My topic that I chose was HIV/AIDS. Attached you will find the rubric and a sample. In addition, are some articles, etc that the professor refers to. You will also find the FINAL PROJECT expectations, although this doesn’t pertain to this portion that I am posting, I have attached it for reference for later on.

BIO212 MOD-2 example assignment

Example Student

Disease: COVID-19

Why did you choose this disease?

I selected this disease because it has had a major impact on the people of the world during 2020. This danger continues to this day as we deal with the fallout of the pandemic. I have had family and friends who became extremely ill but thankfully, no one died. Understanding how a virus like COVID-19 works and how it can infect the human body is important to my pursuit of a health care career. I hope to achieve a better understanding of what we can do as a society and as individuals to avoid a repeat pandemic such as this.

Why do you think is an important disease we should all know more about?

The US has experienced at least 600,000 deaths from COVID-19. The world has had over 3,889,723 confirmed deaths and many more suspected since the pandemic began. (WHO dashboard, 2021) The speed with which the disease spread and our inability to stop this have surprised many scientists and healthcare professionals. We need to be better prepared for the next disease that will inevitably come. Learning from your mistakes with COVID-19 will make us better prepared and save the lives of millions worldwide.

What is the microbe that causes this disease and what have you already learned about it? (briefly!)

COVID-19 is a member of the SARS-MERS family of viruses. Related viruses have been found infecting many different species of animals. The infection of COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease. (Hadler, 2020) This means it was mutated in a way that allowed it to infect humans instead of the animals it came from. Scientists think it came from bats and transferred to hogs and other farm animals that have close contact with humans. The research is not complete to clearly identify in which species the virus first appeared.

What are two significant questions you hope to answer in researching this disease?

1. I believe my research can highlight the causes of the rapid spread of the disease.

2. My research should also shine a light on how we can be better prepared to fight the next pandemic.


Haider N, Rothman-Ostrow P, Osman AY, et al. COVID-19-Zoonosis or Emerging Infectious Disease?. Front Public Health. 2020;8:596944. Published 2020 Nov 26. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.596944

World Health Organization, Health Emergency Dashboard, (2021).



You have been asked to prepare an educational presentation to a public health class for high school students.

Your presentation will delve in-depth into one particular epidemic disease caused by a microorganism.

You must select an appropriate disease from the list provided in the course module 2 (also shown here). COVID-19 is NOT one of the allowed selections! Any other ideas that are not listed, must be approved by your instructor BEFORE you submit the module 2 proposal.

First: Select one disease process from the list:

· Malaria

· Cholera

· Plague (Bubonic, plague two forms)

· Tuberculous

· Zika

· Ebola

· Spanish Flu

· Swine Flu

· Asian Flu

· Smallpox




· H1N1

· Polio

· Yellow fever

Your presentation should include all of the following aspects of this disease:

· The organism that causes the disease

· A thorough examination of what type of organism this is (virus, bacteria, protozoa, etc.)

· Its life cycle in detail, any other species involved besides humans, life stages, etc.

· How it is spread

· The infection process as it happens inside the human body

· Regions of the world where this is found, where it may be spreading, other environmental concerns that impact the life cycle of the organism. Social and economic issues that impact the spread, war, famine, etc.

· Historic perspective, especially if your disease has been around for a long time. When was it first identified? how often has it resulted in epidemics or pandemics?

· Current statistics about this disease, yearly patients, deaths, changes over time, is it getting worse or better?

· The disease process:

· Follow this from infection through all the symptomology and outcomes

· What is the human immune system response?

· Is the patient a carrier, or infected with recurrent episodes or is the surviving patient immune from further infections?

· What is being done to combat this disease and by who?

· Current medications, vaccines, mosquito nets, draining swamps, etc.

· Latest technologies such as genetic modification of infectious insects.

· National and international efforts to eradicate the disease.

· Future prognosis for this disease: will it continue to exist, spread or disappear?

· What can your audience do to protect themselves?

· What can they do to help the fight against this disease?

Directions for your presentation

This assignment is an opportunity for you to craft a 5 to 8-minute professional presentation of your research on the disease you selected. 

· This is an activity that will provide you with skills and tec

BIO 212 M2 Project Work Disease Selection and Examination

Criteria A C F F no


Points 25 25 19 14 0

Selected from the list:

The student selected an appropriate

disease from the list or contacted the

instructor for an appropriate alternative


The work uses the provided

list (or instructor approval) to

select an appropriate topic

The work did not use the

provided list or did not

receive prior approval

The submitted work is not


No submission

Points 50 50 37 27 0


The work contains complete, correct

and sufficiently detailed and specific

ideas as stipulated in the assignment

about the infectious disease selected.

The work contains complete,

correct and sufficiently

detailed and specific ideas as

stipulated in the assignment

about the disease selected.

The work contains some of

the correct ideas as stipulated

but lacks sufficient details.

The work is incomplete in

many areas.

No submission

Points 25 25 19 14 0

Writing Mechanics & Formatting:

Grammar, spelling and syntax are

correct. Length meets requirements for

the assignment.

No errors in grammar,

spelling or syntax throughout

the entire document; meets

length requirements.

A few minor errors in

grammar, spelling and/or

syntax. Does not adhere to

length requirements.

Significant number of errors

in grammar, spelling and/or

syntax throughout. Does not

adhere to length


No submission

Point totals 100 75 55 0

BIO 212 M2 Project Work Disease Selection and Examination

Criteria A C F F no


Points 25 25 19 14 0

Selected from the list:

The student selected an appropriate

disease from the list or contacted the

instructor for an appropriate alternative


The work uses the provided

list (or instructor approval) to

select an appropriate topic

The work did not use the

provided list or did not

receive prior approval

The submitted work is not


No submission

Points 50 50 37 27 0


The work contains complete, correct

and sufficiently detailed and specific

ideas as stipulated in the assignment

about the infectious disease selected.

The work contains complete,

correct and sufficiently

detailed and specific ideas as

stipulated in the assignment

about the disease selected.

The work contains some of

the correct ideas as stipulated

but lacks sufficient details.

The work is incomplete in

many areas.

No submission

Points 25 25 19 14 0

Writing Mechanics & Formatting:

Grammar, spelling and syntax are

correct. Length meets requirements for

the assignment.

No errors in grammar,

spelling or syntax throughout

the entire document; meets

length requirements.

A few minor errors in

grammar, spelling and/or

syntax. Does not adhere to

length requirements.

Significant number of errors

in grammar, spelling and/or

syntax throughout. Does not

adhere to length


No submission

Point totals 100 75 55 0

Key facts about major deadly diseases

Managing epidemics


Key facts about major deadly diseases

Managing epidemics

© World Health Organization 2018

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Any mediation relating to disputes arising under the licence shall be conducted in accordance with the mediation rules of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Suggested citation. Managing epidemics: key facts about major deadly diseases. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
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