Modalities selected: Relaxation techniques and Guided Imagery/Meditation 

CAM Abstract Instructions Virtual Nursing Symposium (VNS)

Abstracts should be 300 words or less, use Times New Roman 12-point font, be double-spaced, and written in


tense (see examples in content area of D2L)

Format and content for the abstracts is as follows:

Author and Presentation Information (first page)

· Title of Presentation

· Date

· Name and credentials of author

· Course and faculty

Body of Abstract (second page)

Description of the project or study. Include a statement of the problem and the population addressed

Method(s) used  (literature review, model/theory, practice change/improvement)

Evidence to support project or summary of results

Implications for practice and future recommendations.

Objectives: list 2-3
measurable learning objectives

for the audience
of your PowerPoint presentation, e.g. “learners will…” or “attendees will…” Please check out this resource for measurable verbs you may use in your objectives (as well as verbs to avoid)

Note: some verbs such as “understand” are not measurable.

You will be responsible for posting the PowerPoint presentation and Abstract in the Virtual Nursing Symposium found in the N382 Courseroom in the discussion area
by the due date listed in the course calendar. Ask at least four of your peers a profound question about their chosen CAMs the first day the symposium is scheduled (see calendar). The presenter is responsible for checking into their presentation thread once daily both days of the symposium to answer any questions posted by attendees.

Abstract Rubric




Partially Addressed

Insufficient or Not Addressed

Pts Poss

Pts Earned

· Description of the project or study.

· Includes a statement of the problem and the population addressed (.5 point)

· Discussion of the method(s) used (study method, literature review, model/theory,

Instructions/Rubric for CAM PowerPoint

First, complete the Holistic Nursing Module and read chapter 20 in the Blais and Hayes Textbook.

· Then choose

Complimentary and/or Alternative Modalities. You will need to “sign up” for these-(see sign up in the content area) so that not everyone does the same thing and we get a variety), first come first served, don’t delay or you may not get your preferred choices.

· Next, experience both of your chosen CAMs, the experiences must be:

· completed during the term, not be experiences you have had in the past

· completed at least a week before the CAM PowerPoint is due (see calendar for due date)

· done for or on yourself and for your benefit-these cannot be modalities you have simply observed on patients or others

· Finally, Create a PowerPoint presentation to address each of the content areas listed in the below rubric. Include
at least

peer-reviewed sources of literature
for each modality (see the content area of D2L if you are not sure what constitutes peer-reviewed)



Aromatherapy, Hand Massage, and Guided Meditation for Stress Reduction

Student name, RN

[email protected]

Nursing 382 Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice

Dr. Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, CNE, AHN-BC


Hospitalized patients along with nurses providing their care are subject to increased stress as a result of managing and treating acute illness. Therefore, aromatherapy, hand massage, and guided meditation therapies were examined for their effectiveness on stress reduction in these individuals. A critical review of literature together with a personal trial of these therapies were used to evaluate their definition, mechanism of action, practice implementation practicality, and effectiveness. Individuals who benefit from receiving these therapies were also recognized. The literature and personal assessment of these therapies provides robust evidence to support the effectiveness and use of these therapies for stress reduction. The type of evidence obtained included qualitative and quantitative research studies. Additional benefits demonstrated by these therapies were also identified. Recommendations for nursing practice implementation include education of therapy methods and effectiveness on stress reduction in combination with nursing practice integration strategies. Patient recommendations include teaching complementary therapy benefits and efficacy to reduce stress through relaxation.

Objectives: After participating in this presentation, the learner will be able to:

1. describe complementary therapy methods, mechanisms of action, effectiveness, and individual benefits.

2. apply complementary alternative modality practice integration strategies to promote stress reduction.

3. educate patients on the benefits and effectiveness of complementary therapy.



Prayer, Guided Imagery and Music Therapies for Control of Pain or Stress

Peter Nurse, RN

[email protected]

Minnesota State University, Mankato

NURS382 Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice

Dr. Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, CNE



Pain and stress are problems that are common among hospitalized patients. These problems are also common among hospital nursing staff. Prayer, guided imagery and music therapies are some complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies that may provide relief from pain and stress. These treatments were studied using literature research and personal implementation to determine their potential efficacy. Numerous peer-reviewed studies were reviewed supporting the use of all these therapies for stress and/or pain management, either alone or as adjuncts. Personal experience also recommends the use of these therapies. These therapies are easily implemented by the nurse and deliver benefit to patients at low cost. These therapies may improve overall patient satisfaction with hospital services.

Objectives, after participating in this session, the learner will be able to

1. Describe selected CAM therapies, indications for use, and potential benefits.

2. Provide patients with practical strategies for implementation of selected CAM therapies for use in the hospital setting.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

Nancy Nurse, RN

Minnesota State University: Mankato

Nursing 382

Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice

Dr. Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, CNE, AHN-BC

Month, day, year

Definition of CAM Therapy

No one single definition of CAM (Gadboury, April, & Verhoef, 2012).

Best definition found: A group of therapies, products, or procedures that are present outside conventional medicine.

Used in addition to, not instead of traditional medicine.

China is largest user of CAM, but on the rise in the USA.

Used increasingly by traditional providers and practitioners, including nurses (Li et al., 2011).

CAM Therapies Researched




Massage Figure 1. Photo of massage. Massage
Envy Spa.

Definition: Use of hands to touch or rub the skin and muscles of another to create a positive effect.

Technique examples: kneading, skin rolling and gliding.

One of the fastest growing CAM therapies in USA.

Usually not covered by insurance.

(Smith et al., 2010)


Wellness paradigm: Massage attends to the person’s physical, emotional and psychological needs.

Benefits: lowers muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, improves mood, pain management, improves pain threshold and reduces fatigue.

Contraindications: burns, skin injuries and DVT.

(Smith et al., 2010)

Who benefits from massage?

Patients with neck, back and shoulder problems, muscle pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression, non-ill people looking for wellness, pregnancy and headaches (Smith et al., 2010).

Improves lung function in children with asthma (Abdel Fattah & Hamdy, 2011).

Immediate results with ill hospitalized psychiatric patients. Reduces anxiety and aggression (Garner et al., 2008).

My experience with massage

I used a gift card from my 40th birthday for a massage. It was wonderful! I got the massage with hot rocks (as pictured).

I felt relaxed and refreshed.

I would not have gone without

the gift card, and I am very

thankful. Courtesy of Microsoft Office PPT

The feelings of well being lasted for 2 days. I choose the hot rocks to work on some tense spots in my upper back and it worked.

Nursing 382
Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice
Dr. Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, CNE, AHN-BC
Mavis maveric
Month, Date, Year

A comprehensive approach used to address health care needs to include the physical, emotional, psychological & spiritual aspects of a person (Blais & Hayes, 2011)

Practices or products used in addition to, or

as an alternative to, traditional Western

medicine. Not widely taught in medical schools

or readily available in heath care settings

(Dossey et al., 2015)

Becoming more popular, patients are more


What is cam therapy?

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Office PPT

Biological-Based Therapies – Herbals medicine

– Vitamin supplements

– Whole, organic foods

Manipulative Body Therapies – Cranial-sacral therapy

– Massage therapy

– Osteopathic manipulation – Chiropractic therapy

Energy Therapies – Magnet therapy

– Therapeutic / healing touch

– Reiki

– Qi Gong

Mind-based Therapies – Prayer

– Guided self-healing

– Meditation

– Art, music and dance

(Blais & Hayes, 2011, p. 370)

Examples of CAM


Massage Therapy

Yoga / Meditation

Three Therapies experienced

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Office PPT

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Office PPT

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Office PPT

The use of essential oils, derived from plants, thought to work at the psychological, physiological and cellular levels in the body

Stimulants travel through the nose and

nerve impulses, to the limbic system of brain,

evoking an emotional response

May also be absorbed through the skin &

into blood stream through massage oils

bath salts

One of the oldest forms of CAM, dating back 6000 years

(Novey, 2000)

Aromatherapy – What is it?

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Office PPT


I chose aromatherapy because we have started to use on my Mother Baby unit (nasal inhalers, oils & bath salts). I wanted to see if it would help me manage my stress, relax & sleep


I used a lavender oil inhaler stick every day before bed (for 15 min) & used lavender bath salts 2 times a week for 2 weeks


My tension, anxiety, stress level decreased & I was able to fall asleep

Complementary Alternative Modalities

Nursing 382 – Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice

Dr. Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, CNE, AHN-BC

Student Name

March, 17th 2020

Complementary Alternative Modalities

Complementary Alternative Modalities (CAM) are holistic health promoting therapies used in conjunction with conventional medicine. (National Institutes of Health. 2013).

Conventional medicine consists of traditional, mainstream medical treatment such as surgeries, procedures or medications. (National Institutes of Health. 2013).

Holistic health embraces one’s spiritual, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Image Courtesy of Microsoft Office Clip Art.

Examples of Complementary Alternative Modalities:

Images Courtesy of Microsoft Office Clip Art.


Guided Meditation



Healing Touch

Music Therapy


Vitamins/Herbal Supplements

Holistic Nursing Practice

“Holistic nursing practice takes into account the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotion, spirit, social/cultural, relationship, context, and environment and its impact on health and healing”(Blais & Hayes, 2011, p. 364).

Patient Well-being







Therapies Personally Experienced


Hand Massage

Guided Meditation



Stimulation of the basic sense of smell is used to promote feelings of well-being, relaxation, and connection.

(Liwidjaja-Kuntaraf et al.., 2011)

Figure 1: Photograph of Aromatherapy. Achieving Health.

Mechanisms of Action:

“Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants for healing. In general, it seems to relieve pain, improve





Element Partially Addressed

Element In-sufficiently Addressed

Pts Poss

Pts Earned

· Introductory slide-provides an overview (1 pt)


Provide a definition and description of each chosen CAM (3 pts)

· Includes at least

sources for each therapy (6 pts)

· Include
why you chose to experience each particular modality (3 pts)

Describe* each of your actual CAM experiences (what did you do/experience for each?)

*Note: provide enough detail that the PPT viewers could
visualize/replicate the experiences

(6 pts)