I readback aloud what I am about to deliver and try to place myself in the audience shoes. I attempt to empathize how they feel while listening to what I am saying.


            The artifact I chose was “Smokey the Bear”. My purpose of this artifact is to educate about fires and fire safety. The audience is intended to be children and adults. As far as the more pertinent information displayed was the prevention of wildfires. This is key to alleviate the fires in the first place. The information alone benefits the perceived audience in that it educates on prevention but also that all fires are not all bad. Nature has its own way of controlling its own destiny. Someone might object to the burning in the backyard due to the audience may possibly feeling like they can do what they what in their own backyards. Regardless of laws. Lastly, the context of this communication are safety, education of prevention and science of fires, and history on the topics of fires.




Kaczmarek, S, K., & Locker, K, O. (2013). Business Communication: Building critical skills. McGraw-Hill Education.



The important of positive messaging, to me, is to not offend the audience or make them feel outskated. According to Kaczmarek and Locker, “positive emphasis is a way of looking at things” (p. 102), in other words, you do not want to be offensive when making your delivery. You want to always be mindful and be careful with your words. When it comes to conveying positive messages about myself in communications, I like to include the audience and make my message I want to get across more “real”. I like to not use words that are negative, and use better phrases; for example, in unit two, “haven’t finished” instead use “will be finished. To assist with the continuing of be communicating positively, the tactic I use is readback. I readback aloud what I am about to deliver and try to place myself in the audience shoes. I attempt to empathize how they feel while listening to what I am saying.


            The artifact I chose was “Smokey the Bear”. My purpose of this artifact is to educate about fires and fire safety. The audience is intended to be children and adults. As far as the more pertinent information displayed was the prevention of wildfires. This is key to alleviate the fires in the first place. The information alone benefits the perceived audience in that it educates on prevention but also that all fires are not all bad. Nature has its own way of controlling its own destiny. Someone might object to the burning in the backyard due to the audience may possibly feeling like they can do what they what in their own backyards. Regardless of laws. Lastly, the context of this communication are safety, education of prevention and science of fires, and history on the topics of fires.




Kaczmarek, S, K., & Locker, K, O. (2013). Business Communication: Building critical skills. McGraw-Hill Education.





Student Name



Prospecting Letter



Phone Number



[Officer to whom the letter is written]

[Officer Name]


Dear ____________!

Nursing is a sacred and professional field that helps people to have a better interaction with the caretaker and urges the nurses to contribute to the wellbeing of society. Some fewer people take their duties seriously and help the organizations to achieve their goals. You can see from my resume that I have worked with flying colors in different organizations, and I have found that exploring the places to serve humanity is a good experience. In search of consistency, I am writing to you for the vacant position in your hospital.

Your hospital is one of the most important hospitals in the community because it provides extreme care and immediate treatment. I have heard a lot of appreciation about your services. The feedback of both the employees and the patients is good, and it urges me to write to you for a specific purpose.

I have come to know that your hospital requires a registered nurse to take care of patients and give immediate treatment to the patients. I have also heard that you need experience dealing with critical patients when doctors are not around. Such competitive candidates are the need of all the companies and hospitals.

I have attached my experience letters and the resume, and I am pleased to inform you that I did different internships during my student life and have been a part of different organizations for years. I have always tried my best to contribute to the hospital’s success and satisfy the patients.

My communication skills have improved greatly with the patients due to experience in internships and different companies. I have found myself as a competent nurse in the local hospital, and I would be grateful if you could consider me for this position. I assure you to give you productive outcomes.




Erica Keaton



[email protected]

Educational Background

· Boca Ciega High School

· St Petersburg College, 6605 5th ave N, St Petersburg, FL 33710
