In this assessment, you will explore the nurse’s role in disaster planning, preparedness, response, and recovery. You will develop a teaching tool to be used in the community that teaches community members how to be prepared for a variety of disasters common to your state.  

Part 1: Disaster Response 

Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. In this part of the assignment, analyze disaster response and emergency preparedness.

Identify nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management. Consider: 

  • Planning 
  • Preparedness 
  • Response 
  • Recovery 

Summarize your findings regarding roles and responsibilities. 

Evaluate your community or state’s plan for preparedness and disaster management. Summarize your findings. 

Create a teaching tool for your family or the community. Include the following: 

  • How to plan an emergency kit, or “go bag” 
  • How to do regular drills of your evacuation plan 
  • How you will communicate with each other in the family 
  • How to respond to natural disasters such as a fire, flood, or earthquake 
  • How to respond in a mass casualty situation such as a major car accident or active shooter incident 

Include at least 1 peer-reviewed and 2 evidence-based references and an APA-formatted reference page. 

Format your assignment as a 1-page handout.

Part 2: Disaster Planning, Preparedness, and Response 

Research disaster planning, preparedness, and response in your community. 

Develop 10 interview questions for use with first responders about local community disaster planning, preparedness, and response to use in community interviews. Include questions about how responders work with the community. 

Interview workers and leaders at the following community locations in person or online from: 

  • Local fire station 
  • Local emergency room 
  • Local police station 
  • Local first responders (fire/ambulance) 

Write a 500-word summary detailing the results of your survey that describes your community’s disaster preparedness.

Submit your assignment.


Thoroughly summarized nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management, including planning preparedness, response, and recovery.

Thoroughly evaluated the community or state’s plan for preparedness and disaster management.

Thoroughly developed a teaching tool, including how to plan an emergency kit, or “go bag”, how to do regular plans; how to communicate with each other; how to respond to natural disasters such as fire, flood, or earthquake; and how to respond in a mass casualties situation such as a major car accident or active shooter incident.


Thoroughly developed 10 interview questions for use with first responders about local community disaster planning, preparedness, and response to use in community interviews.

Thoroughly articulated interviews with workers and leaders at the following locations, in person or online: local fire station; local emergency room, local police station, local first responders (fire/ambulance).

Thoroughly detailed the results of the survey that describes the community’s disaster preparedness.

The disaster planning, preparedness, and response assignment was concise, with exceptional attention to detail, and was free of errors.