see attached


Sullivan (2017). Chapters 15,16,17,19, 20

Written Assignment-Strategic Planning-40 point value. Using information from your assigned readings, the literature, the self-paced tutorial, and leaders in your organizations, discuss the following in a 2-3 page paper. 

1. What are three (3) key strategic initiatives for your organization, department and unit. Do they align with each other? Why or why not?  Provide rationale.

2. Does your organization’s strategic plan address recruitment and retention of key clinical roles?  If so, discuss the goals and activities around this initiative. If not, discuss two (2) goals with 3-4 activities focused on recruitment and retention.

3. Does your organization have a customer service/patient experience model? If so, please describe the model. Is it effective? Why or why not?  How is patient experience reflected in the organization’s, your department’s and your unit’s strategic plan? Provide examples.

1. Must include 4 references, 2 must be from course materials and 2 from peer reviewed references

1. Paper must be APA format, 7th edition—including a title and reference page separate from the body of the paper

1. Paper should be double spaced throughout and 2-3 pages long (title and references are not included in the page count)

1. Reference must be no older than 5 years (2015-2021) unless course material.

1. Suggested headings are listed here to assist in guiding your paper

1. 4 point per day deduction for late assignments


Suggested Headings:

Title of paper (centered, bolded) – On title page and top of page two centered and bolded

Introductory paragraph (do not use a heading)

Strategic Initiatives (centered, bold, and first letter of each word capitalized)

Strategic Plan Related to Recruitment & Retention (centered, bold, and first letter of each word capitalized)

Customer Service/Patient Experience Model (centered, bold, and first letter of each word capitalized)

Customer Service and Strategic Planning (left margin, bold, and first letter of each word capitalized)

Conclusion (if you choose to use this heading it would be centered, bolded) but it is preferred to simply state…In conclusion, at the beginning of the paragraph

Case Study

Impact of a Patient Experience
Leadership Structure on
Performance and Engagement

Sven Gierlinger, BA1, Agnes Barden, DNP, RN, CPXP2,
and Nicole Giammarinaro, MSN, RN, CPXP3

The patient experience leadership structure at Northwell Health is strategically championed by Culture Leaders, a novel role
established to transform the organizational culture from “service excellence” to “patient experience.” This case report
describes how the implementation of Culture Leader structure has aided in the improvement of organizational patient
experience performance as well as how Culture Leaders remain highly engaged. Responsible for effectuating change by
bridging the gap between local and organizational experience strategies, Culture Leader engages key stakeholders within the
strategic pillars of culture, care delivery, hospitality, and accountability.

patient experience, leadership, engagement, accountability, culture leader


In every organization, there are individuals who are culture

influencers. Formal or informal leaders, they elicit follower-

ship and have the ability to make definitive impacts on their

colleagues, processes, and organizational culture (1). Lead-

ers effectuate change and their interventions impact out-

comes (2). This case report focuses on how Northwell

Health systematically implemented a patient experience

leadership and accountability structure to drive cultural

transformation. The Agency for Healthcare Research and

Quality describes patient experience as “the range of inter-

actions that patients have within the health-care system (3).”

Patient experience remains a national steadfast priority due

to the intrinsic and positive correlation with patient safety

and clinical effectiveness(4).

Northwell Health is a large, integrated health care orga-

nization comprised of 66 000þ caregivers, 23 hospitals, and
650þ medical practice locations, spanning geographically
from Westchester to New York City and across Long Island.

Due to the inherent growth of the organization by means of

mergers and acquisitions, patient experience efforts were

historically siloed, fragmented, and inconsistent, with much

focus on reactive service recovery. There were pockets of

excellence and areas of opportunity to achieve our mission

of providing world-class, patient- and family-centered care.


Northwell is continually growing and evolving. Consistent

challenges include organizational complexity, geographic

span, and diverse communities and workforce. In 2014,

Northwell’s first Chief Experience Officer joined the orga-

nization bringing a unique and refreshed perspective given

his hospitality indust

Volume 48, Number 9, pp 419-421
Copyright B 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Developing a Nursing Practice
Framework to Align With

Joan Gygax Spicer, PhD, RN, CCM, NEA-BC
Patricia S.A. Sparacino, PhD, RN, FAAN
Noris E. Larkin, BSN, RN

Clinical and administrative nurse
leaders in a safety-net health system
in Northern California developed
and implemented a nursing prac-
tice framework to complement the
system_s 5-year strategic initiative
(2015-2020). Their contributions
have been integral to the health
system_s strategic direction and
success. This article summarizes
highlights of the journey from intel-
lectual curiosity to pragmatic im-
plementation system-wide.

Intellectual curiosity is the seed of
every successful journey. The jour-
ney here summarized began in
2014 when clinical and adminis-

trative nurses, in a 100-bed hospital
with associated community clinics,
met to discuss the development of a
nursing practice framework (NPF).
The San Mateo Medical Center
(SMMC), which is the safety-net
health system for San Mateo County,
California, comprises a public hos-
pital with medical and psychiatric
emergency services, 10 community
clinics across a 744-square-mile
county, and a skilled nursing facil-
ity. Almost 75% of the patients who
receive care at SMMC are low-
income residents who are covered
by Medi-Cal (California_s Medicaid
program) or by San Mateo County_s
Access to Care for Everyone pro-
gram. Many of the patients have
weak social support and have
experienced the negative impact
of physical, social, or emotional
trauma on their health. Sixty-five
percent of the patients identify a
preferred language other than
English; most of these patients iden-
tify Spanish as their preferred lan-
guage. The small cadre of RNs
deliver nursing care at 18 points
within the medical center, clinic
system, and skilled nursing facility.

In many respects, the journey
itself was more important than the

publication of Being and Becom-
ing a Nurse at San Mateo Medical
Center: A Nursing Practice Frame-
work. Notable highlights include
the importance of developing an
inclusionary framework, aligning
visually the NPF with the orga-
nization_s strategic initiatives, ar-
ticulating nurses_ contributions to
financial stewardship, creating
synergy of nurses_ work across the
SMMC care continuum, validating
externally SMMC nurses_ work,
and developing a nursing brand.

The Journey

Developing an Inclusionary

Rather than adopting a nursing
theoryYbased professional prac-
tice model, the organization_s clin-
ical and administrative nurse leaders
created an NPF to guide the devel-
opment of nursing_s strategic goals
and plans.1 They wanted this NPF
to be culturally aligned, flexible,
and adaptable2; meaningful to non-
nursing colleagues; pragmatic;
and inclusionary. Although the
NPF complements the SMMC_s

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Journal of Professional Nursing

journal homepage:

A Leadership Framework for Implementation of an Organization’s Strategic

Diane Uzarskia,⁎, Marion E. Broomeb

a Duke University School of Nursing, DUMC 3322, 307 Trent Drive, Durham, NC 27710, United States
b Duke University School of Nursing, Duke University, Duke University Health System, DUMC 3322, 307 Trent Drive, Durham, NC 27710, United States


Strategic plan
Strategic plan implementation


Many schools of nursing have employed strategic planning as resources have become limited and demands for
organizational efficiency have increased. Although the process of developing a strategic plan has been described
in the literature, there is little information about how to implement and evaluate a plan. In this paper, we
provide an overview of one nursing school’s strategic plan development and the implementation and evaluation
processes. Our paper provides a detailed description of the leadership framework used to shape, implement and
evaluate the plan and makes recommendations for their application to other schools engaging in strategic


Traditionally, strategic planning has been the purview of organi-
zations in the business sector. That has changed as universities em-
braced the practice (Kulage et al., 2013; Best, Jarrin, Butterheim,
Bowles, & Curley, 2015). Public support and research funding had
dwindled, and tuition caps became common. It was clear that uni-
versities, like businesses, needed to make crucial decisions about how to
better manage resources in tight financial times. This mandate became
important for private schools as well as public universities. Likewise,
schools of nursing began to look closely at strategic planning as a means
of bridging gaps between resources, whether their funds flowed directly
and solely from university administrations or they operated under a
responsibility-centered budgeting model (Broome, Bowersox, & Relf,

The purpose of strategic planning is defined as a set of processes
undertaken to develop a range of strategies to help an organization
achieve its goals and objectives over a three- to five-year period
(Tapinos, Dyson, & Meadows, 2005; Broome, Bowersox, & Relf, 2017).
This kind of planning becomes especially important when there is a
transition of authority at the organizational level (i.e., dean, provost,

In schools of nursing, strategic planning is an essential activity as
resources are increasingly limited, faculty shortages prevail, and de-
mands for new programs continue. Further, expectations for the school
to be involved in university-level initiatives (e.g., global health,

community engagement) increase the

Leadership and
Management in
Ninth Edition

Eleanor J. Sullivan

330 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10013

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Notice: Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of information presented in this book. The
authors, editors, and the publisher, however, cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions
or for consequences from application of the information in this book and make no warranty, express or
implied, with respect to its contents.

The author and publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selections and dosages set forth
in this text are in accord with current recommendations and practice at time of publication. However,
in view of ongoing research, changes in government regulations, and the constant flow of information
relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package inserts of all
drugs for any change in indications of dosage and for added warnings and precautions. This is
particularly important when the recommended agent is a new and/or infrequently employed drug.

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