please i need help with my debate topic


For this assignment, you will examine an ethical dilemma that exists in pediatric settings with a group of your peers. You will examine the ethical dilemma from two opposing positions and consider ethical principles, conflict between the principles and the relationship of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to both positions. You will develop a plan for resolving the issue (for patient, family and the nurse). You will then present this information in class and engage in a debate format activity presenting arguments, grounded in scholarly sources, for both positions of your group’s dilemma.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO1: Provides individualized comprehensive care for children and their families with multiple health problems in institutions and community care settings from birth through adolescence. (PO 1)

CO4: Utilizes critical thinking skills in clinical decision making in the care of pediatric clients. (PO 4)

CO6: Utilizes legal, ethical, and professional standards and principles, including those related to child abuse recognition and intervention, as a basis for pediatric clinical decision‐making. (PO 6)

CO8: Utilize research findings as a basis for nursing interventions in pediatric healthcare settings and the development of professional nursing papers. (PO 8)

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

1. An ethical dilemma with opposing positions will be assigned by your instructor.

2. Although you may not agree with arguing one of the positions, reflect on your views, respect other perspectives, and examine scholarly literature on both positions.

3. Form a group of 5‐6 students.

· Your group must meet in person a minimum of one time with all members present.

4. Each student assumes an assigned role:

a. Moderator

· Introduces the dilemma and the team’s roles to the class. Asks the three (3) questions alternately to each position for debate. Present a plan for resolving the issue (for patient, family and the nurse). Fields questions from the class and moderates the debate. Presents concluding remarks after the debate.

b. Researcher (2)

· Perform preliminary research on the assigned ethical dilemma. Determines the ethical principles that apply

RUA: Ethical Dilemma Debate

Title of Dilemma

Group Member’s Full Names



Student Roles


Full Name

Researcher (2)

Full Name

Full Name

Pro Debater

Full Name

Con Debater

Full Name


Full Name


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Brief Description of the Dilemma


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What is the Ethical Dilemma?

Pro Side

Con Side


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Ethical Principles







Pro Side

Con Side








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Conflict in Ethical Principles


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ANA Code of Ethics Provisions (3)

Provision 1:

Provision 2:

Provision 3:

Provision 4:

Provision 5:

Provision 6:

Provision 7:

Provision 8:

Provision 9:

Provision 1:

Provision 2:

Provision 3:

Provision 4:

Provision 5:

Provision 6:

Provision 7:

Provision 8:

Provision 9:

Pro Side

Con Side


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Possible Outcomes

Pro Side

Con Side


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Resolving the Dilemma


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