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2022FA – Criminal Minds Project- Section 02

You are assigned a criminal mind project This assignment is about focusing on an infamous person with a mental disorder. You need to identify and present significance in the following areas: childhood, late adolescent/ early twenties, family influence, diagnosis/treatment (including meds if prescribed), substance abuse/alcohol, the infamous act/traumatic event, incarceration, death, where they are now and what are the circumstances. Explain how all the events are tied together and most importantly how could healthcare personnel/teachers (You or I) intervened in the child’s life to prevent this happening if this were now? What signs of Serial Killers do you see?
See the Rubric –
Make the Rubric’s points, your headings, cite every source you quote, 7th edition APA format.
This is worth 30 points.
































– Mental Health Care Plan

A. Patient identifiers:

Age: Gender: Ht: Wt. Code Status:


Development Stage (Erikson): Give the stage and rationale for your evaluation

Health Status

Date of admission:

Activity level: Diet:

Fall risk (indicate reason)

Client’s description of health status

Allergies: (include type of reaction)

Reason for admission:

Past medical history that relates to admission:

Socio-cultural Orientation

Cultural and Ethnic Background with current practices:


Family system: (Support system)


Occupation: (across the lifespan)

Patterns of living: (define past and current)

Barriers to independent living:


Rubric for NUR2488 A1&B1 Presentation on Criminal Minds

Be sure each section is clearly delineated and covered in a
3–5-page body paper, double spaced, plus a Care Plan HINT:
Use the Headings provided – if you can’t find something, record as “unable to find” or guess as to what the answer may be (and say you are guessing).
References and citations in APA 7th format (see example link).

Healthcare systems elements (continued) ALLERGIES:

Medications: List all medications, dosages, classifications and the rational for the medications prescribed for this patient include major considerations for administration and the possible negative outcomes associated with this medication.

DEFINE 1: What the medications Mechanism of Action AND 2: Why the patient is taking the medication?

Medication Classification Dosage Rationale Possible negative outcomes

Reporter’s name (you):


Infamous Person:

___/30 points

1. Identify and present significance of: (Use these Numbered/ underlined headings)

A. childhood (2pts)

B. Late-adolescence (2)

C. Early 20’s (2)

D. Family Influence (2)



– (1)

Substance Abuse/ alcohol involved?


The Infamous Act/ Traumatic event/ Crime

Incarceration/ Jail Where?


Death or current circumstances

How are all the above events tied together?

How do the effects of an underlying (often untreated) Mental Illness contribute to a Human Being’s demise?

What characteristics of a serial Killer do you see in your criminal?
Consider these characteristics:

(Antisocial behavior, Arson, Torturing small animals, Poor family life, Childhood Abuse, Substance abuse, Voyeurism, Intelligence [hi or low], Shiftlessness). (2)

. Where could health care personnel/teachers have intervened in this child’s life to prevent this tragedy if it were NOW? Paragraph of Your opinion. (2)