Develop a data table that illustrates one or more underperforming clinical outcomes in a care environment of your choice. Write an assessment (3-5 pages) in which you set one or more quantitative goals for the outcomes and propose a change plan that is designed to help you achieve the goals. 

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MSN-FPX6021 Assessment 2

Guiding Questions: Change Strategy and Implementation

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Change Strategy and Implementation assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, as an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.

Develop a data table that accurately reflects the current and desired states of one or more clinical outcomes.

Does your data table clearly and accurately reflect the current state of one or more clinical outcomes?

· If applicable, have you appropriately citied the source for this data?

· Is your data HIPAA compliant?

Does your data table clearly and accurately reflect the desired state of one or more clinical outcomes?

· Have you based your desired state on best practices, guidelines, or regulations?

· Have you cited the relevant sources of evidence that you used to set your desired outcome state?

· Is your data HIPAA compliant?

Are the data and outcomes in your table relevant to a specific care setting, case study, or other clearly defined condition or issue?

Are the data and the outcomes relevant and appropriate for the change strategy you will be proposing?

Propose change strategies that will help to achieve the desired state of one or more clinical outcomes.

What change strategies do you propose implementing to help achieve your desired outcomes?

How will you implement the change strategies to help achieve your desired outcomes in the context of the care setting or case study you are using for this assessment?

· What other implementation considerations do you need to take into account to ensure that the change strategy is successful?

· What implementation challenges or hurdles might exist and how might you deal with them?

How could the efficiency and effectiveness of the care system be evaluated to see if the desired outcomes are met?

Justify the specific change strategies used to achieve desired outcomes.

Why is each change strategy you have chosen to implement relevant and appropriate for achieving one or more of your desired outcomes?

· What evidence (literature, best practices, professional guidelines, et cetera) supports your reasoning for implementing a chosen change strategy in the context of the care setting, case study, or desired outcomes you are considering for this assessment?

· How does the evidence support your reasoning and proposed implemen


Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

Change Strategy and Implementation

Learner’s Name

Capella University

Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice I

Change Strategy and Implementation

April, 2019


Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

Change Strategy and Implementation

Patients often present with respiratory issues of varying severity; these can range from

breathing difficulties to dry or wet coughs. Patients that do present with these issues are admitted

to the pulmonary ward to treat the issue at hand. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder

(COPD) is one of the primary issues among these. Each patient receives treatment based on the

severity of his or her condition. The treatment can include prescribing antibiotics, non-invasive

ventilation, and pulmonary rehabilitation. Pulmonary rehabilitation involves a program of

exercise and education specifically designed to help individuals with pulmonary issues such as

COPD (NHS, 2016a).

The treatment for COPD is aimed at improving the physical health of patients admitted

to the ward. However, it does not take into consideration the mental health of these individuals.

There exists a strong positive correlation between COPD and anxiety and depression (Pooler &

Beech, 2014), which means that patients who present with COPD are likely to be comorbid with

anxiety, depression, or both. Further, COPD patients who are comorbid with depression and

anxiety are statistically more likely to be hospitalized; these patients are also likely to require

longer periods of hospitalization and face a greater risk of mortality after they are discharged.

Considering these factors, it is necessary to address mental health issues simultaneously with

physical issues to ensure that these patients can manage their overall health more effectively.

Left untreated, both anxiety and depression can lead to significant implications for compliance to

medical treatment (Pooler & Beech, 2014).

Anxiety and COPD

Some of the symptoms associated with COPD overlap with those associated with anxiety.

Dyspnea or shortness of breath is particularly distressing for patients and is common to both

COPD and anxiety. A COPD patient with anxiety m

10/14/21, 11:19 AM Capella University Scoring Guide Tool 1/13

u02a1 – Change Strategy and Implementation
Learner: Jessica , Ramos

Hi Jessica,

This plan could be used with any improvement plan to improve patients’ lives with diabetes. This topic needs to be

discussed nationally. Providing a solid change strategy and how to implement it is essential for success. One

improvement that needs to be made is in your table, your first table was excellent, but the requirements state that a

table needs to include the current outcomes, change strategies, and expected outcomes. Please see assessment

example 2. Please highlight any changes you make so I can capture all of your hard work.

Dr. Martha


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Develop a data table that accurately reflects the current and desired states of one or more
clinical outcomes.


Design patient-centered, evidence-based, advanced nursing care for achieving high-quality patient outcomes.

NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not develop a data table.


Develops a data table, but the table is either not accurate or does not reflect the current or desired states of

one or more clinical outcomes.


Develops a data table that accurately reflects the current and desired states of one or more clinical



Develops a data table that accurately reflects the current and desired states of one or more clinical

outcomes. Identifies areas of ambiguity or uncertainty where additional data could help to improve clarity.


This grading section requires the learner to create a data table to show at least one clinical outcome. Please

note that you failed to develop a data table as specified in the assessment’s instructions. Please add a section

that addresses this on your grading rubric.

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Propose change strategies that will help to achieve the desired state of one or more clinical


Develop change strategies for improving the care environment.

NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not describe change strategies.


Describes change strategies, but does not fully relate how the strategies will help to achieve the desired

state of one or more clinical outcomes.


Proposes change strategies that will help to achieve