Criteria Description

Presentation of Organization (Mission, Stakeholders, Driving Forces in the Industry or Field, Viability of Organization, etc.)

5. Excellent

20 points

A description of the organization is provided, including all major details necessary to understanding the mission of the organization and insight into the various organizational stakeholders. Evaluation of organizational viability and driving forces contains strong support and provides clear insight into organizational viability.

4. Good

17.4 points

A description of the organization is provided, including most major details necessary to understanding the mission of the organization and its stakeholders. Evaluation of organizational viability and driving forces provides insight into organizational viability, but evaluation lacks sufficient support and some minor details are missing.

3. Satisfactory

15.8 points

A general description of the organization is provided; some details necessary to understanding the mission of the organization, and its stakeholders are missing. Evaluation of organizational viability and driving forces is incomplete or lacks of support.

2. Less than Satisfactory

14.8 points

An incomplete description of the organization is presented; significant details regarding the mission and stakeholders have been omitted. Evaluation of organizational viability and driving forces is missing or incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

No organizational description is presented.

Analysis of the Effect of Specific Driving Force on Organization or Department

30 points

Criteria Description

Analysis of the Effect of Specific Driving Force on Organization or Department

5. Excellent

30 points

Analysis of specific driving force is logically presented, including all relevant details and strong supporting evidence. Specific organizational or departmental issues resulting from the driving force are clearly discussed. Analysis provides unique insight into the effects of the driving force on the viability of the organization or department.

4. Good

26.1 points

Analysis of specific driving force is presented, including major details and general supporting evidence. Specific organizational or departmental issues resulting from the driving force are discussed.

3. Satisfactory

23.7 points

Analysis of specific driving force is presented, but it lacks details and supporting evidence. Specific organizational or departmental issues resulting from the driving force are generally discussed. 

2. Less than Satisfactory

22.2 points

Analysis of specific driving force is presented, but it is incomplete. Specific organizational or departmental issu

Change Initiative: Creating Vision

In a written paper of
1,250-1,500 words
, evaluate the current forces driving change in your field
or industry. As a leader, or
considering the role of a leader
, assess your organization
and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces, and identify where there is a need for change
Develop a vision to inspire this change
. Include the following:

1. Describe your organization (PRIME HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION), include the organization’s mission, and identify the various stakeholders.

2. Identify the external and internal forces that drive organizational change in your field or industry. Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of your organization.

3. Choose one of the driving forces. Describe the specific issues this driving force creates, or will potentially create, for your organization or department.

4. Propose the steps needed for your organization or department to respond to this driving force.

5. Predict how employees at various levels in the organization will respond to your proposed change initiative.

6. Develop a vision for change. Describe how this vision correlates with the organization’s mission, and how you will present this vision to internal stakeholders.

7. Predict how you think your vision will assist internal stakeholders in supporting the change initiative. Identify potential considerations posed by stakeholders and discuss how you will respond.

FOLLOW APA Guidelines. An abstract is not required.



Prime Healthcare Organization

Student’s Name(s)

Institutional Affiliation(s)

Course Details

Instructor’s Name(s)


Prime Healthcare Organization

Organizational Culture

Prime Healthcare Organization has a decentralized and hierarchy-based organizational and leadership structure, working in the best means to motivate subordinates and enhance growth and diversification. Real et al. (2017) confirm that decentralization in healthcare organizations improves communication for quality care and innovations. These elements change management by enhancing agility and response to a new standard. Besides, the organization’s mission is to save and promote hospitals to strengthen the compassion, quality, and better care to patients and communities. It is client-focused, where the organization targets the primary consumers of its services while focusing on the community as a whole. By being customer-based, the organization stands a chance to support change by enhancing convenience, quality, access, and response, while abolishing the boundaries. Madhani (2018) notes that by being customer-centric, the organization gains competitiveness by increasing customer engagement to promote collaboration.

Prime Healthcare Organization values include quality, compassion, community, and being physician-led by being committed to performance and exceptional care, providing dignity, serving and giving back to the community, and allowing direct health care at all levels by the doctors and clinicians. This element entails interprofessional collaboration in delivering care at diverse levels. The employees perceive the organization as decentralized, considering their active participation in the organization in all operations.

Capacity Assessment Framework- Assessing Readiness for Change

A Capacity Assessment Framework is designed by the UNDP to evaluate the organizational readiness to promote global health intervention (Dearing, 2018). Dearing notes that assessing organizational readiness entails measuring motivation and the capacity for those firms or service providers to participate in initiatives. A capacity assessment framework is a tool for addressing the organization’s readiness to intervention or change, which entails identifying significant capacities that exist and the additional ones required to attain the objectives. Therefore, this tool is a salient element for analyzing desire or needed capacities against the already existing ones for enhancing planning and response. Based on this tool, capacity assessment framework, the Prime Healthcare Orga


Prime Healthcare Organization

Student’s Name(s)

Institutional Affiliation(s)

Course Details

Instructor’s Name(s)


Prime Healthcare Organization

Organizational Culture

Prime Healthcare Organization has a decentralized and hierarchy-based organizational and leadership structure, working in the best means to motivate subordinates and enhance growth and diversification. Real et al. (2017) confirm that decentralization in healthcare organizations improves communication for quality care and innovations. These elements change management by enhancing agility and response to a new standard. Besides, the organization’s mission is to save and promote hospitals to strengthen the compassion, quality, and better care to patients and communities. It is client-focused, where the organization targets the primary consumers of its services while focusing on the community as a whole. By being customer-based, the organization stands a chance to support change by enhancing convenience, quality, access, and response, while abolishing the boundaries. Madhani (2018) notes that by being customer-centric, the organization gains competitiveness by increasing customer engagement to promote collaboration.

Prime Healthcare Organization values include quality, compassion, community, and being physician-led by being committed to performance and exceptional care, providing dignity, serving and giving back to the community, and allowing direct health care at all levels by the doctors and clinicians. This element entails interprofessional collaboration in delivering care at diverse levels. The employees perceive the organization as decentralized, considering their active participation in the organization in all operations.

Capacity Assessment Framework- Assessing Readiness for Change

A Capacity Assessment Framework is designed by the UNDP to evaluate the organizational readiness to promote global health intervention (Dearing, 2018). Dearing notes that assessing organizational readiness entails measuring motivation and the capacity for those firms or service providers to participate in initiatives. A capacity assessment framework is a tool for addressing the organization’s readiness to intervention or change, which entails identifying significant capacities that exist and the additional ones required to attain the objectives. Therefore, this tool is a salient element for analyzing desire or needed capacities against the already existing ones for enhancing planning and response. Based on this tool, capacity assessment framework, the Prime Healthcare Orga