See and use attachments as per project instructions that correspond with parts: Part 2A, Part3A, Part 5B and part 6B. ALL PROJECT MUST BE IN APA style, include in text citation with references as per instructions). Required Book information and citation attached. Price not negotiable.

Book Information:

Title: Nursing Research: Reading, Using and Creating Evidence

Edition: 4

Authors: Janet Houser

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

APA Citation

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.

Part 1: Introduction to Evidence-based Practice

We begin our journey into discovering the new world of research and evidence-based practice (EBP) by exploring our past. After completing the required readings and lesson, answer the following:

Explain how research has evolved since the Florence Nightingale era.

Discuss how research and EBP are different; include how you believe research supports EBP for nursing.

Describe one past/historical unethical breach of research conduct; then, share how you would ensure care of a study participant using one ethical or legal research consideration (guideline/principle).

Required: APA format, 1 in text-citation and reference from the book and 1 in-text citation and reference from a scholarly source (it can only be be from 2018-2022).


part 2A: Research, Practice Problems, and Questions

Professional nurses rely on research findings to inform practice decisions; they use critical thinking to apply research directly to specific patient care situations. Think about an independent nursing practice problem you care passionately about and would be interested in searching for evidence.

The below problems should not be used:

*medical/doctor/physician problems such as medications, or medications administration or effects, diagnostics such as EKGs, labs, cardiac catherizations.

*staffing, nurse-to-patient ratios, workforce issues are organizational/system /political/administrative/multi-stakeholder problems which nursing cannot solve independently.

You must:

Describe a significant nursing clinical issue, topic of interest, or practice problem that is important to you. Describe why you chose the problem/topic.

Write your clinical question in the PICO(T) format for your nursing practice problem.

*To write your clinical question in the PICO(T) format, use the NR439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples that is attached.

List each of your PICOT elements.

Share why you care about this nursing practice problem and why you believe the problem would benefit from finding the best evidence.

Required: APA format, 1 in text-citation and reference from the book and 1 intext citation and reference from a scholarly source (it can only be be from 2018-2022).


NR439 PPE Worksheet



Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) Worksheet


Clinical Nursing Practice Problem

Select and identify ONLY
quality or safety clinical priority area from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Summarize why you believe the nursing practice problem/issue is the most important. Summarize your rationale (why) for choosing the problem.

Clinical Nursing

PICOT Question

Using the NR439 Guide for Writing PICOT Questions and Examples located in the assignment guidelines,
write out
your PICOT question.
Include the PICOT letters in your question.

Define PICOT Elements

Define each of the PICOT elements from your question above.

P– (patient population/patients of interest):

I– (Intervention):

C– (Comparison):

O– (Measurable outcome):

T– (Time frame in months):

Evidence Retrieval Process and Summary

Using only the Chamberlain College of Nursing library:

(1) Locate evidence that is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem. Explain how you believe the evidence is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem.

(2) Explain why you chose the evidence

(3) Provides a complete APA reference to the evidence (must include authors, year, title of the evidence, title of the resource)

(4) Evidence must be published within the last 10 years

(5) Provides the permalink

Implications of the Evidence

Summarize what you learned from the evidence. Summarize why you believe the nursing evidence-based practice committee should focus their next research project on the nursing practice problem.

Evidence Search Terms

Identify 4 (or more) relevant searchable terms you used for your search for evidence.

Evidence Search


Chamberlain College of Nursing NR439 Clarifying Research Worksheet



Clarifying Research Worksheet


Significance of


Use your own words to summarize:

a) the need for nursing research.

b) the significance for all professional nurses (BSN) to understand the basic principles of research.

c) why this course is important to complete.

Quantitative Research

Use your own words to summarize:
a) quantitative research and what you learned about this type of research.

b) one quantitative design that you learned; explain one important feature that helped you understand this design.

c) the significance of this type of research and how it can be used to improve nursing practice problems.

Qualitative Research

Use your own words to summarize:

a) qualitative research and what you learned about this type of research.

b) one qualitative design that you learned; explain one important feature that helped you understand this design.

c) the significance of this type of research and how it can be used to improve nursing practice problems.

Research Sampling

Use your own words to summarize:

a) what is sampling and why is sampling important.
b) one sampling strategy you learned that can be used in quantitative research. Include what you learned.
c) one other sampling strategy that you learned.

Credible Nursing


Use your own words summarize:
a) How does research help make nursing practice safe.

b) Share a way you believe research has impacted nursing practice.

c) Why is research critical for creating an evidence-based nursing profession.


Use your own words summarize:

a) how you plan to utilize your learning to make a difference in your practice. Use your current area of nursing or where you hope to work as a nurse.
b) how you believe this course is meant to help you practice as a BSN.

c) what you learned from completing the clarifying research worksheet activity.

NR439 Clarifying Research Worksheet 7/2020 ST


PICOT Question Guide

The following contains PICOT question guides/templates to use to help write questions using all of the PICOT elements. Each template contains a guide that you can use to write a complete PICOT question, examples of PICOT elements, and illustrations[endnoteRef:2]. Review some tips and hints below to think about for each of the PICOT elements that can help create a sound clinical nursing PICOT question: [2: Adapted from Houser (2018) and the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN). (2018). AAACN research toolkit: Template for asking PICOT questions.

P=Population of patients: Think about a group of patients you are interested in studying—identify the group by age ranges, diagnosis/disease of interest, history or length of time with the diagnosis/disease of interest, location, unit, or setting, gender type (if applicable), race (if applicable), or other identifiable characteristics such as Medicare, Medicaid, immobile, ventilated, inpatient, outpatient, etc.

I=Intervention: Consider the nursing action or intervention you are thinking that would make a difference? From your search for evidence, what is the evidence indicating that nurses can do to help improve the problem or issue you have chosen?

C=Comparison: Think about comparing to the intervention of interest or the alternative such as routine/standard care. If no comparison, state not implementing the intervention or no comparison group.

O=Outcome: Reflect upon what would be the measurable, relatable indicator that would demonstrate the intervention is making a difference or not? What would be the needed outcome that you could observe/check/measure? For example, “the pain is okay” would not be a measurable outcome. Rates pain level less than 3 on pain scale would be measurable.

T=Timeframe: For this element, reflect on how long it would take to implement your study by collecting data or the time needed to observe to see if any changes occurred or will occur. Think about 1 month, 3 months, 6 months etc… Use a timeframe that is realistic.

Template A

Among/In _________________________ (P), does______________________ (I) (**decrease/increase/impact/influence/affect/reduce/improve**) _____________________ (O) compared to ______________________________ (C) over ______________________________(T)?

(**choose one term**)


Among 65+ and older diabetic immobile adults in long-term care (P), does a bedside oral care kit and checklist protocol (I) compared to routine oral care without a bedside oral care kit (C) affect the number of times oral care is completed (O) over 3 months (T)?

P=Population of patients: 65+ an

NR439: RN Evidence-Based Practice

Week 6: Reading Research Literature Worksheet



Complete the required worksheet after reading the assigned article for the session. The NR439 Reading Research Literature Worksheet Rubric must be used to answer each of the graded criterion for the following:

Purpose of the Study

Type of Research & the Design


Data Collection

Data Analysis



Reading Research Literature

NR439_RRL_Worksheet_5.21_ST 2