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Ana Claudia

         Factors for For Annual Exams for Adolescent Patients

Going to health facilities for examinations can be intimidating, especially for a teenager accompanied by a mother. Therefore, health practitioners play critical roles because their presence can help calm the patient and promote a smooth examination experience. Therefore, the first and major component a practitioner should implement is to relax the patient. A warm smile, a friendly welcome, and a gentle introduction often help patients to relax (Fuentes et al., 2018). Therefore, the practitioner should tell and assure the patient that he is in safe and capable hands and that there will be no judgment whatsoever in the room. The reassurance will likely make the patient relax and promote trust. The next step involves informing the patient about procedures that will be conducted in the examination and the significance of consent and confidentiality.

It is also essential to examine the patient’s physical health. Teenagers’ bodies change, and practitioners often measure patients’ weight and height to determine whether they are developing correctly, specifically for calculating the body mass index (BMI) (Chiang et al., 2018). The annual exam also requires the practitioner to assess the patient’s family and medical history, nutritional habits, and vaccination history. Such factors equip the practitioner with adequate information to provide correct care and treatment. The provider should also record the findings for future use should the patient come for another visit. Generally, the examination requires honesty from the patient and in-depth assessment from the practitioner.

 Is The Mother’s Presence Needed During The Examination

A fourteen-year-old is an adolescent who knows right from wrong and is capable of making informed decisions (Fisher et al., 2018). Therefore, the mother’s presence is unnecessary during the annual examination. Aside from that, adolescents are often reluctant to share some information with parents, especially concerning their sex life. A report released by the ever-capable American Medical Association (AMA), states that adolescents eleven years and older should spend some sections of health appointments alone with practitioners (Arora et al., 2019). It continues to state that a parent’s presence during examinations may prompt an adolescent to lie about their health or withhold valuable information that can facilitate treatment.

Besides, allowing the teenager to interact with the practitioner one-on-one bulbs trust, whereby the patient learns that practitioners are not as scary and judgemental as one would assume (Abbasinia et al., 2019). However, the practitioner should ask the patient whether he is comfortable with the mother’s presence during the examination. If the answer is positive, the mother can stay, but if it is negative, the practitioner must respect the pati