TOPIC: Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix

This project has 2 parts. This is part 1. 

Please Use the DNP-840A Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix Form Attached  to complete the whole assignment.

Please use the other attached documents to complete the Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix.

Title of Project: Impact the number of depression screenings and referrals to a child psychologist. 

Assessment Description

The DNP comprehensive assessment provides learners the opportunity to demonstrate their achievement of core and specialty DNP competencies. It is also an appraisal of learners’ ability to integrate and synthesize knowledge within the context of their scholarly and practice interests and their readiness to complete the DPI Project. The two-part comprehensive assessment includes evaluation of work completed throughout the program and a final synthesis and self-reflection demonstrating achievement of programmatic outcomes. In Part One of the assessment, learners are required to collect and review coursework deliverables and practice immersion hours completed in the program thus far. In Part Two, learners will be required to synthesize and reflect on their learning and prioritize work for their DPI Projects.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. 
  • You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite to verify similarity score & plagiarism.


To complete Part One of the DNP Comprehensive Assessment:

Use the “Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix” (ATTACHED) to collect evidence from your completed program coursework to demonstrate how you have met selected competencies of the DNP program. Coursework to review includes:

Programmatic :

  • Reflective Journals 
  • Case Reports 
  • Scholarly Activities (DNP 810A, DNP-830A, and DNP-840A)
  • 10 Strategic Points (DNP-820A)
  • DPI Project Draft Prospectus (DNP-830A)
  • Literature Review (DNP-830)
  • Course-based assignments from prior courses (DNP-805A      through DNP-840A) eligible for practice immersion hours.

As you complete the matrix, be sure to select key, specific evidence from your coursework and briefly summarize (no more than one or two sentences) how the selected assignments demonstrate your achievement of program competencies. As you review your work, take time to review your instructor feedback regarding areas that may have been weak or lacking, or where points were not fully addressed or supported in your submission. You will need this information for a discussion question in Topic 4.

Your completed matrix will provide you with a “road map” to focus and direct you in the completion of Comprehensive Assessment Part Two. Before you begin Part Two, take time to note any “blank spaces” in the matrix; these spaces indicate competencies left unmet by your coursework to-date. You will need this information for a discussion question as well.




Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

Scholarly Activity Summary

Professor Mary Sizemore

May 12, 2022.

Scholarly Activity Summary

During my vacation, I participated in a quality improvement committee meeting for a community-based group. A quality improvement committee consists of a group of people who are tasked with the job of ensuring that the processes of a company are continually improved (Vessey et al., 2021). Additionally, the participants of this panel hoped to fix numerous issues inside the business and devise strategies for progress. The group included representatives from all relevant parties including beneficiaries. I attended the event in my capacity as a project beneficiary who also happens to be the target market. Because I work as a nurse, the exercise helped me to improve my understanding of how to recognize a concern or a risk and devise strategies for enhancing the overall quality of care.

A number of issues needed to be addressed by the quality improvement committee. First, there was a worry about beneficiary engagement in programs. Beneficiaries were apprehensive about participating in projects that were intended to help them. It posed a dilemma because it jeopardized the program’s effectiveness as well as the long-term viability of the intervention’s results. The issue would have ramifications for both the implementing partners and even the program beneficiaries. This is because the project implementation group will, or may not reach their aim and the beneficiaries will continue suffering as a result of this. One of the key issues that the panel had to deal with was a misalignment in communication between the benefactors and the program managers. It is truly a regret that most of the beneficiaries were unable to comprehend the jargon utilized by the officials. It may have even led to the first issue. Furthermore, a lack of comprehension led in a lack of effective implementation of the programs. There have been reports that the officials speak in technical language that the beneficiaries are not familiar with. As a result, inadequate communication occurred, which was a significant component to the project’s failure.

In order to resolve the issue, the committee established an effective communications network that would suit all parties while also ensuring cooperation and integration of actions. The staffs were informed of their objectives, which included implementing tactics that would be beneficial to them when interacting with beneficiaries. The team was energized and eager to succeed. At the end of t



Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

DNP-820A: Translational Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Professor Deborah Clark

August 29, 2022.

10 Strategic Points Document for a Quality Improvement Project

Ten Strategic Points

The 10 Strategic Points

Title of Project

Title of Project

Impact the number of depression screenings and referrals to a child psychologist 


Theoretical Foundation

Literature Synthesis

Practice Change Recommendation

Background to Chosen Evidence-Based Intervention:

List the primary points for six sections.

i) Background of the practice problem/gap at the project site

One of the primary causes of disability worldwide, depression affects a sizable percentage of the population. Persistent feelings of sadness and guilt, changes in sleeping patterns (insomnia or oversleeping), changes in appetite, decreased mental and physical energy, unusual irritability, inability to enjoy once-enjoyed activities, difficulty working, and thoughts of death or suicide are all symptoms that can be associated with any type of depressive disorder. These “down” symptoms alone may indicate a unipolar depressive disorder like dysthymia or severe depression if they are present. A person may be diagnosed with bipolar illness if they experience alternating spells of depression and euphoria. Adolescents and young adults increasingly have difficulties with their mental health (Poppen et al., 2016). An individual’s mental health is something only they can fully comprehend, making it difficult for friends and loved ones to spot warning signs in time to intervene. Juvenile and young adult suicide is a major problem in today’s world. A lack of life experiences, self-confidence, and faith in one’s own skills contribute to the suicides of many young individuals.

ii) Significance of the practice problem/gap at the project site

Mental illness has been a problem that is affected the population for a long period and worryingly young people and adolescents are experiencing many effects that lead to some committing suicide. The stress that today’s youth encounter nowadays is the most significant of all these issues, especially the pressure they receive based on their academic expectations and poor communication about their troubles to their parents. There is also a gap in the schools in terms of students receiving counseling services because there are lim




Family History

DNP-810A Emerging Areas of Human Health

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

March 24, 2022.

Family History


Family health history tends to be a crucial identifier of the likeliness of the health condition and the appropriate preventive care required to control the occurrence of the disease. However, the family health history tends to be underused within the clinical setting and, as a result, increases the barriers for inadequate attainment and sharing of health information with the health practitioners (Madhavan et al., 2019). Fundamentally, the family health history is a crucial tool in the health delivery system because it aids in the attainment of the required health information. This paper focuses on analyzing the medical history of my family, their associated hereditary patterns, uterine endometriosis transmission, as well as discussion of the pedigree tool within an ambulatory practice.

Identified Hereditary Patterns

To evaluate the risk of disease within my family, the Surgeon General’s Family History Tool was utilized, and it identified that there was a high probability of the family’s female population of the fourth generation contracting uterine cancer. The family members that participated in the family health history were the father, mother, children, and grandchildren. However, due to unclear identification of either the maternal or paternal grandparent, the cancer-related risks were based on one relative who was the mother and was suffering from endometriosis cancer. The mother was in the second generation was designated as the family patriot and, through the tool, cardiovascular disease such as hypertension, heart-related disease, uterine endometriosis, as well as diabetes patterns among the individuals who were aged 45 years and above was exposed. The information attained was quite crucial as it linked other family siblings and me to chronic health conditions.

Moreover, the demographic information was not evaluated, and this limited the attainment of essential information. However, the attained information identified that approximately 90% of the family line suffered from obesity with a BMI of more than 30. I descend from a significant extended family where my mother (The Mother), being the youngest of her six siblings and had fourteen children, seven males, and seven females. Most of the health conditions identified by the tool presented an inheritance pattern because the mother and her seven daughters were suffering from uterin




EHR Database and Data Management

DNP-805A Health Care Informatics

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

February 19, 2022.

Database Management Approach for Clinically Based Patient

Data management and database in medical institution specifies patient’s information. In health centers, information can be recorded primarily based on affected person attendance and nurse getting to the patient and saved in documents or computer systems (Pallis, 2018). The objective of data recording within the health facility is to enhance accuracy in records protection. There may be a guarantee of excellent patient care inside the clinic. The statistics taken into consideration in this example consist of the affected person’s age, disorder signs, and symptoms, of affected person. Additionally, there is a need to document drugs that the affected person is using.
The time taken for the patient to be admitted and usage of the medicine is given. Finally, there is a need to consider the amount spent.

In this essay, consideration will be cognizance of a nurse’s patient giving an overdose of drugs. The overdose arises while the physician recommends that the nurse should give the patient 135mg of prescribed medicine. But the nurse makes a mistake and gives the affected person 135g of the equally prescribed medicinal drug. If this problem arises, it can be solved by way of the handiest making sure that the medical doctor has to record the medication given to the affected person at a certain time. To conform to the prescription, the physician must provide the nurse with a copy of the records. Then, the nurse needs to cautiously verify the information before administering any medicine to the patient to keep away from confusion and overdose.

Within the medical center, a few scientific errors arise from ordering a drug from a pharmacist. It is advisable for the nurse to perform an important drug check before taking it from a pharmacist. Nurses should ensure that the drug prescribed by the pharmacist is appropriate and has the right dosage according to the weight of the affected person to avoid overdose or under doses. There is always some interest in making sure that prescription drugs are in line with those prescribed by a pharmacist. To avoid this, there is a need for a team-friendly solution to have a very good report within the manual or electronic format. This can prevent the nurse from over drinking and giving the affected person special treatment. The nurse should ask the doctor why the patient is given the same medication for accuracy and confidentiality. The nurse should also consider the am




Evaluation of Health Care Technology

DNP-805A Health Care Informatics

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

March 17, 2022.

Evaluation of Health Care Technology

Description of the Technology

As it has become the norm of today’s contemporary world, technology plays a significant role in improving the quality of patient care. More health institutions are utilizing various approaches such as the actor-network theory (ANT) to have insights into the massive patient experience data they have collected (Desai
et al., 2017). Telemedicine technology is an example of health technology that have paid attention to the patient experience data as it correlates with hospital interactions which ascribe to ATN philosophy.

Telemedicine seeks to elevate convenience and coherence through lessening travel needs, clinical support, subduing geographical hurdles, incorporating various communication devices, and ameliorating patient outcomes (Alvandi, 2017). Furthermore, telemedicine has substantially played its role in line with ethics, confidentiality, data integrity, and caring in particularly technical domains. It has improved patient care options, offered patient privacy through its confidential consultation, continuous incorporation of security on patient’s data from infiltration, and adherence of obliged physician moral and ethical responsibilities.

Element Description, Evaluation, and functionality assessment of Telemedicine User-Technology Interface

Telemedicine technology utilizes various elements, including collaboration tools, medical peripherals, workflow, and cloud-based services. These elements are vital in telemedicine as they necessitate its accessibility and efficiency. Collaborating tools are essential for health institutions to connect patients with their providers. They ascribe to the real-time interactive mode such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

This element is associated with video endpoints (Becker, 2022). A link between the provider and the patient is established in real-time, where they interact, and data is analyzed and evaluated. The functionality of collaboration tools lies in how effectively it saves resources and time and increase productivity. Patients are connected with their providers quickly, thus on time and comprehensively care when they need it most. Even when the provider is out of reach, in most cases in a different location, they perform their duties via this element.

Virtual conferencing enhanced by videoconferencing is effective as in-person consultations. It can attenuate other health issues that might




Case Report on Diabetes Mellitus

DNP-805A Health Care Informatics

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

March 10, 2022.


Diabetes Mellitus Case Report

Diabetes is defined as a chronic or long-term health condition that affects how the body is turning food into energy. Most of the foods eaten are broken into glucose which is then released into the bloodstream. When the blood glucose rise, it signals the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin plays a significant role in letting the blood glucose into the body cells for use as a source of energy. Individuals with diabetes either do not make adequate insulin or are not capable of using the insulin it makes and as it should be. The inadequate insulin or a situation when the cells stop responding to the insulin, there is the presence of a high amount of blood glucose in the bloodstream. With time, the accumulation of the elevated level of blood sugar in the bloodstream leads to severe health issues linked to heart illness, vision loss, and kidney disease.

Individuals with diabetes have low blood flow to the extremities thus making their body to be less capable of mobilizing the normal immune defenses and nutrients that are important in the promotion of the body’s ability to fight infections (Doraiswamy et al., 2020). These patients need to be managed at home to ensure that there is a minimal risk of contacting the invading pathogens that are common within the hospital. The successful management of these patients can be effectively achieved through the adoption of telehealth technology. Therefore, this paper is focused on discussing the role of telehealth in the successful monitoring of diabetes patients.

Description of the Situation or Case

Type 2 diabetes is a major health problem globally and it is indicated by the presence of high blood glucose because of the inadequate production of insulin by the pancreas. There is an occurrence of the inflammatory response due to the immune response to the high blood glucose and the presence of the inflammatory mediators that are generated by the adipocytes and the macrophages within the fat tissue. The lower and the chronic inflammation damages pancreatic beta cells and this results in the inadequate production of the insulin that causes hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is the result of the dysfunction of the immune response that leads to the failure in the control of the spread of the invading pathogens to diabetic patients (Berbudi et al., 2020). Therefore, diabetic individuals are at substantial risk of infections. The increased incidences of t




Using CPOE and CDSS

DNP-805A Health Care Informatics

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

February 13, 2022.

Using CPOE and CDSS

Technology-driven processes such as Computer Provider Order Entry (CPOE) and Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) are used to include client security, precedence, and scientifically proven practice. “Such technologies contribute to major advances in health-care support” (Okumura et al., 2016 p.1886). Acetaminophen is a nonopioid pain medication that is often given as a standing prescription. When nonopioid pain relievers fail to treat the person’s discomfort, opioid drugs are often given, with most of them being an Acetaminophen combination. Toxicity from Tylenol is an issue. “In the United States, acetaminophen poisoning has surpassed viral hepatitis as the main cause of severe hepatic dysfunction, causing over 30,000 hospital admissions annually” (McCarthy et al., 2014, p.1751). To guarantee client safety, a CPOE and CDSS with the amount of Tylenol the client has taken in the last 24 hours, lab tests, and a client teaching questionnaire will be required.

The Clinical Issue

Multiple standing prescriptions and therapeutic pathways require the CPOE system. Nurse and client teaching is needed to enhance CPOE with Tylenol prescriptions. The drug distribution department specifies the highest amount of Tylenol that the person ought to get, however the CDSS can offer additional details to assess if the medicine must be administered. The estimated amount of Tylenol administered each day, a check list containing client teaching when administering the drug, and test findings must all be considered. With Tylenol and dose, the younger population is subject to drug mistakes. “Treatment mistakes regarding the administration of Tylenol and other painkillers to kids are linked to morbidity” (Brass et al., 2018, p.564). The juvenile population must be included into the calculations and caregivers, or authorized guardians must be educated.

CPOE Design

The standing prescriptions of Tylenol as well as other pain drugs containing Tylenol will be verified by the physician throughout the design creation of CPOE. Prior to prescription, the provider will go through a checklist to ensure that hepatic enzymes and renal processes are within typical ranges. The prescriptions will be linked to EHR and sent to pharmacist for drug distribution units. The entire estimated dosage of Tylenol, as well as a checklist for client teaching, will show with every dose of Tylenol. Client is informed of maximal dosage of Tylenol guidelines, client acknowledges complete amount of Tylenol provided at this moment, client is in

Database Concept Map

Adapted from:

How a database is organized. (2008).
CCNC/CCNC Module 5/The database application/Database Concepts/How a Database is Organized. WikiEducator.






Telehealth and Opioid Use Disorder

DNP-805A Health Care Informatics

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

March 2, 2022.


During the COVID 19 pandemic, the world experienced a lot of changes to our day-to-day activities. With so many changes taking place, the health sector was not left behind. The traditional approach to healthcare delivery was transformed as the health sector discouraged face-to-face interactions opting for self-isolation, and the information technology department had a huge role to play, enabling the delivery of healthcare through teleconferencing, e-mails, and telecommunication using mobile phones. The objective of this study is to outline the changes the health sector has to adapt to facilitate the delivery of health services to patients, especially those with opioid use disorder (OUD).

Telehealth and Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid use and opioid use-related deaths are viewed as an epidemic. In the US, researchers predict a surge in deaths to up to 700,000 between the years 2016 and 2025 (Chen, 2019). It is necessary to engage individuals undergoing medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD). The coronavirus has led to the closure of some outpatient and non-emergency health facilities. The revision of drug enforcement agencies’ guidelines allowed telehealth to broaden its reach on MOUD without requiring an in-person medical exam. Though with this advancement, the capability and potential of telehealth, for the treatment of OUD, is a topic that is understudied and is now being under-utilized. (Langabeer II, 2021).

The Houston Emergency Opioid Engagement System is a lifeline for all opioid-related issues. It offers professional counseling, has five on-call physicians and peer counselors to help patients in transitioning to other providers during this critical time. Providers are really comfortable with telehealth but are concerned with the lack of in-patient examination and physical touch. Though there is a great response on patient attendance there are some concerns since remote coaching, tele-support groups, tele-counseling haven’t been enabled yet. Despite all these, we have learned it is possible to carry out telehealth and involve patients through remote peer counseling and remote coaching, and to conduct large virtual meetings. It is really beneficial as healthcare providers are able to see the kind of environment their patients live in and engage them appropriately. It is time we incorporate virtual sessions in telehealth with traditional healthcare practices.

In this article t




Huntington’s Disease- A Case Study: Part III

DNP-810A Emerging Areas of Human Health

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

April 20, 2022.

Huntington’s Disease- A Case Study: Part III

How Genetics can Influence Policy Issues

There is a strong correlation between genetics and public policy issues. Because of the rapid advancements in genetic testing technology, new healthcare policy challenges have arisen, such as genetic confidentiality, gene patenting, public awareness, and uniformity (Brown et al., 2018). Suitable policy to deal with these concerns has been lacking for the previous couple of years. For instance, different governments have approached the problem of genetic confidentiality widely. Because of the absence of testing regulations and evaluation, the use of presently available genetic tests is likewise fraught with difficulty. Consequently, clinical evaluation may not benefit from every test performed. As a result, these policy areas should be strengthened by policy interventions. In order to better promote health policy issues and ward off sickness, it is critical to gain a better understanding of hereditary variables and disorders.

Furthermore, genetics calls for the involvement of the public in discussions about genetic testing, interpretation, and importance. Governments must make  sure that as whole, the public is aware of the various genetics-related challenges. The problems include federal funding for genetic research and the requirement for or absence of clinician participation in direct-to-client genetic testing. As a result, public sentiment plays a vital role in determining the policies that should be followed while performing genetic testing (Kiechl et al., 2018). Clinical research and relationships with patients are also influenced as a result, in addition to political choices. As a result of this knowledge, genetics impacts the implementation of policies that protect the interests of different stakeholders in the societal structure. When it comes to clinical, laboratories, and in vitro genetic tests, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) was enacted to ensure tight control.

Nutritional Influences for the Cause of Huntington’s Disease

Every individual can profit from excellent nutrition and dietary behavior, regardless of their age or gender. Good diet has shown to be a crucial aspect of maintaining health and functional ability in patients with Huntington’s disease. The cause of the Huntington’s disease is through a mutated form of the Huntingtin gene (HTT) known as having an enlarged CAG repeat. Urea cycle deficits is associated with the HTT gene in the liver. Enzymes known as argini




Down Syndrome- A Case Study: Part II

DNP-810A Emerging Areas of Human Health

Marian Alli

Grand Canyon University

April 7, 2022.

Down Syndrome- A Case Study: Part II


Genetic disorders can be a handful if not properly handled. During my internship at my local healthcare facility, I was more intrigued by the lack of adequate Family Health History (FHH) communication networks as it is a strong predictor of the risks associated with the disease. It is also useful for guiding preventive care. This case study aims to illuminate the importance of FHH and FHx tools in guiding the treatment of Down Syndrome. I specifically focus on the prevalence of Down Syndrome within society and the rudimentary treatment processes that are used to treat the disease.

Chromosomal Analysis

To effectively establish the prevalence and incidences of acute and genetic disorders, most healthcare centers allocate a laboratory for running chromosomal analysis of incoming patients. One of the most common diagnostic tests is the karyotype genetic test. In essence, the karyotype test analyzes the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a patient’s genetic makeup (“Down syndrome- Symptoms and causes”, 2022).

A normal person typically has 46 chromosomes divided into 23 pairs. Further, one of each chromo