evidence-based intervention for the selected practice problem, including the level and quality of each source of research evidence. A synthesis involves combining two or more summaries. Synthesis writing is more difficult than it might first appear because this combining must be done in a meaningful way. Synthesis is all about collecting information from different sources and putting it together as one content.

Assignment: Evidence Synthesis and Tables

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to document sources of research evidence that support the evidence-based intervention for the selected practice problem, including the level and quality of each source of research evidence. A synthesis of the evidence is conducted to determine the overall strength and quality of the evidence. The development of an evidence table and synthesis are foundational to inform actions and decisions to improve healthcare outcomes. Construction of an evidence table and synthesis supports the professional formation of the DNP-prepared nurse.

Course Outcomes. This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome: CO 3: Develop strategies to lead project planning, implementation, management, and evaluation to promote high-value healthcare. (POs 3, 5, 7)

Instructions: Download the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal Tool (Links to an external site.) and the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (Links to an external site.) located in the Student Resource Center under “Project & Practicum Resources.”

As you incorporate published research study findings into your own writing, you aim for synthesis of the material. Before learning how to write a synthesis, it is important to define this term. At its most basic level, a synthesis involves combining two or more summaries. Synthesis writing is more difficult than it might first appear because this combining must be done in a meaningful way. A synthesis requires critical reading and thinking in order to compare different material, highlighting similarities, differences, and connections. When practicing scholar synthesizes successfully, they present new ideas based on interpretations of published research evidence. Conceptually, it can be helpful to think about synthesis existing at both the local (or paragraph) level and the global (or paper) level. Synthesis is all about collecting information from different sources and putting it together as one content.

*****[Florida has a high STD prevalence of sexually transmitted illnesses, and Miami Dade County is one of the most affected by this problem. I’m collaborating with a Miami-Dade County community-based clinic, bringing awareness to the community about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and offering testing along with that awareness. The organization’s mission is to provide patients with quality and affordable care to allow the community to have a safer, more enjoyable life. The clinic’s vision is to create awareness in the community about the risk of having unprotected sex and the need to stop STDs transmission. I want to explore the effect of education interventions for the prevention and treatment of STDs in young adults.]****

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of this assignment:

Title Page


Practice Question:


Article Number

Author and Date

Evidence Type

Sample, Sample Size, Setting

Findings That Help Answer the EBP Question

Observable Measures


Evidence Level, Quality

· N/A

· N/A

· N/A

· N/A

· N/A

· N/A

· N/A

Attach a reference list with full citations of articles reviewed for this Practice question.

Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice

Appendix G: Individual Evidence Summary Tool

The Johns Hopkins Hospital/ The Johns Hopkins University


Directions for Use of the Individual Evidence Summary Tool


This form is used to document the results of evidence appraisal in preparation for evidence synthesis. The form provides the EBP team with documentation of the sources of evidence used, the year the evidence was published or otherwise communicated, the information gathered from each evidence source that helps the team answer the EBP question, and the level and quality of each source of evidence.

Article Number

Assign a number to each reviewed source of evidence. This organizes the individual evidence summary and provides an easy way to reference articles.

Author and Date


Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice

Appendix E

Research Evidence Appraisal Tool

Evidence level and quality rating:

Enter level and quality rating

Article title: Article Title

Number: Article Number

Author(s): Authors names

Publication date: Date

Journal: Journal

Setting: Setting

Sample: Sample composition/size

Does this evidence address my EBP question? ☐Yes

☐No-Do not proceed with appraisal of this evidence

Is this study:

QuaNtitative (collection, analysis, and reporting of numerical data)
Measurable data (how many; how much; or how often) used to formulate facts, uncover patterns in research, and generalize results from a larger sample population; provides observed effects of a program, problem, or condition, measured precisely, rather than through researcher interpretation of data. Common methods are surveys, face-to-face structured interviews, observations, and reviews of records or documents. Statistical tests are used in data analysis.

Go to

Section I: QuaNtitative

QuaLitative (collection, analysis, and reporting of narrative data)
Rich narrative documents are used for uncovering themes; describes a problem or condition from the point of view of those experiencing it. Common methods are focus groups, individual interviews (unstructured or semi structured), and participation/observations. Sample sizes are small and are determined when data saturation is achieved. Data saturation is reached when the researcher identifies that no new themes emerge and redundancy is occurring. Synthesis is used in data analysis. Often a starting point for studies when little research exists; may use results to design empirical studies. The researcher describes, analyzes, and interprets reports, descriptions, and observations from participants.

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Section II: QuaLitative

Mixed methods (results reported both numerically and narratively)
Both quaNtitative and quaLitative methods are used in the study design. Using both approaches, in combination, provides a better understanding of research problems than using either approach alone. Sample sizes vary based on methods used. Data collection involves collecting and analyzing both quaNtitative and quaLitative data in a single study or series of studies. Interpretation is continual and can influence stages in the research process.
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Section III: Mixed Methods

Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice


Practice Issues in STD’s Prevention and Treatment

I’m collaborating with a clinic specializing in the prevention and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and I want to focus my project on the problems of this clinic. At the practicum location, I had the opportunity to speak with relevant stakeholders and decision-makers. They revealed that they are having issues affecting the health outcomes of preventative and treatment activities. Despite the multiple calls and all the efforts done by the clinical personnel, the patients’ follow-up continues to be a significant issue. It is common to find that some patients don’t return to the clinic for continued care until they have new symptoms or problems. According to the stakeholders, most of the patients are more focused on the STDs test and treatment and are less interested in the prevention behavior modification initiatives. After the discussion, I proposed that all clinical personnel be better trained on techniques to promote and implement community awareness and educational initiatives. Also is necessary to work directly on the education, screening, treatment, and prevention of susceptible populations, like the homeless, drug users, people with high-risk sexual behavior, and uninsured patients. More money is required for these activities, which will necessitate the involvement of the government and other supportive organizations (Kantor et al., 2020). Therefore, we must focus on sourcing funds before the implementation.

PICOT Question: Do young adults with high-risk sexual behavior who start HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication and sexual education program, compared with young adults not in the program, improve sexual behavior within the eight weeks of initiating treatment?

Population- Young adults with high-risk sexual behavior.

Intervention- HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication and sexual education programs

Comparison- Young adults who are not in this program

Outcome-improved sexual behavior

Time- eight weeks.

Translation science model: knowledge to action

My current priority is to educate the vulnerable populations on the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases so that less effort and resources will be required for treatment interventions. The education programs will challenge the population members to undergo screening and take all the necessary precautions to prevent new infections (Moton & Tawk, 2019). I feel I have the backing of the practicum site decision-makers since they are genuinely concerned about the health of our community and are open to new ideas that can improve the clinic’s outcome and reputation. I had previously worked with them and found their help to be excellent.


Moton, B., & Tawk, R. (2019). The relationship of sexual health education and sexual health r