over all issues in health care 

Part 1 unit iv

Why is reform of the United States health care system such a controversial issue? What health care issues are currently being debated in your community or state?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Part 2 unit V

Imagine you are a patient who needs to have surgery at a hospital. Your care team has recommended the newest and most advanced robotic surgery technologies to be used for your surgery. How do you feel about this? What reservations, if any, do you have surrounding this new technology?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


What is the most challenging ethical concern clinicians face? Explain your answer.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

HCA 3302, Critical Issues in Health Care 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit IV

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

2. Defend an opinion on critical issues facing the U.S. health care system in the 21st century.
2.1 Discuss how health care ethics committees work.
2.2 Explain how ethics are applied to critical health care issues.

6. Summarize the government’s impact on health care regulations and reform.

6.1 Discuss critical issues regarding U.S. health care reform.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

2.1, 2.2

Unit Lesson
Chapter 6
Chapter 11
Unit IV Essay


Unit Lesson
Chapter 6
Chapter 11
Unit IV Essay

Required Unit Resources

Chapter 6: Healthcare Ethics Committees: Roles, Memberships, Structure, and Difficulties

Chapter 11: A New Era of Health Care: The Ethics of Healthcare Reform

Unit Lesson

In this unit, we will discuss critical issues for health care organizations. Specifically, we will learn about health
care ethics committees: roles, memberships, structure, and difficulties. We will also discuss the ethics of
health care reform.

Ethics Committees

Health care is in an era of intense change, including the uncertainty of the Affordable Care Act of 2010; the
demand for technology; and changing demographics which all pose service, ethical, and fiscal challenges
(Morrison & Furlong, 2019). The engagement of ethics committees in both clinical and policy roles can help a
health care organization meet these intense demands and changes. Traditionally, a health care organization’s
ethics committee had the roles of case consultation, policy development assistance, and education, but each
of these roles needs to be expanded to meet the challenges that a health care organization may face
(Morrison & Furlong, 2019).

Situations involving health care organizations, clinicians, patients, and families often involve difficult decisions
and raise ethically challenging questions regarding the appropriate course of action (American Medical
Association [AMA], n.d.). Ethics committees can assist with decisions regarding informed consent, organ
procurement, withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatments, and advance directives. Ethics
committees also can assist with educating health care providers and patients about various issues in clinical
ethics (Pearlman, 2013). In this type of situation, ethics committees provide assistance in making decisions
that reflect the patients’ interests, concerns, and values (AMA, n.d.).

Critical Issues for Health
Care Organizations

HCA 3302, Critical Issues in Health Care 2


Around the 1970s, ethics committees for patient care

HCA 3302, Critical Issues in Health Care 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VI

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

4. Summarize the differences between various health care providers.
4.1 Examine guidelines that health care providers need to follow.
4.2 Summarize various epidemics that health care providers have faced.


Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity

4.1, 4.2

Unit Lesson
Chapter 9
Chapter 13
Unit VI Scholarly Activity

Required Unit Resources

Chapter 9: Ethics and Safe Patient Handling and Mobility

Chapter 13: The Ethics of Epidemics

Unit Lesson

In this unit, we will discuss problems and ethical concerns surrounding safe patient handling and mobility. We
will also discuss health epidemics and various health care provider roles.

Health Care Provider Roles

In the health care field, there are many different roles and responsibilities that make up a care team and help
a health care organization function properly. Physicians play a pivotal role in the delivery of health care
services and products. Physicians are trusted health care partners who are held to high ethical standards.
However, physicians are often faced with making difficult health care decisions that may be outside of ethical

A primary care provider, also known as a PCP, is a health care provider who manages overall health; patients
see their PCP for checkups and health problems. Within the PCP category are doctors of osteopathic
medicine and medical doctors. Breaking it down further, PCPs include obstetrician/gynecologists, nurse
practitioners, and physician assistants (MedlinePlus, n.d.). Outside of primary care providers, there are also
several specialty care providers such as cardiologists, dermatologists, hematologists, and neurologists.

As part of a health care organization and care team, there are also nursing professionals. There are licensed
practical nurses, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, certified registered anesthetists, clinical nurse
specialists, and certified nurse midwives (MedlinePlus, n.d.).

The Clinical Factor

HCA 3302, Critical Issues in Health Care 2


Safe Patient Handling and Mobility

Safe patient handling and mobility causes professional, legal, safety, and ethical concerns for health care
providers as well as patients and their family members (Morrison & Furlong, 2019). For example, associations
like the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Nurses Strategic Action Team of
the American Nurses Association, and regulations like the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act)
have all created guidelines and standards to help diffuse health care provider concerns regard

HCA 3302, Critical Issues in Health Care 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit V

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

5. Explain the impact of technology on the health care industry.
5.1 Identify a specific health technology, the financial implications, and the ethical concerns of its

meaningful use.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity


Unit Lesson
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Unit V PowerPoint Presentation

Required Unit Resources

Chapter 7: Ethics in the Management of Health Information Systems

Chapter 8: Technological Advances in Health Care: Blessing or Ethics Nightmare?

Unit Lesson

In this unit, we will learn about health care technology. Specifically, we will discuss the ethics and laws
surrounding the management and use of health information systems and the adoption of emerging
technologies. Health information technology is intended to enhance patient care and increase the equity,
effectiveness, and efficiency of health care delivery (Morrison & Furlong, 2014). Health care organizations are
struggling to understand if the adoption of such health care technology is beneficial. Will health care
technologies improve quality, or will they result in harm?

Health Information Technology and Management

Health information technology and health information management are a large part of effective and efficient
management of health information systems, and they are essential to the accurate treatment of patients
(Morrison & Furlong, 2019). The ethical principles of fairness and justice are the main ethical concerns
regarding health information technology (Morrison & Furlong, 2014). There are serious ethical concerns that
make health care organization leadership skeptical about the benefits of health information technology
because it is a prominent tool in health care that supports multi-professional and multi-organizational
programs. Health care organizations face many challenges that include interoperability of health information
technology and communication between health care providers in addition to ethical issues that occur.
Complying with regulations, providing confidentiality while also supporting data sharing for coding and
research are a couple of examples of ethical challenges. Advances in health information technology are on
the rise, and in parallel, there are also social and ethical concerns:

• patient privacy abuses,
• inappropriate use of patient data,
• unauthorized patient consent, and
• computer peripherals assistance during procedures (Morrison & Furlong, 2014).

Health Care Technology

HCA 3302, Critical Issues in Health Care 2


Health care reform has increased