Please see ALL FOUR ATTACHMENTS for the Instructions.

Instructions include template outline instructions and reference information.

Familial hypercholesterolemia Evidence Based Paper AND Follow-up SoapNote

CLIENT from attached initial visit SOAPNOTE: M.K., is a 36 years old female who presents to the facility alone with complains of yellowish lesion on her hands. She describes the lesions as itchy and painless. She stated that the lesions started about two months ago, but she was convinced that they would go away on their own. She denies knowledge of any aggravating or relieving factors, since she has not tried any medication. Diagnosis:
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) (E78.01)

1) Complete an Evidence Based Paper of a past patient from clinical rotation with
Familial hypercholesterolemia that required at least two visits. PLEASE FOLLOW ATTATCHED OUTLINE INSTRUCTIONS IN RED OF Evidence Based Paper

2) Complete a SoapNote
of the FOLLOW-UP appointment with patient.

I have attached the first SoapNote of the first initial visit of the patient for reference on how to proceed for the follow up and paper. Use the SoapNote template instructions provided for the Follow-up SOAP NOTE.


· Please use attatched SoapNote as reference for client information

· APA format with intext citations

· The discussion on relating research to practice should be approximately 3-4 pages and the total paper should be no longer than 10 pages, excluding references and appendices

· Plagiarism free.

· Turnitin receipt


· literature search for
two research articles that discuss various approaches to the treatment of
Familial hypercholesterolemia. Must be original research contributions (no review articles or meta-analysis)

· In text citations of at least 2-3 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format. NOT INCLUDING the two primary research articles

Evidence Based Paper Instructions of Familial hypercholesterolemia

Familial hypercholesterolemia Evidence Based Paper


Type your introduction paragraph here. Discuss what this paper will be about and the various topics that will be covered.  Don’t forget to cite your sources throughout your paper. Avoid long quotes, if a long quote is absolutely necessary; be sure it is properly formatted per APA 7th edition guidelines. 

Review of topic and rationale for selection of topic 

Discuss why you chose this topic/patient experience for your paper. Why is it an important health care issue? Be sure to reference your appendices as needed by typing (See Appendix A). See the APA manual if you are unsure how to use Appendices. 

Evaluation of key concepts related to the topic

Discuss the key concepts related to this topic/disease process/situation. 

Description of multiple viewpoints 

Is there more than one guideline for this condition? How are they different? Is there any conflicting data, beliefs, or controversy surrounding this condition or treatment?

Assessment of the merit of evidence found on this topic (soundness of research)

Discuss the quality of the research/studies that you reviewed. 

Evaluation of current EBM guidelines 

If guidelines exist for this condition, explain and discuss them. If there are no guidelines, recommend what these guidelines should be based on available research

Diversity, cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic considerations

Discuss these special considerations regarding this illness/treatment. 

Discussion regarding the Standardized Procedure for this diagnosis 

If you were asked to develop a standardized procedure for this condition, what would you include?

Discussion on how the evidence did impact/would impact practice 

This is a reflection portion. What would you have done differently based on what you learned while conducting your research about the topic?


Type your conclusion paragraph here.


literature search for
two research articles that discuss various approaches to the treatment of
Familial hypercholesterolemia. Must be original research contributions (no review articles or meta-analysis)

In text citations of at least 2-3 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format. NOT INCLUDING the two primary research articles

INITIAL VISIT SOAPNOTE: Familial Hypercholesterolemia

ID: Initials
: M. K, , Age 36, Sex: female, Race: Hispanic, DOB 2/3/1987. Marital Status: Married. Patient came in by herself. Patient seems to be good historian.


CC: “I have these awkward yellowish lesions on my hands”

HPI: M.K., is a 36 years old female who presents to the facility alone with complains of yellowish lesion on her hands. She describes the lesions as itchy and painless. She stated that the lesions started about two months ago, but she was convinced that they would go away on their own. She denies knowledge of any aggravating or relieving factors, since she has not tried any medication.

Past Medical History:

Allergies: she does not have any known drug allergies

Hospitalizations: she has never been hospitalized.

Surgical: she has had one caesarian section at 27 years. Uncomplicated

Medications: she is not taking any medications.

Immunizations: she received all childhood vaccinations. Up to date including flu and COVID 19 vaccines.

LMP: Last menstruation period was 4/11/2023, she denies being pregnant, or experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Social History: the patient identifies as a heterosexual female, married with one child. She lives in their owned apartment with her husband and son. She admits having a smoke alarm in her house, and living in a safe and secure place. She denies smoking or drinking alcohol, even in small amounts. She is sexually active with one partner and they use withdrawal as a means of family planning.

Family History: Her mother is alive, at 61 years and was diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia at 34 years, and has been managing it with statin drugs. Her father is alive with 64 years, living with both hypertension and diabetes. Her brother is alive, at 33 years and has no health problems. Her son is 9 years, alive and healthy. She denied information abouth the health history of both paternal and maternal grandparents, since her parents are inmmigrants.

Preventative care: she attends a yearly wellness checkup, and performs mammogram and pap smears during those visits.

Review of Systems

Constitutional: she denied having fever or chills, fatigue or general body weakness. She admitted recent weight gain.

Head: denied trauma.

Eyes: she denied changes in her vision, including blurring of vision, and excessive tearing.


Delete all text in red – these are instructions and not part of the SOAP document.


SOAP Note Familial hypercholesterolemia


APA format

Intext citation

References at least 2 high-level scholarly reference per post within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.


ID: Initials
: M. K, , Age 36, Sex: female, Race: Hispanic, DOB 2/3/1987. Marital Status: Married. Patient came in by herself. Patient seems to be good historian.


CC: “ Follow up for my high cholesterol”


In paragraph format, including at the minimum OLDCARTS. Please start with demographics: AA, a 29 y.o. Asian female presents to the clinic alone with complaint of _____________.

Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics/context, Aggravating factors or Associated symptoms, Relieving Factors, Treatment, and Timing, Severity. Include any pertinent positives or negatives.

Past Medical History:

· Medical problem list

· Preventative care: (if applicable to the case – Paps, mammography, colonoscopy, dates of last visits, etc.)

· Surgeries:

· Hospitalizations:

· LMP, pregnancy status, menopause, etc. for women


Food, drug, environmental

Medications: include names, doses, frequency, and routes, and reason in parenthesis if off-label or secondary use

Family History:

Social History:

-Sexual history and contraception/protection (as applies to the case)

-Chemical history (tobacco/alcohol/drugs) (ask every pt about tobacco use)

Other: -Other social history
as applicable to each case (diet/exercise, spirituality, school/work, living arrangements, developmental history, birth history, breastfeeding, ADLs, advanced directives, etc. Exercise your critical thinking here – what is pertinent and necessary for safe and holistic care)

ROS (write out by system):
Comprehensive (