Personal Goal and Objectives: Personal goals and objectives are centered on improving the quality of our practice improvement projects based on healthcare in a nursing environment and the institutional healthcare environment in an inter-professional delivery model. The target audience is the patient, a problem, and a population. Interventions are based upon the specific problem to resolve. The evidence is gathered once a patient, a problem, or a population needs improvement. The data is reflected on improving a standard, a policy, a procedure, and a protocol to improve practice. The outcome is measured as a result of established evidence-based interventions to improve the overall quality of healthcare delivery. This assignment should be 2-3 pages of the body with 3-5 references in APA 7th edition format.

TOPIC FOR THIS: Decreased medication administration errors.




Bed Alarms and Bed Falls


The problem for this study is bed falls, which are frequent amongst older individuals. Despite numerous falls not resulting in injury, five to ten percent of individuals who fall incur severe injuries, including head trauma, fractures, and lacerations that require closure. These injuries might result in losing abilities to carry out various daily activities or, throughout numerous severe cases, result in losing the ability to carry for oneself. Adjusted to the value of a dollar throughout 2008, fall injuries cost approximately 23.3 billion dollars annually throughout America (Davis et al., 2010).

With the morbidity linked with severe fall injuries, scholars have conducted much research to reduce falls among older individuals (Gillespie et al., 2012). This issue has seen various proposals, such as exercise that has decreased falls among individually designed multifactorial interventions, and evaluation can decrease falls. However, this evidence’s strength is weak compared to exercise. Individually designed multifactorial evaluations involve evaluating an older client towards observing the risk falls incorporated in an individual, such as visual impairment and balance problems while intervening on a particular uncovered risk.

A general limitation among numerous studies based on the objective of reducing bed falls conducted to date is the variety in exclusion and inclusion criteria applied where the research studies are conducted in referral populations or academic settings. The problem of bed fall and its solution require more pragmatic research incorporating a massive band of older individuals through mechanisms that can be routinely replicated easily. The bed fall prevention intercession detailed throughout the oncoming section is an instance of pragmatic studies.


Discussions amongst research individuals and medics leadership resulted in Bed-Ex selection and an occupancy monitoring structure. Bed-Ex, Omaha, Nebraska, is alarm advice where it is used widely where it is also utilized in Methodist Health care’s expert-nursing facility (Shorr et al., 2017). Investigators and Methodist Healthcare do not have a fiscal connection with the alarm manufacturer. Through one or two weight-sensitive beds, commodes, or applied sensor pads. With alarm sensor pads breaking a contract, the patient’s room provides alarm sounds, which contact the nurses’ station.

When incorporated for a client in “bed mode,” the positioning of the pas is anywhere between the shoulder blades and the buttocks. Increased placement enables the caretaker with an augmented response duration towards reaching a client trying to exit their respective beds, where the intervals of the sensors might be raised from four to eight seconds within the bed’s pressure pad to facilitate decreased