Hello writer this is a discussion board peer respond, please see instructions attached. Thank you!

Instructions to writer: this is a peer respond, please respond to Valonie and Johana with a minimum of 150 words to each peer and at least 1 academic resource to
each peer.

Please respond individually to each peer. Example: “Hello Ivis I enjoyed reading your post and liked the points you made. I agree with you or disagree with you”, write what works best, this was just an intro example.

Must meet the following:

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. 

· All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible

I need this in APA Style. Thank you!

This’s Valonie Discussion Post ↓

           Orem’s self-care deficit conceptual model and Abdellah’s patient-centered approach to nursing theory can be used by the advanced practice nurse (APN) to provide high-quality, individualized care to their clients. These frameworks can help the advanced practice nurse consider the patient’s overall capacity and ability to maintain their health and examine the areas that benefit the patient the most.

            Orem’s theory of self-care deficit conceptual model examines the role of nursing in helping to improve patient care when patients have deficits that affect their ability to care for themselves. The theory outlines critical concepts that affect a person’s ability to care for themselves. The four main points of Orem’s concept of self-care include a person’s fundamental abilities that are affected by personal character traits, conditioning factors of the environment, self-care requisites of the elements required for optimal self-care, and their knowledge from theories and practicality on how to care for themselves (Yip, 2021). The main components of Orem’s theory of self-care make it helpful in providing higher quality health care to clients because it individualizes the care that the practitioner provides to the needs of each patient. Providing a higher quality of care to clients includes determining their attitudes towards their health, health literacy, sociocultural beliefs, developmental stages, and availability of resources to achieve self-care. APNs diagnose, prescribe, and treat their clients according to medical theories and standards of practice, but they must also be efficient in allowing transparency between theory and practice. An example is the APN recognizing that the patient cannot follow through with the proposed care plan due to issues such as medication adherence, compliance, and following up with routine or specialist visits. The APN should communicate to the patient ways to provide available resources to the client so they can improve their participation in their care.

            The patient-cent