You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your responses must be substantive and not just agreeing with someone’s work. You need to add by explaining more, refuting a point or correcting a point.  a minimum of 150 words and one reference with in text citation, one reference for each respond.   

Discussion 1 Everton

Generate a primary and differential diagnosis using the DSM-5 criteria.

Based on the fact that J.T has verbally stated he feels depressed with many negative thoughts, has been very stressed out with school, he does not spend time with others but rather alone, has been skipping classes, declining invites for activities and isolating himself more would align more with his primary diagnosis being major depressive disorder. J.T. is also avoiding reality and seems to no longer be concentrated on the important things in his life. For J.T., the differential diagnosis would be anxiety vs obsessive compulsive disorder. He is very doubtful and does not seem to feel like he is complete or even capable of being around new people without thinking that they think he is less of a person. His own thoughts cause him to almost panic and not think clearly to the point he starts to stutter. When moments like that happens, he replays those moments over and over again causing him to be even more afraid.


Develop a biopsychosocial plan of care for this client.

The biopsychosocial plan of care for J.T. would be to see what medications could be prescribed to him to see they could uplift his mood. Hopefully that will help him avoid isolating himself and seek out to teachers and attend class and to also accept invitations from friends. In addition, seeing what therapy sessions could help, teaching him some distraction methods such as meditating to see if that would help to relieve his stress and allow him to focus more on thinking positive towards things including school. Suggesting or referring him to group therapies with others that are in college possibly experiencing the same stress, anxiety and depression to see if that would also help him relax.


Compare and contrast fear, worry, anxiety, and panic.

Fear is an immediate response to something that one may feel threatened by. Fear is a learned response that triggers the amygdala in the brain to work. When a person becomes fearful of something or someone it triggers the nervous system where cortisol and adrenaline are released causing an increase in the person’s heart rate and blood pressure (Northwestern Medicine, 2020). This is called the fight or flight response which can either cause someone to not be able to make clear decisions or think clearly. The fight or flight response can also cause the person to gain pleasure out of this fear as well (Northwestern Medicine, 2020). Anxiety is also a fight or flight response to something or someone that causes fear or worry. Anxiety can lead to a panic depending on the severity of the anxiety or feelings or fear and worry. Anxiety can be caused by personal life experiences or medical conditions (Mayo Clinic, 2018). According to Mayo Clinic (2018), no matter what type of anxiety or what causes the patient to become anx