For the Special Populations E-Poster: 

Students will prepare an E-Poster presentation describing  the characteristics of their assigned vulnerable population, social  determinants of health, epidemiology, incidence, health care access for  their specific population assigned, possible sources of education, and  population-focused advocacy activities for this group.

E- poster Information:

An  e-poster is just a poster that has columns or different sections for  your content.  So, you have to be very particular about what is put on  the poster, or at least in each area.  I am including a 3 column  e-poster template, and a 4 column template for you to use for your  special populations assignment (you may choose either one for your  project).

Template Provided By Genigraphics – 800.790.4001

Replace This Text With Your Title

John Smith, MD1; Jane Doe, PhD2; Frederick Jones, MD, PhD1,2

1University of Affiliation, 2Medical Center of Affiliation

<your name>

<your organization>




Contact Information


Click here to insert your Abstract text. Type it in or copy and paste from your Word document or other source.

This text box will automatically re-size to your text. To turn off that feature, right click inside this box and go to Format Shape, Text Box, Autofit, and select the “Do Not Autofit” radio button.

To change the font style of this text box: Click on the border once to highlight the entire text box, then select a different font or font size that suits you. This text is Calibri 32pt and is easily read up to 5 feet away on a 36×48 poster.


Click here to insert your Results text. Type it in or copy and paste from your Word document or other source.

To change the font style of this text box: Click on the border once to highlight the entire text box, then select a different font or font size that suits you. This text is Calibri 32pt and is easily read up to 5 feet away on a 36×48 poster.

Zoom out to 100% to preview what this will look like on your printed poster.

Speaking of Results, yours will look better if you remember to run a spell-check on your poster! After you’ve added your content click on Review, Spelling, or press F7.


Click here to insert your Methods and Materials text. Type it in or copy and paste from your Word document or other source.

Remember, the section headers you see here are just examples that we often see on posters. Feel free to change them, move them around, resize them, whatever suits your needs.

Some other common headings we see:

Research Question




Case Study

Data & Analysis


Methods and Materials

Click here to insert your Discussion text. Type it in or copy and paste from your Word document or other source.

This text box will automatically re-size to your text. To turn off that feature, right click inside this box and go to Format Shape, Text Box, Autofit, and select the “Do Not Autofit” radio button.

To change the font style of this text box: Click on the border once to highlight the entire text box, then select a different font or font size that suits you. This text is Calibri 32pt and is easily read up to 5 feet away on a 36×48 poster.


Click here to insert your Conclusions text. Type it in or copy and paste from your Word

First Name Last Name, Title; First Name Last Name, Title; First Name Last Name, Title

Department and/or School, University of California, San Francisco

Introduction (Helvetica)

This poster template is adapted from the UCSF poster template available at (downloaded on April 11, 2011). Here, the poster size has been revised from 40”x78” to 36”x48”.

To change this template to another size, go to “File” then “Page Setup” in Microsoft PowerPoint. If the UCSF logos become distorted, then simply copy them back into your resized file from the original file.

More PowerPoint Shortcuts

Alt+F9 toggles guidelines on and off
Esc de-selects all objects
Alt (while dragging object with mouse) lets you move the object any increment.
Control lets you move any increment while moving with arrow keys.
Shift+Enter ends the line without adding vertical space for a new paragraph.

Your Conclusion Goes Here

This template is 36”x48”, re-sized by UCSF’s Office of Career & Professional Development. The vast majority of content on this template is from the 40”x78” template available at:

The oiriginal 40”x78” template was adapted from one produced by

ANR Communication Services
University of California, Davis

and from a template produced at Swarthmore College and widely reproduced online. See C. Purrington’s “Advice on designing scientific posters,”
(accessed 4/2007).

Maintain ample space around the logos.

Design Tips

To create a successful poster:

Simplify everything. Keep text short.

Never set whole sentences in capitals or underline; instead, use bold type sparingly.

When laying out your poster, leave plenty of breathing space around your text and images. Don’t overcrowd your poster.

Try using photographs or colored graphs.

Sample Layouts for Images & Captions

How to Add Images & Diagrams

Go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File…

Find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK.

Be aware of image size and resolution.

For photos, 300 dpi is a guideline. Save as TIFF or JPEG (preferably TIFF). Images containing only lines/objects (vector drawings) should be 450 dpi and saved as PDF (or GIF or TIFF if necessary).

Do not use images from the web (resolution is typically too low to print well).

Graphs: You can produce graphs in Excel or directly in PowerPoint. Graphs done in a scientific

Special Populations Presentation Rubric

Title, Objectives & Introduction

Levels of Achievement:

Novice 10 (10.00%) points

Special Population PPT slides include a title with all group names. Survey objectives are NOT included and NO introduction slide is presented.

Competent 15 (15.00%) points

Special Population PPT slides include a title with all group names. Survey objectives are included, but NO introduction slide is presented.

Proficient 20 (20.00%) points

PPT slides include a title with all group names. Survey objectives are included and an introduction slide is presented for the Special Population identified.

Organization and Description of Characteristics of Special Population–

Levels of Achievement:

Novice 10 (10.00%) points

Does not provide a description of the characteristics of the population, social determinants of health, epidemiology, incidence and health care access.

Competent 15 (15.00%) points

Provides a description some of the characteristics of the population, social determinants of health, epidemiology, incidence and health care access.

Proficient 20 (20.00%) points

Provides a description of the characteristics of the population, social determinants of health, epidemiology, incidence and health care access.

Advocacy Activities–

Levels of Achievement:

Novice 10 (10.00%) points

Does not include a discussion of education and population- focused advocacy activities.

Competent 15 (15.00%) points

Includes a discussion of education needs, but not advocacy activities.

Proficient 20 (20.00%) points

Includes a discussion of education and population- focused advocacy activities.

Conclusion and Reflections–

Levels of Achievement:

Novice 10 (10.00%) points

Does not have an obvious conclusion or a slide that includes the group’s reflection about the experience.

Competent 15 (15.00%) points

Has an obvious conclusion but NOT a slide that includes the group’s reflection about the experience.

Proficient 20 (20.00%) points

Has an obvious conclusion and a slide that includes the group’s reflection about the experience.

Reference slide Included at end, No grammar or spelling errors–

Levels of Achievement:

Novice 10 (10.00%) points

No Reference slide included, and there are numerous grammar and Spelling errors noted.

Competent 15 (15.00%) points

Reference slide included only one reference; there are some grammar, and/or Spelling errors noted.

Proficient 20 (20.00%) points

Reference slide included with 3-5 updated references; there are NO grammar or Spelling errors noted.