• Create a 6-8 slide presentation (with detailed speaker’s notes) on how you would select, foster collaboration among, and educate a team dedicated to solving a diversity issue.

Slide #1 Title Slide

Slide #2 Presentation Outline

Slide #3: Need for Diversity Project

Slide #4: Objectives of the Diversity Project

Slide #5: Composition of the Workforce Diversity Committee

Slide #6: Role of the Committee

Slide #7: Developing Interprofessional Collaboration

Slide #8: Characteristics of a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Slide #9: Benefits of a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Slide #10:  Examples from The Field

Slide #11: Wrap Up

Slide #12: References

Assessments 2 and 3 are based on the same scenario, so you must complete them in the order in which they are presented.
Finding, organizing, and motivating teams is a key leadership skill as is the ability to communicate and present information.
In this assessment, you will continue your work from Assessment 2 by creating a 6–8 slide PowerPoint presentation for the diversity project kickoff meeting.

  • Review the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX] for guidelines and hints for an effective presentation.
  • Review Using Kaltura if you are using this courseroom tool to record your presentation.
  • Use the PowerPoint Template [PPTX] to complete this assessment.
  • Scenario
    Imagine that your boss Lynnette follows up with you in an email shortly after reading your views on leadership and collaboration:
    Thanks for sending me your thoughts last week on the diversity issue at the clinic. Your next step is to select a team of professionals who can help you in this project and prepare an introduction of the project for a first meeting with them.
    I want you to prepare a presentation to serve as a brief but substantive introduction for the first meeting with a group of 4–5 members who will participate on the committee tasked with addressing the diversity issue. Once I review more information about the proposed team I can help you with the recruitment. The presentation should be 5–7 minutes and use 6–8 slides with detailed speaker’s notes so I can understand your approach. Not a lot of time or space, so keep things pretty high level. Do the following:
  1. Briefly outline the project goals and highlight 2–3 of the initial priorities to be addressed by the group. Also, explain why they are important.
  2. Explain the composition of the team and why you chose them. Note that you will not know the exact individuals yet, but assume we will recruit the people with the desired qualities and characteristics you outline in the presentation. Consider the following: 
    • Include a group of professionals you believe can help define the problem and ultimately make recommendations on how to address it.
    • Make sure each member is either trained in, sensitive to, or has experience with the concept of workplace diversity.
    • Give some thought to having some members from outside the organization.
    • Provide member profiles: their diversity, qualifications, experience, internal versus external, and so forth.
  3. Explain your role and describe how the committee will work together and achieve effective interprofessional collaboration. 
    • Describe how the group will communicate. How and when they will meet.
    • Describe how ideas will be shared and decisions made.
    • Describe roles, group function, and structure.
  4. Describe the basic characteristics of a diverse workplace.
  5. Provide a convincing argument regarding the benefits of a diverse workforce using support from current research.
  6. Thanks,
    For this assessment:
  • Create a 6–8 slide PowerPoint presentation in response to the content defined in the above scenario.
  • Create an audio recording (5–7 minutes) of the PowerPoint presentation using Kaltura or similar software.
  • Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact [email protected] to request accommodations.
    Presentation Guidelines
    Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:
  • Length: 6–8 PowerPoint slides (not including title slide) that would accompany a 5–7 minute oral presentation.
  • Notes: Prepare detailed speaker’s notes describing items on each slide so that the viewer can accurately interpret the deeper meanings and intentions that would have been conveyed orally. Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 2–3 current, scholarly or professional sources.
  • Visuals: Create visuals that are easily read and interpreted. Use colors, fonts, and formatting and other design principles that make the information clear and generally add to the aesthetic of the presentation.
  • Please refer to the scoring guide for details on how your assessment will be evaluated.
    Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:
  • Assessment 3 Example [PPTX].
  • Competencies Measured
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
  • Competency 1: Apply qualities, skills, and practices used by effective health care leaders. 
    • Outline goals and initial priorities that reasonably reflect the project.
  • Competency 2: Apply practices that facilitate effective interprofessional collaboration. 
    • Outline a plan that effectively fosters interprofessional group collaboration.
  • Competency 3: Apply ethical codes and diversity best practices in health care organizations. 
    • Define the composition of a team with characteristics that could effectively address a diversity issue.
    • Describe the basic characteristics of a diverse and inclusive workplace.
    • Explain the benefits of promoting and supporting diversity within an organization using scholarly resources.
  • Competency 4: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella writing standards. 
    • Create an organized presentation that clearly communicates all specified content.
  • Dreachslin, J. L., Weech-Maldonado, R., Gail, J., Epané, J. P., & Wainio, J. A. (2017). Blueprint for sustainable change in diversity management and cultural competence: Lessons from the National Center for Healthcare Leadership diversity demonstration projectJournal of Healthcare Management62(3), 171–183.
  • Gotsis, G., & Grimani, K. (2016). Diversity as an aspect of effective leadership: Integrating and moving forwardLeadership & Organization Development Journal37(2), 241–264.
  • Downey, S. N., Werff, L., Thomas, K. M., & Plaut, V. C. (2015). The role of diversity practices and inclusion in promoting trust and employee engagementJournal of Applied Social Psychology45(1), 35–44.
  • Debiasi, L. B., & Selleck, C. S. (2017). Cultural competence training for primary care nurse practitioners: An intervention to increase culturally competent careJournal of Cultural Diversity24(2), 39–45.
  • Holck, L., Muhr, S. L., & Villesèche, F. (2016). Identity, diversity and diversity management: On theoretical connections, assumptions and implications for practiceEquality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(1), 48–64.
  • Lawton, D. S., & DeAquino, C. T. E. (2016). Diversity in the workplace and the impact of work values on the effectiveness of multi-generational teams [PDF]i-Manager’s Journal on Management, 10(3), 20–28.
  • Culture, Diversity, and Out-Groups in Leadership
    • Complete this survey to help identify your attitudes toward out-group members and to explore how you, as a leader, respond to members of the out-group.

Name (presenter)

Capella University

School of Nursing and Health Sciences



Diversity Project Kickoff


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Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations


One concern about visual presentations is that the technology used to create them can be used in such a way that it actually detracts from the message rather than enhances it. To help you consider carefully how your message is presented so that it reflects care, quality, and professionalism, consider the information provided in the remaining slides.

NOTE: This presentation serves as an example in itself, by utilizing all of the guidelines mentioned.










Speaker Notes

The following topics will be covered:


Present ideas succinctly with lean prose.

Use short sentences.

Use active, rather than passive voice.

Avoid negative statements, if possible.

Avoid double negative entirely.

Check spelling and grammar.

Use consistent capitalization rules.


Develop a clear, strategic introduction to provide context for the presentation.

Develop an agenda or outline slide to provide a roadmap for the presentation.

Group relevant pieces of information together.

Integrate legends and keys with charts and tables.

Organize slides in logical order.

Present one concept or idea per slide.

Use only one conclusion slide to recap main ideas.


Present information at language level of intended audience.

Do not use jargon or field-specific language.

Follow the 70% rule—If it does not apply to 70% of your audience, present it to individuals at a different time.


Use a consistent design throughout the presentation.

Keep layout and other features consistent.

Use the master slide design feature to ensure consistency.

Use consistent horizontal and vertical alignment of slide elements throughout the presentation.

Leave ample space around images and text.


When applicable, enhance text-only slide content by developing relevant images for your presentation.

Do not use gratuitous graphics on each slide.

Use animations only when needed to enhance meaning. If selected, use them sparingly and consistently.


Use bullets unless showing rank or sequence of items.

If possible, use no more than five bullet points and eight lines of text total per sli

Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation
Learner’s Name
Capella University

Collaboration, Communication, and Case Analysis for Master’s Learners

Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation

July, 2022

Hello, and welcome to the kickoff presentation for the new project initiated by Mercy Medical Center to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. This kickoff presentation aims to provide details about the need for a diverse and inclusive workplace at Mercy Medical Center, the objectives of the diversity and inclusion project, and the committee executing the project.


Presentation Outline

Need for a Diversity Project

Objectives of the Diversity Project

Composition of the Workforce Diversity Steering Committee

Role of the Committee

Developing Interprofessional Collaboration

Characteristics of a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Benefits of a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace: Examples From the Field

Here is an outline of the presentation. We will begin by understanding the need for a diversity project. We will then look at the objectives of the diversity project. Next, we will discuss the composition of the team involved in this project, along with the characteristics the team must possess to successfully implement this project. We will then look at the various strategies that will help promote interprofessional group collaboration. Finally, we will look at the characteristics and benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace.


Need for a Diversity Project

Diversity is a sign of cultural respect

Diverse medical centers promote access to high-quality health care for minority populations

Diverse workforce puts patients at ease (Edmund et al., 2015)

Diversity projects will set a course to ensure compliance with workplace diversity laws

Based on a recent internal survey, leadership at Mercy Medical Center realised that close to 67% of staff felt that it was underrepresented. Further, when members of the leadership analysed the patient satisfaction scores of the last 3 years, they found that the scores had dropped and that this was influenced by a lack of representation of the diverse patient base. A diverse and an inclusive workplace is a sign of cultural respect. It also portrays that the medical center is respectful and responsive toward the requirements of diverse patient populations. Health care centers need to be diverse and inclusive to promote an environment that influences positive health outcomes. A culturally diverse workforce represents people from all walks of life, which puts patients at ease. It is important to consider the needs of patients to make health care accessible. This can be done by addressing the diversity in the patient base the medical center serves. Patients m