TitleCommunity/Public Health NursingAuthorMary A. Nies; Melanie McEwenISBN978-0-323-52894-8PublisherElsevier – Health Sciences DivisionPublication DateAugust 19, 2019 

Chapter 8….


Use the following form to complete your teaching plan. The fields will expand as you type.

Provide reference list on a separate page after the teaching plan template and below the Literacy Considerations. Type in references (do not copy and paste).

Student Name:

Section Number:

Nursing Diagnosis:

Target Population (Needs to have a narrower focus then the entire community)

Long Term Goal:

Short Term Goal:


(include 3 – 4 measurable objectives using below cells. One objective for each cell)

Content Outline

(include content for each objective)

Method of Instruction

(include teaching strategy for each objective)

Time it takes for content to be presented

Method of Evaluation

(include type of method for each objective to determine if it was met)

Literary Considerations – (see text, pp 140-144) Describe your target population demographics (gender, age range, estimated educational preparation) and explain how their literacy levels affect the content used to implement the teaching plan. Explain what literacy considerations the nurse should take into account for the target audience.

References (use correct APA format)

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Levels of Achievement

Accomplished Needs Improvement Not Acceptable

Nursing Diagnosis/Target population/Long and

Short Term goal

5 to 5 Points 2 to 4 Points 0 to 1 Point

Teaching Plan

Objectives 4 to 4 Points

2 to 3 Points

0 to 1 Point

Content Outlines 4 to 4 Points

2 to 3 Points

0 to 1 Point

Method of Instruction 4 to 4 Points

2 to 3 Points

0 to 1 Point

Time of Instruction 4 to 4 Points

2 to 3 Points

0 to 1 Point

Method of Evaluation 4 to 4 Points

2 to 3 Points

0 to 1 Point



Target population


2 to 2 Points 1 to 1 Point 0 to 0 Points

Explains how their literacy

levels affect the content used

to implement the teaching


5 to 5 Points 2 to 4 Points 0 to 1 Point

Explains what literacy

considerations the nurse
should take into account for

the target audience

5 to 5 Points 2 to 4 Points 0 to 1 Point


3 to 3 Points

1 to 2 Points

0 to 0 Points

Peer-reviewed references include professional journals (i.e. Nursing Education Perspectives, Journal of Professional Nursing, etc. –), professional organizations
(NLN, CDC, AACN, ADA, etc.) applicable to population and practice area, along with clinical practice guidelines (CPGs – National Guideline Clearinghouse).
References not acceptable (not inclusive) are UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical

*All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Note: You will have three (3) attempts to submit a written assignment, only the final attempt will be graded. For each attempt you will receive a SafeAssign
originality report. This will give you a chance to correct the assignment based on the SafeAssign score. Click here to view instructions on how to interpret

SafeAssign originality report.


Last updated: 06/01/2017 © 2017 School of Nursing Ohio University Page 1 of 4

Community Based Education Plan asks the Community Health nurse to develop an

educational proposal for their community based on the data gathered in module 1 and the
problems identified in modules 1 & 2. Only one teaching plan is required.

Choose the most important nursing diagnosis for the target population from module 2, and
develop a teaching plan for it. In addition to your textbook, please refer to the following

information to help you develop your plan.

Use the template to develop your teaching plan. You do not need to include a title page,

introduction, or conclusion for this assignment. Type directly on the template. The cells
expand as you type. Once you complete the cells, type in information about the Literacy

Considerations for your target population and add your references.

The first section of the template includes a Nursing Diagnosis, Long Term and Short Term

Goal, and the Target Population. Select a nursing diagnosis from module 2 and include
module two’s long and short term goals. You may need to rewrite your goals if you had

feedback from your TA about them. The Target Population may be a focused group such as
a classroom, church group or another reasonably sized group.

After typing in the above items, complete the next sections of the template. The sections

 Content Outline – should include the specific content you would provide to help the
aggregate accomplish the objective.

 Method of Instruction (teaching strategy) – based on the learning theory you chose
and posted in your week 3 discussion. Be sure the method of instruction relates to

the learning theory and aggregate.

 Time – indicate how long you would take to provide the content information. You
will not be implementing the teaching plan for this assignment but may want to do so
at another time.

 Method of Evaluation – indicate how you would determine whether the objectives
were met. Examples of these are Q /A session, pre/posttest, gaming, and

demonstration/return demonstration.

Type information into each cell of the table for the teaching plan. They expand as you type.

Literacy Considerations

Complete the Literacy Considerations section of the template. Describe the literacy levels of
your target population based on age, gender and estimated levels of education. Identify 3 –
4 ways you would develop educational materials that best fit the literacy levels of your

aggregate. Your textbook has an excellent section on health literacy.


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and

Here is some feed back from my teacher. This teacher is crazy.

Connie Sullivan

Sep 8, 7:17 PM

Your long-term goal needed to be based on your community level, not the HP 2030 goal. Decrease the obesity rate in _____ County, Ohio from the current rate of __% to __% within 1 year. Please rewrite your long-term goal to reflect this change before moving on to week 3, as you will be developing a teaching plan for your goals for your focus group. No need to resubmit this assignment for correction verification, as I will be able to note the change in the next assignment. (-1)

Connie Sullivan

Sep 8, 7:15 PM

You needed to develop your own ST goals and interventions. The short-term goals need to be goals that a community focus group can achieve, not what you achieve. The goals need to be something like: Increase the percentage of residents in the county that report getting the recommended physical activity at least 3x per week by 50% within 6 months. Then, an intervention could be to set up ways to enhance access to places for physical activity in the community, which would increase physical activity and improve physical fitness, which will ultimately lead to helping the community achieved the long-term goal set. Please rewrite your short-term goals to reflect this change before moving on to week 3, as you will be developing a teaching plan for your goals for your focus group. No need to resubmit this assignment for correction verification, as I will be able to note the change in the next assignment. (-3)

Show less

Connie Sullivan

Sep 8, 7:11 PM

Journal names remain capitalized

Connie Sullivan

Sep 8, 7:11 PM

If an article has a doi number, it needs to be listed in the reference per APA format

Connie Sullivan

Sep 8, 7:11 PM

If an article has a doi number, it needs to be listed in the reference per APA format

Connie Sullivan

Sep 8, 7:12 PM

With APA format, the first word of the title is the only capitalized word. Except if there is a colon or dash, then the


This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Discuss educational and community-based programs in Healthy People 2030.” As part of the written assignment, you will complete the following task:

· Develop a community based educational plan on student identified goals while meeting the health literacy needs of the community.

Your educational proposal will be based on the data gathered in module 1 and the problems identified in modules 1 & 2. Only one teaching plan is required. You will be using the template provided to develop your teaching plan. You do not need to include a title page, introduction, or conclusion for this assignment. Type directly on the template. The cells expand as you type.

Points: 40

Due Date: Sun, Sep 12 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US.


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references. 
Click here
 to download a Microsoft Word APA template. Review this 
annotated student sample paper guide
 which draws attention to relevant content and formatting in 7th edition APA style. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 7th edition book as well before submitting the assignment. Refer to the ‘LEARNER SUPPORT’ tab for more information regarding APA 7th edition with comparisons to 6th edition.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.