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Running head: Comfort contract


Comfort contract

Comfort Contract

Student’s name

Name of institution


Comfort contract; Postsurgical Overall Comfort.

Postsurgical general comfort needs and intervention

The main aim of this comfort contract is to increase patient’s postsurgical comfort expected level. Chronic pain or discomfort can happen anywhere in the body after surgery. The outcomes to be measured in such case is comfort, using a comfort questioner or scale. Stating the level of the discomfort can help determine the causes of the pain or chronic discomfort level (Suwaryo, P. A. W., & Setianingsih, E. (2021). It can also help address symptoms of discomfort, which might be implemented after surgeries. Read and complete the comfort scale level below.

Chronic Comfort scale

Extremely discomfort mild comfort extreme comfort


The following comfort experience can help specify chronic discomfort using the scale above.

· Comfort level after the anesthesia wears off _______

· Comfort level on day 1 of postsurgey_______

· Comfort level on day 5 of post-surgery_______

· Comfort level three weeks after surgery_______

General health provider comfort interventions

The patient comfort needs rounds, physical, social, environment and psychospiritual comfort (Figueiredo, J. V., 2018). Physical comfort needs are addressed by repositioning the patient in a way that they are comfortable, mouth and bathe care to help the patient maintain body hygiene, pain relieve medications and use of the PCA pumps if needed for pain management and assessing fluid and caloric intake as well as nutrition recommendation for nutrition needs. Psychospiritual comfort needs are provided through assessment of patient’s or patient family expectation for patient recovery, complementary therapies for spiritual care and providing privacy to the patients by closing the doors or curtains for comfort. Social comfort needs are intervened through family visits for family support, patient education on medications, pain control and other details and intentional comfort measures as states by the patient or family members. Finally, environmental comfort needs, which will be addressed by noise reduction, temperature and lighting change, comfortable furniture and environmental cues.

Home intervention for relief

There are specific intervention, patients or their surrogates can use to at home for relief (Davis, J. H., & Spoljoric, D. 2019). These intervention include having physica